Monday, April 22, 2024


 Mulch Sale 2024:  This upcoming weekend Troops 136 and 7136 will hold their biggest fundraiser of the year.  We will meet at the park beside 4927 Snowy Creek Drive in the Creekside development.

on Friday, 4/26/2024 as close to 6pm as possible.  If anyone can get there before that, we can use help.  On Saturday, 4/27/2024, we will begin at 8am by meeting at the same park and move over to the HOA area and spread mulch.  The Troop will provide lunch on Saturday of Subs, chips, cookies, and water.  Here is a link to sign up for the type of sub that you and your scout would like.  Anyone who is working, please sign up for a sub.  Boy Scout Troop 136 and Girl Scout Troop 7136: Mulch 2024 Sub sandwich sign up (  If anyone has any questions, please reach out to me, Jason Savage or Jeff Colburn at  If you have a truck and / or trailer, please respond to my post on the BAND App.  Remember, the mulch will stain clothes and hands so be sure to wear old clothes and gloves, dress for the weather and bring a water bottle.  

Pack 136 Campout:  Pack 136 is having their Spring campout at Camp Falling Rock on May 3-5.  If you're a den chief for the Pack and want to go help out at the Pack Campout, please let me know.

Ladies of Gantz Flower Sale:  Friday, May 10th, at 6pm, the Troop will be guarding the flowers at Gantz Park.  I will be getting a sign-up genius out for this.  This is always a fun event and you earn service hours for this event.  

Flag Placement at Green Lawn Cemetery:  On Saturday, May 25th at 9am, the Troops have been invited to place flags on the grave sites of deceased veterans at Green Lawn Cemetery.  There will be a memorial service following the placing of the flags.  More information on this to come.

Henry Ciocca Eagle Scout Project:  Henry Ciocca is asking for help on his Eagle Scout Project on Saturday, May 25th.  Henry's Eagle Scout Project is to re-work a large flower bed at the Grant Sawyer Home on Hahn Rd in Grove City.  The Grand Sawyer Home is believed to have been built in the 1830s and along with the Gantz house is on the National Register of Historic Places.  Henry will also be cleaning up the other flower beds and mulching.  Please put this on your calendar and come support Henry and the Southwest Franklin County Historical Society.  Time to be determined.

New Scout Camp out:  The troop has tentatively planned a New Scout Campout for the weekend of May 31st to June 2nd. 

Camp Falling Rock Summer Camp 2024:  Summer Camp this year is from Sunday, June 30th to Saturday July 6th at Camp Falling Rock.  Anyone who is planning to go to Summer Camp will need a current Medical Form A, B1,B2 and C.  I have attached those forms to this email.  Below is the link for the sign up:

Upcoming Events:

4/23:                    Troop meeting / Crew meeting
4/26 – 4/28:       Troop 136 Mulch Delivery and Spreading
5/5:                      PLC Meeting
5/5:                      Committee Meeting
5/3 – 5/5:            Pack 136 Spring Campout
5/10:                    Guarding Flowers at Gantz:  6pm
5/17 – 5/19:       OA Conclave at Camp Manatoc
5/25:                   Memorial Day Flag Placement Greenlawn Cemetery 
5/25:                   Henry Ciocca Eagle Scout Project
5/31 – 6/1:         Ordeal / Brotherhood at Camp Falling Rock
5/31 – 6/1:         New Scout Campout to be determined
6/2:                      PLC Meeting
6/2:                      Committee Meeting
6/9 - 6/26:           Philmont Scout Ranch
6/30 - 7/6:          Summer Camp, Camp Falling Rock, no troop meeting
7/14 - 7/20:        Seabase
8/4:                      PLC Meeting
8/4:                      Committee Meeting
8/30 - 9/1:          Put in Bay Campout
9/20 - 9/22:        Flight 93 Memorial Trip
10/12:                 Three Eagle Shootout
11/15 - 11/17:   Backpacking Trip
12/6 - 12/8:        Camp in and trip to Columbus Museum of Art

Thursday, April 11, 2024


 Solar Eclipse 2024:  I hope you all got a chance to enjoy the Solar Eclipse.  Remember, to earn the 2024 Solar Eclipse Patch, you will need to discuss what you saw during the eclipse or what happens during a solar eclipse.  Feel free to chat with any of the adults in the Troop about this and we can make sure that Mr. Baughman has your name down to earn the patch.

Parent's Meeting:  I would like to have a parent's meeting on Tuesday, 4/16/2024 to help answer questions that anyone may have.

April Hocking Hills Campout:    The PLC has been working on a plan to camp in the Hocking Hills over the weekend of April 19-21.  They have several different ideas to nail down as far as the events they want to do.  I will have a permission slip ready for the campout at the next troop meeting.

Mulch update:   Hey scouts and parents.  Mulch is coming up at the end of this month.  We will be delivering Mulch on Friday, April 27th and Saturday, April 28th.  Hopefully we'll get the deliveries and spreading done on these two days.  How do you earn $?  After the mulch is paid for, the total profit is divided by the total number of hours worked to get the hourly rate.  Each scout will be paid the hourly rate times the number of hours the work to get a total earned for the mulch sale.  We will need as much help as possible to make sure we take care of our customer's needs.  We'll be wearing old clothes, shoes and gloves.  Make sure to dress for the weather.  GRRRR!

Pack 136 Campout:  Pack 136 is having their Spring campout at Camp Falling Rock on May 3-5.  If you're a den chief for the Pack and want to go help out at the Pack Campout, please let me know.

Ladies of Gantz Flower Sale:  Friday, May 10th, at 6pm, the Troop will be guarding the flowers at Gantz Park.  I will be getting a sign-up genius out for this.  This is always a fun event and you earn service hours for this event.  

Flag Placement at Green Lawn Cemetery:  On Saturday, May 25th at 9am, the Troops have been invited to place flags on the grave sites of deceased veterans at Green Lawn Cemetery.  There will be a memorial service following the placing of the flags.  More information on this to come.

Henry Ciocca Eagle Scout Project:  Henry Ciocca is asking for help on his Eagle Scout Project on Saturday, May 25th.  Henry's Eagle Scout Project is to re-work a large flower bed at the Grant Sawyer Home on Hahn Rd in Grove City.  The Grand Sawyer Home is believed to have been built in the 1830s and along with the Gantz house is on the National Register of Historic Places.  Henry will also be cleaning up the other flower beds and mulching.  Please put this on your calendar and come support Henry and the Southwest Franklin County Historical Society.  Time to be determined.

New Scout Camp out:  The troop has tentatively planned a New Scout Campout for the weekend of May 31st to June 2nd. 

Camp Falling Rock Summer Camp 2024:  Summer Camp this year is from Sunday, June 30th to Saturday July 6th at Camp Falling Rock. 

Tuesday, April 2, 2024


 I hope everyone enjoyed your Spring Break.  

Gateway District Awards Social:  The Gateway District Awards Social was held on Sunday, 3/24/24 at the Grove City Methodist Church.  Congratulations to all the award winners from the district.  Winners from Troop 136 were: 
  • Carter Freeman received the Carl Cheeseman Eagle Project of the Year Award for his Eagle Scout Project.
  • Jim Baughman received the Pathfinder Award
  • Jason Savage received the Bridge Builder Award
  • Ron Newcomb received the Bridge Builder Award
Honor Flight # 129:  Members of Troop 136 traveled to John Glenn International Airport on Thursday 3/28 to greet 90 veterans from World War II, Korea, Viet Nam, the Cold War and the Gulf War, including Cindy Freeman's father Fred Kaiser. The crowd lined up, clapped, cheered, shook the hands of veterans, welcomed them home and thanked them for their service.  Great job Troop 136!

2024 Solar Eclipse:  For any scouts interested in earning the 2024 Solar Eclipse patch, please follow the steps below:

Earning the 2024 patch is easy and fun. It could make a great activity for a den meeting, pack meeting, Scouts BSA meeting, family outing … and everything in between.

  1. Locate a site suitable for viewing the eclipse. There are lots of good sources out there, but I’m partial to NASA’s official site, which lists all the major cities over which the eclipse will cross, with the exact times that Scouts and families need to be ready.
  2. Describe how to safely view the eclipse. It is not safe to look directly at the sun without specialized eye protection for solar viewing. This includes looking at it through binoculars, a telescope or your phone’s camera. Solar viewing glasses are thousands of times darker than regular sunglasses. Look for solar viewing glasses that comply with the ISO 12312-2 international standard. You can also safely view an eclipse using an indirect viewing method, such as Scout Life’s shoebox viewer.
  3. Discuss with your group what you saw and felt during the eclipse. A total solar eclipse happens when the moon passes between the sun and Earth. Depending on how close you are to the path of totality, you may see the sky darken considerably. Depending on the weather, you could see stars, as if it were nighttime. In some instances, night creatures might even come out.
  4. Do the following:   Scouts BSA members: Draw a diagram of the positions of the moon, Earth and sun to show how the solar eclipse occurs.
April Hocking Hills Campout:    The PLC has been working on a plan to camp in the Hocking Hills over the weekend of April 19-21.  They have several different ideas to nail down as far as the events they want to do.  Below is the sign up genius:

Mulch update:   Thank you to the 11 scouts and 10 adults who met at the Creekside and passed out mulch flyers. Please mark your calendars for Saturday, April 27th.  This is a great opportunity to earn money for camps or other scouting costs.  Mulch orders are due by April 1st.  GRRRRR

Gardens at Gantz Flower Guarding:  Friday, May 10th volunteers from Troop 136 will be helping guard the plants at Gantz Farm.  Scouts will be sleeping in the tents with the plants and receive service hours for watching them. 

Flag Placement Green Lawn Cemetery:  Saturday, May 25th Troop 136 has been invited to place flags on the grave sites of veterans at Green Lawn Cemetery.  

Camp Falling Rock Summer Camp 2024:  Summer Camp this year is from Sunday, June 30th to Saturday July 6th at Camp Falling Rock.  Below is the link for the sign up:

Upcoming Events:

4/7:                     Committee Meeting
4/8:                     Eclipse Viewing as families
4/12 – 4/14:       OA Spring Fellowship at Camp Lazarus
4/19 – 4/21:       Troop Campout at Hocking Hills
4/26 – 4/28:       Troop 136 Mulch Delivery and Spreading
5/5:                      PLC Meeting
5/5:                      Committee Meeting
5/3 – 5/5:            Pack 136 Spring Campout
5/10:                    Guarding Flowers at Gantz
5/17 – 5/19:       OA Conclave at Camp Manatoc
5/25:                   Memorial Day Flag Placement Greenlawn Cemetery (TBD)
5/31 – 6/1:         Ordeal / Brotherhood at Camp Falling Rock
5/31 – 6/1:         New Scout Campout
6/2:                      PLC Meeting
6/2:                      Committee Meeting
6/9 - 6/26:           Philmont Scout Ranch
6/30 - 7/6:          Summer Camp, Camp Falling Rock, no troop meeting
7/14 - 7/20:        Seabase
8/4:                      PLC Meeting
8/4:                      Committee Meeting