Friday, April 7, 2017

GRRR....Be there to help with mulch!

Parents and Scouts:

We are getting close to the BIG Mulch Delivery Day[s]!  April 21st and April 22nd.  WE NEED YOU!

Please see the attached Excel sign-up sheet for the Friday and Saturday activity.  Review this sign-up sheet and on Tuesday 4/11 and 4/118, a copy of this will be posted for you to add your time that you will be able to assist. 

I really need ALL scouts to participate!  

The one time slot at the end of the day on Saturday is also critical.  I am looking for at least 80% participation on this time slot. We have found in the past that all of the help disappears and we struggle to finish.  All other slots I am targeting at least 90% of the troop participating.  If we don’t get done on Saturday – we may need to finish on Sunday as a back-up plan.  Please let me know if you are available for that day as well – just as a contingency plan.

Be there!  

You should be there as much as possible during this two days.  You have the ability to make money for your scout account, which can be used for scouting events and uniform supplies.

I will not be at the meeting on Tuesday night 4/11 BUT… the expectation is for scouts to sign-up either via email or at a meeting [4/11 or 4/18].  All you have to do is put an “x” in the time SLOTS[multiple is expected!].  I will review and then determine our readiness for the event. 

If your parents can help GREAT!.  If they have access to a truck for us to use – AWESOME!  Please mark that accordingly in the sign-up sheet.  If you are an adult leader in the troop and don’t have a scout in the troop please note at the bottom of the sign-up sheet there is a spot for you!

New Webelos just joining  -  WE NEED YOU TOO!  Please sign up as well.

If you have any questions please let me know.

Great ready – GRRRRRRR!


Kirk Bohanan
Scoutmaster Troop 136

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