Monday, November 25, 2019

Food Drive, Overnight Campout, Mystery Campout Meeting for adults, and future dates and information....

Hey Troop 136!

Food Drive this Tuesday:
Please bring at least two canned or non-perishable food items for the church.  We will collect and give to the church.  We will take a picture at the flag ceremony at the beginning of the meeting with the canned food items so be here early for to be in the picture!  You are not limited to just two items!  Please give an amount you feel would benefit others during this time of the year.

December 6-7 overnight sleepover:
Our overnight at the church will begin on Friday, December 6th at 6 pm.  The PLC will have input when we meet this week right after the meeting as well regarding the activities that we do on Friday night.  I will share their feedback after they meet and talk about the event after Tuesday night. I am sure they have some ideas about what they want to take place during the sleepover. No cost for the pizza and sleeping on Friday night!

Mystery Campout Meeting:
At one of the meetings in December, we will have a Mystery Campout Meeting for the adults.  It will be either the 10th or 17th.  I will let you know when this will be so that you can attend.  There will be details shared at the meeting about the trip.  This is for adults only and nothing will be shared with the Scouts.  No details of the meeting or the location will be shared with the Scouts!  We want for this to be a surprise!

Optional December 13-15 Christmas in the Cave Campout:
At the October PLC Meeting Darryl Betz proposed to the Scouts the option to go camping in the Kiwanis Cabin and hike the trails at Hocking Hills.  The Scouts wanted more information and so tomorrow night, Darryl Betz will talk about the opportunity to go camping in a secluded cabin in the woods and have a great time hiking the cave trails that weekend.  This is a special event and a lot of fun!  This was not originally on the yearly plan, but is an option for Scouts to go in they wanted to experience the area during the winter time. You will need to sign up by Tuesday, December 10th.

January 10-12 Campout:
Signups for the campout will be closed on Tuesday, December 17th at the beginning of the meeting.  The PLC will be planning the menu at the December   The cost is $33 for the scouts and $38 for the adults.  We need to know by Tuesday, December 17th to order the group tickets.  We need at least 12 scouts and adult to go to get the discount.  This is a campout that many scouts were excited for when the PLC was planning the event.  I have never been to the Rock and Roll Hall of fame, so I am excited.

December Meetings: 
We will not meet on December 24th and December 31st.  Spend time with your family!  Enjoy the break!  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!  We will continue our meetings on January 7th.

February Campout:
We need to decide where you want to go as a troop in February.  We talked about going to Carter Caves in Kentucky or Marengo Caves in Indiana.  Another option might be Salt Petre cave in Kentucky.  Marengo Caves in Indiana does not have room for us February 14-16.  If we decide to go there, we need to go on February 21-23  They have cabin #3 and cabin #4 available that weekend available to rent on the February 21-23 weekend.  They had a large group book some time ago book the cave for the February 14-16.  If we want to go on the same weekend February 14-16 as previously planned, we can go to Carter Caves in Kentucky or Salt Petre caves in Kentucky.  I have heard great things about both with Salt Petre being one of the best campouts from a fellow Scoutmaster that attended the cave with their troop on the same weekend that we were at Margengo Caves.  I will start to get some additional information to present to you tomorrow night.  There is also another option that you may want to consider that is happening on the same weekend.  Chief Logan is having a Chief Logan Klondike campout that same weekend.  This is the camp that has been in the news recently and might be closed in September 2020.  If you have not been to this camp, this might be an option for our troop to at least experience this camp again before they decide to close the camp.

Blue Jacket Game:
One of the items that we had on the calendar for the month was to attend a Columbus Blue Jackets game.  They have the following games in February:  Friday, 2/7, Saturday 2/8, Friday 2/14 and Friday 2/28.  We just need to decide which night you want to attend.

SCUBA Diving 2/29:
I have reached out to Rick's SCUBA Diving to see if they are available on the February 29th.  I will know more when they respond.  Looks like the price on their website is $50 for an introductory SCUBA class.

Maple Syrup March 6-8 Campout:
We will be helping with the Maple Syrup Festival that weekend at Camp Lazarus.  We will be staying in the cabins and helping with the rope station.  Scouts will be able to rotate with the time for looking at the various Maple Syrup events during the day.  This is a great activity if you have never been to the festival.

Spring Camporee April 3-5, 2019:
This weekend is the Ohio Valley Spring Camporee that will be held at Chief Logan.  We will have the OA tapout this weekend.  This will also be the same weekend that Scouts an work on advancement with the Order of the Arrow that morning.  Lots of fun activities will be happening this weekend.  I will know more details as the campout get closer.

Helping Pack 136 April 24-26 Campout:
We will be helping with the spring campout with Pack 136. This is an annual event and a great way for the new incoming Scouts to get to know us.

Mystery Campout May 22-25 Campout:
Mystery Campout - I am not going into any details about this one! You will receive a packing list in March, but that is all that I can share at this time.  You will really enjoy this campout, but you Scouts will not know where we are going until we get there! This is the first time we have had a campout where all of the details will be planned by the adults.  This will be a once in a lifetime adventure!  Parents will have a meeting on December 10th or 17th.  Plan to be there to hear more information!

Yearly Calendar:

Phillip Freeman
Scoutmaster, Troop 136 in Grove City, OH 

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Pack meeting at 6:30 tonight

Good morning!

I missed a detail for the Pack Meeting tonight.  It actually begins at 6:30 and not 7 pm.  I know that some of you have practice and are coming straight from those practices tonight.  The Webelos cafe will be open and will be serving hot dogs and chips in case you wanted to purchase something here and support the Pack.  I normally purchase something from the Webelos Cafe when I come to the Pack Meetings.  This is a fundraiser for the Webelos Scouts.

See you tonight!

Phillip Freeman
Scoutmaster, Troop 136 in Grove City, OH 

Monday, November 11, 2019

3 Eagle Shootout

We had a fun time at the Three Eagle Shootout. While we were there we shot the rifle, shotgun and a chance to shoot an M-1 Grand. We also did a half hour of community service and went fishing while we were there. Brady caught a fish eating a fish using bait.
   During late October we did community service project, we cut out, sanding and painting a Nativity scene for The First Presbyterian Church.
   Troop 136 would also like to give our prayers and sympathy to the Hurt Family with the passing of their father Brad Callahan.

Next blog will be of Big Hiking Trip.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Yes we have a meeting this week along with the SPL elections

Hi again!

Please note that we will still meet on Tuesday, November 5th.  I had someone contact me asking if we were going to not have a meeting on Tuesday night because they saw that we were not going to have a service project between 6-7 pm.  At the committee meeting it was determined that my wording related to the meeting this week might be confusing.  I was referring to the service project when I stated that we would not meet for the service project this week.  Just know that we will be meeting because we have the SPL Elections this week on Tuesday night!!  

SPL Elections: We have four scouts who were nominated by their fellow scouts to be Senior Patrol Leader.  There will be a time for nomination again this week before all of those nominated scouts will present to their fellow scouts on Tuesday night about the reasons why they want to be Senior Patrol Leaders.  Just so that you are aware, we are even using technology with this election again.  We will have no hanging!  The results will be instantaneous.

Service Project:
November 5th (6 - 7 pm) We will NOT meet on this night!  We were able to cut, sand and paint the pieces last week.  Since the church will be used for voting, we will meet again on November 12th.  They look really nice!
November 12th (6 - 7 pm) We will meet to paint the other side of the nativity scene
The display will be setup at some point determined by the church.  I will share with you the details of the event when I find out.

See you on Tuesday night!

Phillip Freeman
Scoutmaster, Troop 136 in Grove City, OH 

Sunday, November 3, 2019

PLC Meeting, Service Project, SPL and Backpacking

Hi Troop 136!

PLC Meeting:
PLC meeting today at 4:30 pm.  Plan to be there to review the plan for November and plan the events in December.

Service Project:
November 5th (6 - 7 pm) We will NOT meet on this night!  We were able to cut, sand and paint the pieces last week.  Since the church will be used for voting, we will meet again on November 12th.  They look really nice!
November 12th (6 - 7 pm) We will meet to paint the other side of the nativity scene
The display will be setup at some point determined by the church.  I will share with you the details of the event when I find out.

Popcorn Kernel:
I just want to say thank to John for being our Popcorn Kernel again.  I really appreciate it a lot!  Thanks again!

Nominations for Senior Patrol Leader:
We will again take nominations for SPL in case a scout was not present last week and still wanted to be nominated.  We will vote on Tuesday night using the clickers.  Once the SPL is elected, he will choose his staff.  If you are running for SPL, be thinking about who you want to be with you on your PLC.  We will then take nominations for the Patrol Leaders on 11/12.  These votes will take place on 11/12.

Backpacking at Zaleski November 8 to November 10:
We are traveling to Zaleski next month for the backpacking trip.  This is a great event for first time scouts backpacking and for older scouts who have been backpacking.  Be prepared to take a short hike on 11/5.  All of the scouts will go on this short trip, whether they are going on the weekend trip or not.  Plan to bring some type of backpack for the event.
What if your scout does not have a backpack?  We have several of them that have been donated by previous scouts.  We will get these backpacks out  again at the meeting.  The scout will take the backpack they are borrowing with them pack their gear for the trip.  The backpacks will be available for you to borrow on a first-come, first-serve basis.  
We will leave the church on Friday, November 8 at 5:30 and be back around noon to 1 pm on Sunday.

Here is a good place to see a backpacking list:

If you are still reading this, thanks for sending me a message last week.  I will share those that responded at the committee meeting and we will have a drawing for the winner.

Meeting Plans:

Phillip Freeman
Scoutmaster, Troop 136 in Grove City, OH