Monday, July 24, 2023


 July 25th Troop meeting:  Just a reminder that for tomorrow night's troop meeting, we will be meeting at Tanglebrook Park at 4343 Grove City Rd right behind Fire Station 201.

Scouts will be working testing for their Tenderfoot, Second Class and First Class physical fitness requirements.  This would also count as the first test for Physical Fitness Merit Badge.
Plan to meet at the park for testing.  Please be ready to do push ups, sit ups, the sit and stretch and run  or walk for 1 mile.  Remember to wear comfortable clothes and bring a water bottle.

August Campout information:  Our next camping trip is scheduled to be a canoeing event at the Birch Bark Canoe Livery located at 1455 River Road in Urbana, Oh. 43087 from August 25-27
The cost for this event will be $50 which includes: canoe rental with 2 scouts per canoe, camping for Friday and Saturday nights, and food for Saturday's meals and cracker barrel and Sunday breakfast.   Please sign up using the attached link so that we can reserve our canoes and camping spaces:

Merit Badge Counselor information:  For any those adults who have expressed interest in becoming a merit badge counselor,  I have attached a Merit Badge Counselor Application that you can complete online and send to me, complete it and bring it to the scout meeting or I will have blank applications at the meeting.  The Merit Badge counselor application as well as an adult application with code 42 will need to be tured in.  I will have both forms at tomorrow's meeting.

High Adventure Update:
If you are interested in going to Sea Base or Philmont next year please see below.  You must let us know by the end of July.  We will start opening it to other Troops/Crews in the area after July 31.

Sea Base 2024:
Please let Cory Edwards ( know if you are interested in attending the Coral Reef Sailing.  The trek will be 7/14-7/19.  

Philmont 2024:
See Phil Freeman ( for more information and let him know if you are interested in going to Philmont. We will leave about Sunday, 6/9 - 6/26.  The trek will take place June 12-June 24. This allows us time to travel by train.  The total cost will be about $1550.  There will be a $150 nonrefundable deposit that is to reserve your space and then $200 payments starting in August.  

Philmont Payment schedule:
$150 Nonrefundable deposit
$200 August
$200 September
$200 October
$200 November
$200 January
$200 February
$200 March

The monthly deposits will start soon and are coordinated by the adults.  Mr. Baughman will take your deposits so that we can send one payment from the Troop.

With the high adventure camps scheduled in June and later in July, the only week that is free for summer camp next year that will not interfere with travel is the week of June 30th through July 6th.  I have reached out to the Simon Kenton Council and reserved the week 3, from June 30th through July 6th.

Tuesday, July 18, 2023


 Hello Troop 136,

Well two Summer camps are in the books.  Thank you to all of the adults who helped make this possible, from the adults who joined us at camp, to the adults helping collect forms, create permission slips, collect money and make payments, sell t-shirts, and registration.  There is a lot that goes on behind the scenes and I would like to thank each of you for helping make this a successful Summer camp Season.

As only two scouts signed up for the Scuba experience, we will have a troop meeting tonight, July 18th.  At this meeting, the patrols will have a chance to talk about what events they want to do for the upcoming year.  In the following meeting on July 25th, we will be starting the first physical fitness test that is required for the Tenderfoot, Second Class and First Class ranks.  Scouts will need to track their physical activity in between testing weeks.  

The August Campout will be August 25th through August 27th.  The scouts have requested that the troop do a canoeing adventure so I have reached out to the Birch Bark Canoe Livery in Urbana, OH.  The cost for camping two nights, a canoe rental for two scouts for a 5 mile trip and food will be $50.  Sign up Genius will be coming out but I wanted to get this information out to you.  Below is the link to the canoe livery.

Below is an update from Mr. Freeman regarding next year's high adventure:

High Adventure Update:
If you are interested in going to Sea Base or Philmont next year please see below.  You must let us know by the end of July.  We will start opening it to other Troops/Crews in the area after July 31.

Sea Base 2024:
Please let Cory Edwards ( know if you are interested in attending the Coral Reef Sailing.  The trek will be 7/14-7/19.  

Philmont 2024:
See Phil Freeman ( for more information and let him know if you are interested in going to Philmont. We will leave about Sunday, 6/9 - 6/26.  The trek will take place June 12-June 24. This allows us time to travel by train.  The total cost will be about $1550.  There will be a $150 nonrefundable deposit that is to reserve your space and then $200 payments starting in August.  

Philmont Payment schedule:
$150 Nonrefundable deposit
$200 August
$200 September
$200 October
$200 November
$200 January
$200 February
$200 March

The monthly deposits will start soon and are coordinated by the adults.  Mr. Baughman will take your deposits so that we can send one payment from the Troop.

With the high adventure camps scheduled in June and later in July, the only week that is free for summer camp next year that will not interfere with travel is the week of June 30th through July 6th.  I will be reaching out to Camp Falling Rock to request a site for that week.