Tuesday, May 18, 2021


We will be meeting inside the Family Center of the church for the Court of Honor tonight.  This is the same place we normally meet, but you will enter a different door.  Please enter the building by the door to the kitchen. If possible, please show up by 6:45 pm to help with setting up the metal chairs.  You will be asked to follow some protocols when you arrive.  There might be a temperature check station and you will be asked to wear a mask.  There will also be hand sanitizer available.  We will clean the chairs before they are put away.  Parents are welcome to attend.  We will have the chairs separated for social distancing.  There are a total of 60 people that can be in attendance at one time.  I don't anticipate that we will reach this number, but wanted to be sure to share with you the total allowed in the building.

T-Shirts for summer camp: 
We will have shirts available for purchase at the Court of Honor.  Robin Bernhardt has agreed to help.  You can bring cash or a check to pay for the shirts or you may also choose to purchase the shirts using your Scout account.  The shirts are $7.50 each or $37.50 for five shirts.  We will have all of the colors and sizes of the shirts available (Adults Small - Adult XXXL).  We wear one color for each day of summer camp.  They are the polyester and are quick to dry.  They are great shirts during the summer and winter.  In the past we have in the past only worn the Class B shirts between Memorial Day and Labor Day, but the Senior Patrol Leader gets to make that call.  :) 

Secret Trip SignUp Genius to help with the number of people for meals and tickets:
I made a sign up to help you know how much the costs would be on the trip.  There are a few of you who might not be joining us for all of the meals and for all of the events.  I thought having a way to select the meals you will be participating with the troop will help with the cost of the trip for you might be the best option.  You can opt in or out of the different meals.  The Scouts will plan to eat all of their meals with the Troop.  If you are camping in the same camp area or another camp area, you can choose your meals. Please let me know if you have any questions or need help with the signup.  Please sign up by Thursday night.  I will send out a list on Thursday night to everyone to be sure we have the totals on the trip. I understand that if you add up the total costs, it is more than the $75 that we are collecting, but the cost of the food and the cost of the reservation location may be less depending on the total number of people going.

Secret Trip Communication:
I will be sharing a Life360 app link on Tuesday, May 25th for those involved in the trip.  I have used this app in the past and it is a great way to find out where people are located and for messaging.  You may still use the Band app to post pictures. You can choose to be part of the Life 360 group and share your location or you can join and turn off your locations, but at least you can see where I am at during the trip. 

Darryl wanted for me to share this with you for the secret trip:
Hello Scouts, Scouters and parents.  I am Darryl Betz, the grubmaster for the Secret trip.  I need to know if anyone has a food allergy or is a coffee drinker.  Please call him by May 19th.  If you are gluten free or a vegan bring your own food and we will assist you in preparing it.  If there are any other questions relating to food, please call me.

Attached is the Court of Honor handout.  We will have some available at the Court of Honor meeting as well.

Here is the May Newsletter created by the PLC!

Backpacking Trip 5/14-16:
We had a lot of fun this past weekend at Zaleski.  We had two Scouts earn their Scout ranks and a few more earn advancements toward their next rank.  We slept two at two different locations, one at the State park and another night on the trail.  We hiked 8 miles with backpacks and another 4 miles without backpacks.  We had amazing weather and even when there was some precipitation, it was short and was done by morning.  We even got to stop at Dairy Queen for a treat after the hike.  There were five Scouts and two adults who went camping.  Thanks to Roland Guary for being the second adult on the trip.

Future Meeting Dates
5/18 Whole Troop Meeting at 7 pm
5/20 Pack 136 Crossover - See Elias if you can be there at 7 pm on Thursday.  We only need 3-4 Scouts.  The Pack does not want for us to use the bridge as in previous years.
5/25 Whole Troop Meeting at 7 pm
5/28-31 Secret Trip 
6/1 In person Troop meeting at 7 pm
6/8 In person Troop meeting at 7 pm
6/15 In person Troop meeting at 7 pm
6/22 In person Troop meeting at 7 pm
6/27-7/3 Ransburg Summer Camp
6/29 No Scout Meeting
7/6  In person Troop meeting at 7 pm
7/11-7/17 Chief Logan Summer Camp
7/16-7/18 Trip planned to go to Flight 93 needs to be rescheduled??
7/20 In person Troop meeting at 7 pm
7/27 In person Troop meeting at 7 pm
8/3 In person Troop meeting at 7 pm
8/10 In person Troop meeting at 7 pm
8/13-15 Firelands Scout Camp and chartered fishing??
8/17 In person Troop meeting at 7 pm
8/24 In person Troop meeting at 7 pm
8/31 In person Troop meeting at 7 pm