Thursday, August 24, 2023


 We have lots of events being planned for the upcoming months:

Canoeing at the Birch Bark Canoe Livery:  This camping / canoeing event is August 25th through the 27th at the Birch Bark Canoe Livery located at 1455 River Rd, Urbana, OH. 43078.  We currently have 7 scouts and 4 adults scheduled to attend.  We will be meeting at the Presbyterian Church at 6pm, pack the trailer and leave at 6:30pm.  Below is the permission slip that will need to be completed and turned in to participate in the event.  I am also including a packing list for a weekend campout.  

PLC meeting:  The next PLC meeting will be from 3pm until 6pm on Sunday, 9/10/2023.  We will be working on the yearly plan to present to the Troop Committee.  If you are a member of the PLC.  Please plan to attend this meeting, we want every voice heard.  

Arts in the Alley Parade:  The Arts in the Alley Parade will be Saturday, 9/16/2023.  We will meet at 8am in the parking lot of the CVS on the corner of Broadway and SouthWest BLVD.  We will be carrying the flag and leading the parade.  Please sign up using the link below.

Popcorn Kernel:  The Popcorn Kernel will be at the meeting on 9/12/2023 to talk about popcorn and the opportunities to pay for upcoming activities.

Court of Honor:  Tuesday, 9/19/23 will be the Fall Court of Honor.  Please plan to attend this meeting and support your scouts who have been working extremely hard all Summer.

September Campout:  The SPL has a poll on the BAND App asking what scouts would prefer to do for this campout.  The choices are a bicycle trip at a location yet to be determined or a hike to Airplane Rock in the Hocking Hills.  Our SPL has decided to leave the poll open until the end of August to allow everyone a chance to vote.  Please make sure your voice is heard by going to the BAND APP and voting.  This campout will be Sept 22 - 24. 

Pumpkin Patch:  On Friday, Sept 29th, the pumpkins for the pumpkin patch will be delivered.  Everyone who is available to help with the unloading will be needed.  Cub Scout Pack 136 will also be there helping to upload but their Fall campout is that weekend so they will be needing to get there as soon as possible.  The hours worked at the pumpkin patch will go toward your scout accounts to help pay for upcoming events.  The rate per hour will be determined by the amount raised by the sale.  The Troop and the Pack are joining forces for the Pumpkin sale this year.  Let's get off to a great start by coming together to help unload our pumpkins.  We will get a time out when we know when the delivery will be.

Tuesday, August 8, 2023


 Hello Troop, 136,

August 8th Troop meeting:  Due to the special election, we will be holding our meeting outside by the fire pit.  If the weather is bad, we will meet in the basement.

August Campout information:  Our next camping trip is scheduled to be a canoeing event at the Birch Bark Canoe Livery located at 1455 River Road in Urbana, Oh. 43087 from August 25-27
The cost for this event will be $50 which includes: canoe rental with 2 scouts per canoe, camping for Friday and Saturday nights, and food for Saturday's meals and cracker barrel and Sunday breakfast.   Please sign up using the attached link so that we can reserve our canoes and camping spaces:

Merit Badge Counselor information:  For any those adults who have expressed interest in becoming a merit badge counselor,  I have attached a Merit Badge Counselor Application that you can complete online and send to me, complete it and bring it to the scout meeting or I will have blank applications at the meeting.  The Merit Badge counselor application as well as an adult application with code 42 will need to be turned in.  I will have both forms at tomorrow's meeting.

September PLC meeting:  The PLC has decided to push back the September PLC meeting to the 2nd Sunday of the month in order to allow families to enjoy a long Labor Day weekend together.  This PLC meeting will start at 3pm in order to work on the Annual Plan for the Troop.

Arts in the Alley Parade:  Saturday, Sept 16th is the Arts in the Alley Parade.  The parade starts at 9:30.  The meeting time and location will be coming soon.

September Campout:  The September campout is scheduled for Sept. 22 - 24.  Jackson has put out a poll on the Band App for the troop to decide between a bicycle trip or a trip to the Hocking Hills and a hike to Airplane Rock.  Please take the time to vote.

Popcorn Sales:  I am excited to inform the troop that Brandi Blackstone has agreed to be the Popcorn Kernel for the Troop as well as the Pack this year.  More information will be coming out soon.

Pumpkin Patch:  Last year, Pack 136 started their first annual Pumpkin Patch.  This year, scouts in the troop will get the opportunity to earn money for their scout account by helping out at the Pumpkin Patch.  Please put September 29th on your calendar as this is the day that pumpkins will be delivered so we will need help unloading the trailer.  More details to come.

Physical Fitness:  The PLC has decided to continue the Physical Fitness testing for the scouts working on their Tenderfoot, 2nd Class and 1st Class ranks.  They have scheduled the last troop meeting of each month for testing at Tanglebrook Park in Grove City.