Tuesday, October 18, 2022


 Hi Troop 136!

Three items that are very important!!

1.  Fleece:  
Please complete the fleece order by next Tuesday, October 18th.  We will not order until next year.  Only 17 responses so far and you can use this link to check your order!

2.  Recharter:
Please complete the recharter questionnaire by next Tuesday, October 18th. Only 12 responses so far.

3.  Popcorn:
How much have you sold?  DId you know that in December the Scoutmaster pie in the face, you get to throw a pie at the Scoutmaster for every $300 you sell!  Last year, there were several Scouts who earned several pies from selling popcorn.  You can always bring in your orders every Scout meeting and pick up the popcorn you sell.  You can also check out popcorn as well.  See Christa for more information about popcorn.  

Camp Oyo Backpacking Trip 11/11-13:
This event will still happen, but a little later than originally planned because of the Creek Sweep.  Here is the signup!  Sign up by November 8th.
We will stay in the Blockhouse Top and Bottom cabin on Friday night.  We will backpack beginning on Saturday morning and camp Saturday night.  I know this is a change, but this later trip in November will be a fun one that you will enjoy in the cooler weather. 

The registration opened up and we have three Scouts registered now.  If you are First Class and above and want to participate, please let me know.

Upcoming dates:
October 18 - Troop Meeting
October 25 - Troop Meeting
November 1 - Troop Meeting
November 6 - PLC Meeting @ 3:00
November 6 - Committee Meeting
November 8 - Troop Meeting
November 11-13 Camp Oyo Backpacking Trip
November 15 - Troop Meeting
November 22 - No Meeting We will not be meeting this week
November 29 - Troop Meeting
December 4- PLC Meeting @ 3:00
December 4 - Committee Meeting
December 6 - Troop Meeting
December 9-11 - Vertical Adventures?  Need to finalize plans
December 13 - Troop Meeting
December 20 - Troop Meeting and Pie the Scoutmaster

Here are the dates for summer camps next year.  Please add these to your calendar.  We have a great time and we encourage adults to attend:
Camp Ransburg: June 25 - July 1
Camp Falling Rock: July 9 - July 15

Tuesday, October 11, 2022


 Hi Troop 136!

Please complete the fleece order by next Tuesday, October 18th.  We will not order until next year.

Please complete the recharter questionnaire by next Tuesday, October 18th. 

How much have you sold?  DId you know that in December the Scoutmaster pie in the face, you get to throw a pie at the Scoutmaster for every $300 you sell!  Last year, there were several Scouts who earned several pies from selling popcorn.  You can always bring in your orders every Scout meeting and pick up the popcorn you sell.  You can also check out popcorn as well.  See Christa for more information about popcorn.  

Creek Sweep October 8th:
The Creek Sweep was great!  We had a total of 23 people participate from several Troops in the area.

Three Eagles Shootout October 9th:
We had six Scouts participate at this event.  Another fun event.

October 14-16 Campout
Zack has some ideas for the campout.  I think he plans to share at the meeting what he wants to do this weekend. 
Camp Oyo Backpacking Trip 11/11-13:
This event will still happen, but a little later than originally planned because of the Creek Sweep.  Here is the signup!  Sign up by October 4th:
We will stay in the cabin on Friday night.  We will backpack beginning on Saturday morning and camp Saturday night.  I know this is a change, but this later trip in November will be a fun one that you will enjoy in the cooler weather. 

The registration opened up and we have three Scouts registered now.  If you are First Class and above and want to participate, please let me know.

You will be receiving an email from me regarding the recharter.  Since we occasionally change emails and phone numbers, I will be asking for this again for you and your Scout.  I know it is a pain, but with over 100 contacts for both Scouts and Adults, I think this is the best way to help me manage the contact list.  We will be checking in October to see who wants to continue next year.  If you decide to not continue and want to be removed from the mailing list, just reply and I will remove you.  For those continuing, please complete the form.  I would like to have this done by the end of the month.

Upcoming dates:
October 11 - Troop Meeting
October 14-16 - First Baptist Campout (Show up at the church on Friday night - Zack will share more information regarding a time to show up)
October 18 - Troop Meeting
October 25 - Troop Meeting
November 1 - Troop Meeting
November 6 - PLC Meeting @ 3:00
November 6 - Committee Meeting
November 8 - Troop Meeting
November 11-13 Camp Oyo Backpacking Trip
November 15 - Troop Meeting
November 22 - No Meeting We will not be meeting this week
November 29 - Troop Meeting
December 4- PLC Meeting @ 3:00
December 4 - Committee Meeting
December 6 - Troop Meeting
December 9-11 - Christmas in the Cave campout? Location still needs to be reserved.  
December 13 - Troop Meeting
December 20 - Troop Meeting and Pie the Scoutmaster

Here are the dates for summer camps next year.  Please add these to your calendar.  We have a great time and we encourage adults to attend:
Camp Ransburg: June 25 - July 1
Camp Falling Rock: July 9 - July 15

Tuesday, October 4, 2022


 Hi Troop 136!

How much have you sold?  DId you know that in December the Scoutmaster pie in the face, you get to throw a pie at the Scoutmaster for every $300 you sell!  Last year, there were several Scouts who earned several pies from selling popcorn.  You can always bring in your orders every Scout meeting and pick up the popcorn you sell.  You can also check out popcorn as well.  See Christa for more information about popcorn.  

Creek Sweep October 8th:
Saturday, October 8th will be our annual Creek Sweep.  Please wear old clothes and bring gloves.  You will more than likely get wet and dirty, but you will have fun as we walk the creeks and pick up trash.  You will receive an annual patch for this event.  I need to know if you are coming this Tuesday!  We will meet at the old Brookpark Middle School at 8:30 am.

Three Eagles Shootout October 9th:
Below is the sign up genius.  The cost is $10.  PLC decided no camping on Saturday night.  Be at the church at 7:15.  We will leave at 7:30.  We will arrive back at about 3:00 pm.  Bring your own lunch.  The PLC did not want to plan a lunch so pack your own.  I need to know if you are coming this Tuesday!
October 14-16 Campout
We still don't have much time to plan this event, so bring your ideas to the PLC tonight and let them know!   This campout will be at First Baptist Church on Orders Road in Grove City.  The PLC did not finalize any plans!  What do you want to do?  Let the SPL know!  I need to know this week what your plans are for the campout! Meal plan?  So much that has not been discussed or decided! 
Camp Oyo Backpacking Trip 11/11-13:
This event will still happen, but a little later than originally planned because of the Creek Sweep.  Here is the signup!  Sign up by October 4th:
We will stay in the cabin on Friday night.  We will backpack beginning on Saturday morning and camp Saturday night.  I know this is a change, but this later trip in November will be a fun one that you will enjoy in the cooler weather. 

If you are a First Class Scout and want to attend NYLT In 2023, please look at the dates and let me know.  Registrations fill up soon.  Normally the spring NYLT dates fill up very quickly.  The spring dates are normally taken in December or January and the summer dates are normally gone in January and February.  Let us know and you will put up a $100 deposit and you will receive the $100 deposit for attending and completing your bolo once you are done with both.  This is a great leadership opportunity for Scouts.

Scouts participating in other Scouting activities:
I strongly encourage Scouts to sign up and go to events, even if we do not go as a Troop.  I have participated in many events that we have signed up for on our own and attended.  You can participate in any events that are offered through our council and/or other councils.  I think these activities are great and if you are able, I encourage you to go and create your own adventure. If you go on your own, please do so knowing that you represent the Troop.  If you are joining another Troop for an event, please let the Scoutmaster know before attending.   

You will be receiving an email from me regarding the recharter.  Since we occasionally change emails and phone numbers, I will be asking for this again for you and your Scout.  I know it is a pain, but with over 100 contacts for both Scouts and Adults, I think this is the best way to help me manage the contact list.  We will be checking in October to see who wants to continue next year.  If you decide to not continue and want to be removed from the mailing list, just reply and I will remove you.  For those continuing, please complete the form.  I would like to have this done by the end of the month.

Upcoming dates:
October 4 - Troop Meeting
October 8 - Creek Sweep for Conservation Hours 8:30 at the old Brookpark Middle School 
October 9 - Three Eagles Shootout meet at 7:15
October 11 - Troop Meeting
October 14-16 - First Baptist Campout
October 18 - Troop Meeting
October 25 - Troop Meeting
November 1 - Troop Meeting
November 6 - PLC Meeting @ 3:00
November 6 - Committee Meeting
November 8 - Troop Meeting
November 11-13 Camp Oyo Backpacking Trip
November 15 - Troop Meeting
November 22 - No Meeting We will not be meeting this week
November 29 - Troop Meeting
December 4- PLC Meeting @ 3:00
December 4 - Committee Meeting
December 6 - Troop Meeting
December 9-11 - Christmas in the Cave campout? Location still needs to be reserved.  
December 13 - Troop Meeting
December 20 - Troop Meeting and Pie the Scoutmaster

Here are the dates for summer camps next year.  Please add these to your calendar.  We have a great time and we encourage adults to attend:
Camp Ransburg: June 25 - July 1
Camp Falling Rock: July 9 - July 15