Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Mulch, MVSR Summer camp, & Chief Logan


Mulch Sale:
It begins this Sunday March 1st!  
Here is a link to sign up:  http://bit.ly/MulchSale2020

Mulch delivery is Friday, April 17th and Saturday, April 18th using the same link. Every Scout and parent is expected to help.  If you are not able to help on either April 17th or April 18th, please let me know why you and/or your Scout is not able to help on these two dates in April.  Every Scout needs to help with this fundraiser.  This is their opportunity to earn money to pay for summer camp and other activities..

Summer Camp:
Can you believe it?  We are already talking about summer camp?  I will give a brief overview of summer camp options next week on March 3rd. The annual presentation on summer camp will on May 5th.  We will also discuss how to pack for summer camp at the meeting in May.  Parents are encouraged to attend this short meeting next week between 7:05 and 7:15.  This meeting will be about the registration options for both summer camps, the first year program and the merit badge options.  

MVSR (Normal week of summer camp): The $25 fee for the early bird at MVSR is also due March 3rd.  The balance or total is $270 to attend camp due on 

Chief Logan (I am going and Scouts may go with me): There is no deposit, but the final amount of $280 is due on April 14th.  This camp is more expensive so the focus would be for the Scouts to attend MVSR with the troop.  The committee thinks that everyone going the same week is a good idea, but since I am also going to Chief Logan,Scouts may choose to attend this camp as well. 

Permission Slips:
MVSR Summer Camp #$25 due next Tuesday March 3rd for the early bird price, the total amount of $270 is due on May 5th:

Chief Logan Summer Camp due April 14th:

Troop Yearly Plan Calendar: 

Troop Meeting Plans:

Upcoming Dates:
February 29th - SCUBA Diving
March 3rd - Summer Camp Meeting @7 pm MVSR $25 Early bird payment due
March 6th-8th - Maple Fest
April 3rd-5th - Spring Camporee at Chief Logan
April 14th - Summer Camp Chief Logan payment due $280
May 5th - Summer Camp Meeting Presentation "How do I pack for summer camp?"  MVSR Final payment due Total: $270
May 22nd-25th - Mystery Campout

Phillip Freeman

Scoutmaster, Troop 136 in Grove City, OH 

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Summer Camp info

Hi again!

Are you craving warmer weather and are thinking about summer and no school?  Maybe you are thinking about summer camp already?  If so, you are in luck!  I have information about summer camps!

I know it is early, but I'd rather let you know about some due dates now so that you can plan accordingly.  I am excited for our summer camp adventures.  I am also excited about two summer camp options this summer!  There are two options for your Scout this summer:

Option #1 - Muskingum Valley Scout Reservation June 28 - July 4th!
This is our annual week of camp and is the focus of Troop summer camp program. Their theme this summer: Myths and Legends

Here is the summer camp logo for MVSR:

We have the same campsite as last year - Zane.  It is a very nicely shaded campsite.  This is our third year at MVSR.  Historically we have been to a summer camp for two years and then we go to another camp for two years to have different experiences at another summer camp.  Be thinking about what you would like to do for 2021!  Do you want to continue going to MVSR or do you want to go to anther camp?  I will ask at our next few troop meetings and be getting feedback from you.  This will also be discussed at the next PLC Meeting.

What you need to do if you want to go to the MVSR summer camp:
1.  Make a $25, non-refundable deposit by March 3rd, 2020 and your Scout will receive the early bird incentive item.
2.  Pay the rest of the amount needed for the $270 by May 5th.  After this date, the price goes to $285.
These dates give us time to go to the council office and make a payment for the camp.  

Option #2 - Chief Logan Reservation July 5 - July 11th  
In case you cannot make it for the MVSR Summer Camp June 28- July 4, I have decided to go to Chief Logan and spend a week at this camp since this might be the last year for Scouts to go to summer camp at Chief Logan.  The decision to close the camp will be made in May by our council.  If you want to experience Chief Logan, you are invited to go with me July 5th - July 11th.  It is not required and is definitely not something you have to do.  I wanted to experience Chief Logan myself.  They have a great Frontiersman program and I am hoping to be able to complete the first year program while at camp.

What you need to do if you want to go to Chief Logan summer camp:  
1.  Make a deposit of $280 by April 7th.
2.  Or make a deposit after April 7th until May 12th for $300
3.  Or after April 12th, it is $320.
These dates give us time to go to the council office and make a payment for the camp.

What you need to do if you want to go to one of the summer camps:
1.  Deposit for Summer Camp #1 - Muskingum Valley Scout Reservation is due March 3rd for the amount $25 for the early bird price.
2.  Payment for Summer Camp #2 - Chief Logan is due April 7th for the $280 price.
These dates give us time to go to the council office and make a payment for the camp. 

The permission slips for these campouts will be given out at the meeting on Tuesday night and shared in the next email to parents.  Let me know if you have any questions.

Phillip Freeman
Scoutmaster, Troop 136 in Grove City, OH 

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Campout equipment and cooking

Hi again!

The Scouts who are cooking this weekend will need to share with me your meal plans.  I only got a couple of them last night.  You can send me a picture in a text or as an email attachment.  I want to be sure I know the utensils that you need to cook your meals.  I will bring all of the items you need to cook the meal, but you will need to bring the items needed to cook.   It sounds like we need at least four stoves for you to cook on this weekend.  I also did not get the names of those cooking and who they are cooking for in your groups.  That is important for me to know as well.

Those Scouts working on their Cooking Merit Badge will be responsible for purchasing their food items.  I called and talked with Todd last night, both Todd and I agreed that those Scouts working on the Cooking Merit Badge will purchase the food they need to cook for the Merit Badge.   Those Scouts working on the Second Class and First Class advancement would only be responsible for cooking the food purchased by the Troop. For example, think about a Scout working on the Woodwork Merit Badge.  The troop does not provide the wood kit for the Scout to take with him to complete the Woodwork Merit Badge.  The same would be for the food that the Scout needs to complete the Cooking Merit Badge.  I hope this helps to explain why we are asking the Scouts to purchase the food they will be making at this event. 

Please keep your receipts and being them on Tuesday to the meeting.  
I have attached a form that you will need to complete for reimbursement.

Also, I learned something new about our troop that has been done for the Cooking Merit Badge. The Cooking Merit Badge counselor has met Scouts before or during the troop meetings at the campfire area and they worked on the cooking during this time.  This might be something that we can do for those that need to earn their Cooking Merit badge.  They would work with the Merit Badge counselor.  Cooking in the warmer temperatures might be a good idea!  :)  

Those going on the trip this weekend will need to plan for very cold weather camping.  The forecast is still about the same.  It will be colder on Friday night: 

FEB 14
Partly Cloudy
NNW 6 mph

FEB 15
Partly Cloudy
S 7 mph

FEB 16
Mostly Cloudy
SW 7 mph

What should I bring this weekend?
Here is a link to a Boy's Life article and pdf  about some basics for Cold Weather Outings.

Items to consider bringing and do during the campout:
Blanket over your head - One of the items that is not listed is a blanket to cover your head.  In the winter, I have a polyester hat and blanket that I have that allows me to breath warmer air than the cold air in my tent.  

Ground pad - Another items is to be sure that you have a good ground pad.  You do not want the cold ground to be next to your body.  You must have something that gets you off the ground.  

Bathroom - I always go to the bathroom before going to bed on a cold night.  It is much better sleeping on an empty bladder and not having to go to the bathroom during the night.

Sleeping clothes - I also have a complete set of clothes that I only use for sleeping.  I take off all of my clothes including socks and underwear.  I change into the fleece top, bottom fleece and socks only, no cotton underwear or cotton t-shirt.  The fleece wicks the moisture away from your body and keeps you warmer.

Batteries - Bring extra flashlight batteries because the colder temperatures makes the batteries lost their charge faster.

Hand Warmers - Bring several hand and feet warmers with you.  They very helpful in keeping you warm. 

Backpack or Rubbermaid tote - We will be using the trailer this weekend, so if you want to pack your items in a backpack or a Rubbermaid tote, you can choose either one.  Whatever works best for you.

Socks - You need to bring at least two pairs of socks for each day.  I think five pairs of socks should be good.  Do not bring cotton socks.  They need to be a blend or wool socks.  

Who is ready?  I am looking forward to earning another Polar Bear Patch for sleeping in the cold weather.  Are you?

Phillip Freeman
Scoutmaster, Troop 136 in Grove City, OH 

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Scout Sunday, permission forms, and campouts

Religious - Scout Sunday, Duty to God on February 9th  
Thanks to several of our Scouts that were present at Scout Sunday.  Jim Rose started our Duty to God program again with the Scouts.  It is still not too late to begin if you could not attend the first meeting.  We were asked to help with the second service as well and so our meeting was a little shorter than we expected.  Jim met with those Scouts who were interested and as of right now, most of the Scouts wanted to meet at 6 pm before the meeting on Tuesday nights.  This would give them time to meet every other week for about three months.  This will begin some time within the next three or four weeks. There will be service projects involved and logging their daily Bible reading.  Thanks again to Jim Rose for taking the lead on this program for the Scouts.  I appreciate it!

Item that needs to be turned in this week 2/11:
1.  Permission Form for Maple Fest
Campout Maple Fest - March 6-8, 2020 Permission Form is due February 11th
We are helping with the Maple Fest at this campout.  Our station for the weekend will be the rope station.  The Scouts will be able to work in teams on this event.  Only one team will have to be at the rope station during the day.  This will allow the other team (s) to go and explore the Maple Fest.  The teams will take turns showing Cub Scouts the rope station. 

Campout next weekend for Chief Logan Klondike Feb 
We will have a great weekend camping at Chief Logan.  Plan for rain and cold weather. 
Here is the flyer for those that are going to learn more about what we will be doing:  https://skcscouts.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/flyer-Barb-Wasmer-3.pdf
You may want to prepare for these competition events:
Bow drill/First Aid 
Flint and Steel 
Most creative fire starting 
Catapult snow balls/first aid 
Light, med, real snow balls 
Dessert competition 
Service project 
Sled race 
Luau dinner provided  

If you are wanting to work on any of the Cooking for advancement or to being the Cooking Merit Badge, you will need to do the following:
Find ads from this week's newspapers and bring to the meeting.
Look at the Myplate.gov website and think about the items that are on sale.
Mr. Betz will be leading the discussion of thee merit badge tonight at the meeting for those interested in earning either the cooking requirements for the merit badge or the cooking requirements advancement.  This will be done during the skills instruction time at the meeting tonight.
Here are the Cooking Merit Badge Requirements:
5. Camp cooking. Do the following:
(a) Using the MyPlate food guide or the current USDA nutrition model, plan five meals for your patrol (or a similar size group of up to eight youth, including you) for a camping trip. Your menus should include enough food for each person, keeping in mind any special needs (such as food allergies) and how you keep your foods safe and free from cross-contamination. These five meals must include at least one breakfast, one lunch, one dinner, AND at least one snack OR one dessert. List the equipment and utensils needed to prepare and serve these meals.
(b) Create a shopping list for your meals showing the amount of food needed to prepare and serve each meal, and the cost for each meal.
(c) Share and discuss your meal plan and shopping list with your counselor.
(d) In the outdoors, using your menu plans for this requirement, cook two of the five meals you planned using either a lightweight stove or a low-impact fire. Use a different cooking method from requirement 3 for each meal. You must also cook a third meal using either a Dutch oven OR a foil pack OR kabobs. Serve all of these meals to your patrol or a group of youth. **
(e) In the outdoors, prepare a dessert OR a snack and serve it to your patrol or a group of youth.**
(f) After each meal, have those you served evaluate the meal on presentation and taste, and then evaluate your own meal. Discuss what you learned with your counselor, including any adjustments that could have improved or enhanced your meals. Tell how planning and preparation help ensure successful outdoor cooking.
(g) Explain to your counselor how you cleaned the equipment, utensils, and the cooking site thoroughly after each meal. Explain how you properly disposed of dishwater and of all garbage.
(h) Discuss how you followed the Outdoor Code and no-trace principles when preparing your meals.

Here is the weather forecast for this weekend.  We might get a Polar Bear patch by camping outside in the cold weather:

FEB 14
Mostly Sunny
NW 7 mph

FEB 15
Partly Cloudy
SSE 7 mph

FEB 16
SW 7 mph

2/25 Parent Meeting for the Mystery Campout over Memorial Day Weekend:
We will have another parent meeting on Tuesday, February 25th @ 7:15 PM.  This will be the meeting we pass out the permission forms for you to sign and turn back in at the meeting. You may also ask questions that you may have for the trip.  All items for this campout, permission forms and deposits will be due one month later on March 31st. 

Future Dates from the 2020 Yearly Program Plan:
February 14-16 Chief Logan Klondike at Chief Logan
February 25 Parent Meeting for Mystery Campout
February 29 SCUBA in Westerville with Captain Rick's SCUBA
March 1 Mulch Sales Begin with passing out flyers on Sunday afternoon
March 6-8 Maple Fest at Camp Lazarus
April 3-5 Spring Camporee at Chief Logan
April 17-18 Mulch delivery
April 24-26 Tar Hollow Campout with Pack 136
May 22-25 Mystery Campout (Location is a SECRET!)

Phillip Freeman

Scoutmaster, Troop 136 in Grove City, OH 

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Scout Sunday, Parent Meeting, Program plan

Good afternoon!

Religious - Scout Sunday, Duty to God on February 9th  
Right now, there are only four Scouts that have signed up for this really cool opportunity!  You can still sign up between now and Sunday morning!  Be at the church at 8:30 AM on Sunday.  We will begin handing out the programs for the service at that time.  We will pass out the collection plates and a Scout could read the scripture to the church. Please let me know if you are interested.  I will put you in touch with the pastor at the church to get your reading so that you can practice it before Sunday.  Here is the signup for Scout Sunday:  https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050d49aca62fa1fe3-scout

On Sunday after Scout Sunday, we have a great opportunity offered to us by Assistant Scoutmaster Jim Rose to earn a Duty to God Award religious knot as a youth.  Here is where you can find the information:  https://www.praypub.org/religious-emblems 

The Duty to God will be done over three months.  There will be one meeting each month.  Once we meet on Sunday, we will determine when we want to meet again and the outline of the program.  This is a great opportunity for our Scouts to learn more about how they honor God while in Scouting.  Here is the website for more information:   https://www.scouting.org/awards/religious-awards/    and    https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/512-879_WB.pdf

Item that needs to be turned in next week 2/11:
1.  Permission Form for Maple Fest
Campout Maple Fest - March 6-8, 2020 Permission Form is due February 11th
We are helping with the Maple Fest at this campout.  Our station for the weekend will be the rope station.  The Scouts will be able to work in teams on this event.  Only one team will have to be at the rope station during the day.  This will allow the other team (s) to go and explore the Maple Fest.  The teams will take turns showing Cub Scouts the rope station. 

2/25 Parent Meeting for the Mystery Campout over Memorial Day Weekend:
We will have another parent meeting on Tuesday, February 25th @ 7:15 PM.  This will be the meeting we pass out the permission forms and also allow you to ask questions that you may have for the trip.  All items for this campout, permission forms and deposits will be due one month later on March 31st.

Future Dates from the 2020 Yearly Program Plan:
February 14-16 Chief Logan Klondike at Chief Logan
February 25 Parent Meeting for Mystery Campout
February 29 SCUBA in Westerville with Captain Rick's SCUBA
March 1 Mulch Sales Begin with passing out flyers on Sunday afternoon
March 6-8 Maple Fest at Camp Lazarus
April 3-5 Spring Camporee at Chief Logan
April 17-18 Mulch delivery
April 24-26 Tar Hollow Campout with Pack 136
May 22-25 Mystery Campout (Location is a SECRET!)

Phillip Freeman

Scoutmaster, Troop 136 in Grove City, OH