Tuesday, January 30, 2024


 Klondike Derby 2024:  What a great time the Warlord Patrol had at Camp Lazarus on Saturday.  The scouts learned a lot about teamwork and improved on their teamwork as the day progressed.  The scouts worked together to take a bike apart, move it and reassemble it, tie a swing to cross a stream, shoot 22 rifles, work together to raise their sled off the ground using a pulley system, build a fire using flint and steel, first aid skills, remove disks from the center of a circle and using logs and rope to pull a heavy object.  Thank you to Mr. Baughman for helping the scouts modify the sled with wheels.  Thank you to Mr. Guay for driving, providing a  trailer to transport the sled and teaching the scouts some new skills.  Thank you to Mr. Baughman, Mr. Blackstone and Mr. Guay for attending and providing leadership for our scouts.  Great job working together Scouts!

Court of Honor:  Tuesday 1/30/2024 is our next Court of Honor.  Please come support the scouts and celebrate their advancements and badges.  We will also celebrate with Mr. Baughman as he receives his Woodbadge Beads and Neckerchief after he completed his ticket.  Following these celebrations, we hope everyone will join us for some pizza, salad, desserts and some fellowship.  

Scout Sunday,  A scout is Reverent:  Please join us this Sunday, 2/4/202, at 10am to worship with members of the First Presbyterian Church.  Let's show the congregation our appreciation for all their support of Troop 136 and Pack 136.  

Merit Badge Super Saturday:  There is a Merit Badge Super Saturday on 2/10/2024 at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Galloway, OH..  Below is a link for more information on this event. Registration opened 1/21/2024. 

Merit Badge Academy:  The Epsilon Tau Pi brotherhood is hosting its first ever Merit Badge Academy over two weekends on 2/10/2024 and 3/2/2024 at the Ohio University Campus.  I have attached a flyer for this event.

Visit Ohio Statehouse:  The scouts asked about visiting the Ohio Statehouse so we have arranged a tour of the Statehouse on Saturday, 2/17/2024 from noon to 2pm.  We will meet at the First Presbyterian Church at 11am and carpool to the Statehouse for a tour.  Be on the lookout for a sign up for this event.

Pumpkin Patch Update:  We will have some final numbers for our Pumpkin Patch regarding the amount sold, hours worked and profit soon but there were 7 scouts who earned $50 or more for the hours they worked.  Mr. Baughman will be able to update everyone individually on the amount they earned.

Sheds:   After 5 plus years of working with the church and the city of Grove City, the first of our sheds has been delivered.  The order for the next two sheds will be placed soon.  
There are a lot of thanks to go around with all the work that has been done.  Phil Freeman for placing the order.  The scouts and adults who returned from the Air Force Trip in November,  who cleaned the gear out of the shed and stored it in the trailers.  Chris Lahman who arranged for the bobcat to clean up the area behind the sheds.  Jason Savage who arranged for the dumpster for the clean up.  The clean up crew of Adam Frost, Roland Guay, Jim Baughman, Ron Newcomb, and Zack Newcomb, who cleaned up behind the sheds.  Jim Baughman for measuring and marking the sites for the sheds. Roland Guay for moving the last two sheds and dumpster to make way for the last two sheds.  Bo Blackston and the Purple Door Church for donating lumber from risers that were disassembled to be used for shelving. The crew of Roland Guay, Cory Edeards, Jim Baurhman, James Baughman and Ron Newcomb who tore the risers out and disassembled them.   Cory Edeards and Roland Guay for cutting, building and assembling the shelves in the shed. Roland Guay for ordering the steel and arranging for the new security bars to be cut, welded and secured to the shed.  It's likely that I forgot someone who was instrumental in this process, but what I really wanted everyone to see is what a group effort this has been up to this point and how proud I am of our adults and scouts.  We will be needing more help when we get the new sheds delivered and we need to clean out the old sheds and break them down.     

Upcoming Events:
2/4:                     Scout Sunday, 10am, First Presbyterian Church
2/4:                     PLC Meeting, 4:30 pm, First Presbyterian Church
2/4:                     Committee Meeting, 7pm, First Presbyterian Church
2/17:                   Tour of the Ohio Statehouse from noon to 2pm.  Meeting at the church at 11am
3/1 - 3/3:             Maple Fest at Camp Lazarus
3/3:                     PLC Meeting, 4:30pm, First Presbyterian Church
3/3:                     Committee Meeting, 7pm, First Presbyterian Church
3/25 - 3/29:         Spring Break, no troop meeting          
4/7:                     Committee Meeting
4/12 – 4/14:       OA Spring Fellowship at Camp Lazarus
4/19 – 4/21:       Troop Campout at Hocking Hills
4/26 – 4/28:       Troop 136 Mulch Delivery and Spreading
5/5:                      PLC Meeting
5/5:                      Committee Meeting
5/3 – 5/5:            Pack 136 Spring Campout
5/10 – 5/11:       Guarding Flowers at Gantz
5/17 – 5/19:       OA Conclave at Camp Manatoc
5/31 – 6/1:         Ordeal / Brotherhood at Camp Falling Rock
5/31 – 6/1:         New Scout Campout
6/2:                      PLC Meeting
6/2:                      Committee Meeting
6/9 - 6/26:           Philmont Scout Ranch
6/30 - 7/6:          Summer Camp, Camp Falling Rock, no troop meeting
7/14 - 7/20:        Seabase
8/4:                      PLC Meeting
8/4:                      Committee Meeting

Upcoming youth and adult training opportunities

 NYLT:   NYLT (National Youth Leadership Training) is the first level of training available to the youth of Scouts BSA.  This course is youth led by scouts who have been through the course and have come back to share their knowledge and leadership skills with other youth.  There are three different courses:  a two weekend course in April at Camp Lazarus, a one week course in June at Camp Oyo and a two weekend course in August at Camp Lazarus.  To qualify, a youth must be First Class rank, at least 13 years old and  approved by the Scoutmaster.  Last year we had three of our youth complete these courses:  Zack N, Henry C and  Nick B.  Nick has decided to come back and help to be on staff at the June Course.  This is a great opportunity to learn leadership skills that will be valuable to our scouts and our troop.   The cost is $250, however, if the scout earns their bolo, the troop will reimburse that cost. If you're interested or have any questions, please come see me.  The link for more information and to sign up is below.

Blackoot 44:  Blackfoot is an Enhanced Scoutmaster Fundamentals Course.  This course, however, is not just for Scoutmasters, it is for any adult who wants to learn the fundamentals of scouting and be able to help guide our youth.  Mr. Freeman has been on staff for this course and is going to staff the course this year.  The course covers one Saturday in March, and two weekends, one in March and one in April.  If you have any questions, please reach out to me or to Mr. Freeman.  For more information or to register, use the link below:

Woodbadge 2024:  Woodbadge is a two weekend advanced adult leadership course in April and May that is available to scouting volunteers.  Some of the things that participants will experience on this course are:  Listening, Managing Conflict, Leading Change, Team Development, Coaching and Mentoring, Leadership for different stages, Servant Leadership, Project Planning and more. Participants will complete a ticket that consists of goals determined by the participants and once completed,  will earn their beads.  Mr. Baughman has completed his ticket and will have his beading ceremony on Tuesday at our Court of Honor.  Our Committee Chair, Jason Savage, has also completed his ticket and will be scheduling his beading ceremony in the near future.  If you have any questions, please let me know.  Below is the link to register:

Green Bar Training:  Green Bar, like Blackfoot, is an Enhanced Training for Adult Scout leaders.  This will be a two weekend course in August and September.  Robin Bernhart has been on staff for this course and I will be on staff this Fall.  If you are in Scouts BSA or plan on transitioning to Scouts BSA, Green Bar is the place for you! Green Bar has been designated for Scoutmasters, Assistant Scoutmasters and Troop Committee Members. Green Bar is a hands-on format with 32 hours of lively and fun instruction over two weekends which earns certification in the Scoutmaster/Assistant Scoutmaster position & Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills.  Green Bar emphasizes servant leadership and creates long lasting connections with other adult leaders and makes you part of our Green Bar Family.  If you have any questions, please let me know.  Below is the link for more information or to register:

Every scout deserves trained leaders and these adult training courses are excellent ways to enhance our troop and the experience for our scouts and they are fun.  There are scholarships available for all of these courses.  

Tuesday, January 23, 2024


 Hello Troop 136,

Den Chiefs:  Thank you to all the Den Chiefs who helped support Pack 136 during their annual Pinewood Derby.  The Pack had a great turn out and everyone had a lot of fun.  

2024 Klondike Derby:  Gateway district of Simon Kenton Council is holding their annual Klondike Derby at Camp Lazarus on Saturday, 1/27/2024.  The scouts have decided that they prefer to attend as a day event and not camp on Friday or Saturday.  Last year, after the event, three scouts and three adults tent camped at Camp Lazarus.  We used backpacking stoves and cooked our own food and enjoyed an evening around the campfire.  I would like to offer this option again this year for those who are interested.  We will meet on Saturday morning at 7am at the First Presbyterian Church, load up the sled and the gear and leave by 7:15 in order to be at Camp Lazarus around 8am.  I have attached the final bulletin which details the event and the required items for the participants.  The cost is $15 per person.  Everyone should bring lunch and dress appropriately for the weather.  Below is a sign up genius for those who are planning on attending the event as well as the permission slip.  I will have permission slips at the meeting on Tuesday.

Court of Honor:  Troop 136 will be holding a Court of Honor on Tuesday, 1/30/24 at the troop meeting.  We would like to make this a potluck event so that we can enjoy some time together.  I will be making a post on Band asking people to comment with the item they would like to bring.

Scout Sunday:  Scout Sunday 2024 is Sunday, 2/4/2024.  It would be great for our Troop to be well represented at the church service at the First Presbyterian Church at 10am on Sunday, 2/4/2024.

Merit Badge Super Saturday:  There is a Merit Badge Super Saturday on 2/10/2024 at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Galloway, OH..  Below is a link for more information on this event. Registration will open on 1/21/2024. 

Merit Badge Academy:  The Epsilon Tau Pi brotherhood is hosting its first ever Merit Badge Academy over two weekends on 2/10/2024 and 3/2/2024 at the Ohio University Campus.  I have attached a flyer for this event.

Visit Ohio Statehouse:  The scouts asked about visiting the Ohio Statehouse so we have arranged a tour of the Statehouse on Saturday, 2/17/2024 from noon to 2pm.  We will meet at the First Presbyterian Church at 11am and carpool to the Statehouse for a tour.  

Upcoming events:-
1/27:          Klondike Derby at Camp Lazarus
1/27:          OA Leadership Development Training and Banquet at Simon Kenton Office
2/4:            PLC Meeting
2/17:          Tour of Ohio State House from Noon to 2pm
3/1 – 3/3:  Maple fest at Camp Lazarus
3/3:             PLC Meeting
3/25 – 3/29: Spring Break / No meeting
·        4/7:                       PLC Meeting
·        4/12 – 4/14:       OA Spring Fellowship at Camp Lazarus
·        4/19 – 4/21:       Troop Campout at Hocking Hills
·        4/26 – 4/28:       Troop 136 Mulch Delivery and Spreading
·        5/5:                      PLC Meeting
·        5/3 – 5/5:            Pack 136 Spring Campout
·        5/10 – 5/11:       Guarding Flowers at Gantz
·        5/17 – 5/19:       OA Conclave at Camp Manatoc
·        5/31 – 6/1:         Ordeal / Brotherhood at Camp Falling Rock
·        5/31 – 6/1:         New Scout Campout

Thursday, January 11, 2024


 Happy New Year Troop 136,

I hope everyone had a great winter break and were able to spend time with friends and family.  We've got lots of things coming up quickly.

2024 Klondike Derby:  Gateway district of Simon Kenton Council is holding their annual Klondike Derby at Camp Lazarus on Saturday, 1/27/2024.  The scouts have decided that they prefer to attend as a day event and not camp on Friday or Saturday.  Last year, after the event, three scouts and three adults tent camped at Camp Lazarus.  We used backpacking stoves and cooked our own food and enjoyed an evening around the campfire.  I would like to offer this option again this year for those who are interested.  We will meet on Saturday morning at 7am at the First Presbyterian Church, load up the sled and the gear and leave by 7:15 in order to be at Camp Lazarus around 8am.  I have attached the final bulletin which details the event and the required items for the participants.  The cost is $15 per person.  Everyone should bring lunch and dress appropriately for the weather.  Below is a sign up genius for those who are planning on attending the event.  I will have permission slips ready by Tuesday the 23rd.  

Court of Honor:  Troop 136 will be holding a Court of Honor on Tuesday, 1/30/24 at the troop meeting.  We would like to make this a potluck event so that we can enjoy some time together.  I will be making a post on Band asking people to comment with the item they would like to bring.

Scout Sunday:  Scout Sunday 2024 is Sunday, 2/4/2024.  It would be great for our Troop to be well represented at the church service at the First Presbyterian Church at 10am on Sunday, 2/4/2024.

Merit Badge Super Saturday:  There is a Merit Badge Super Saturday on 2/10/2024 at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Galloway, OH..  Below is a link for more information on this event. Registration will open on 1/21/2024. 

Merit Badge Academy:  The Epsilon Tau Pi brotherhood is hosting its first ever Merit Badge Academy over two weekends on 2/10/2024 and 3/2/2024 at the Ohio University Campus.  

Visit Ohio Statehouse:  The scouts asked about visiting the Ohio Statehouse so we have arranged a tour of the Statehouse on Saturday, 2/17/2024 from noon to 2pm.  We will meet at the First Presbyterian Church at 11am and carpool to the Statehouse for a tour.  

Upcoming events:

·        1/26-1/27:          Klondike Derby at Camp Lazarus
·        1/27:                    OA Leadership Development Training and Banquet at Simon Kenton Office
·        2/4:                       PLC Meeting
·        2/17:                    Tour of Ohio State House from Noon to 2pm
·        3/1 – 3/3:            Maple fest at Camp Lazarus
·        3/3:                       PLC Meeting
·        3/25 – 3/29:       Spring Break / No meeting
·        4/7:                       PLC Meeting
·        4/12 – 4/14:       OA Spring Fellowship at Camp Lazarus
·        4/19 – 4/21:       Troop Campout at Hocking Hills
·        4/26 – 4/28:       Troop 136 Mulch Delivery and Spreading
·        5/5:                      PLC Meeting
·        5/3 – 5/5:            Pack 136 Spring Campout
·        5/10 – 5/11:       Guarding Flowers at Gantz
·        5/17 – 5/19:       OA Conclave at Camp Manatoc
·        5/31 – 6/1:         Ordeal / Brotherhood at Camp Falling Rock
·        5/31 – 6/1:         New Scout Campout