Sunday, March 25, 2018

Mulch Sale coming to end

Parents and Scouts:

Please be aware that our Mulch Sale is coming to an end soon.  All orders are due into me by 3/31/18.  You can either drop them off next Tuesday at the church [we won’t meet as a troop on 3/27 but I will be there for mulch turn in].  If you can’t be there for that night then you can mail the order with payment to my home address.  See the orderform for details

If you have any questions please let me know.



Kirk Bohanan
Scoutmaster Troop 136

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Reminder to clean your tents and return them

Parents and Scouts:

For those scouts that went on the campout this past weekend – I hope you have taken advantage of the great weather today to clean, dry and fold your tent and tarp up for return tomorrow.  Please have the tarp and tent back soon – like we have discussed…

Thank you.


Kirk Bohanan
Scoutmaster Troop 136

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Help needed this weekend

Parents and Scouts:

I am looking to get a couple of scouts to help Mr. Dool and Mrs. Spencer at an Arrow of Light Ceremony on Saturday – from about 11:00 – about 2:30.  You will need to be in class A uniform and help welcome a new scout into the troop.  IF you are not going camping with us and can assist please let me know ASAP!  I can give you details on meeting up with Mr. Dool.

Thank you.


Kirk Bohanan
Scoutmaster Troop 136

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Tonight - guest speaker Mr Cordray and planning for the camp out with the Webelos

Dear Parents and Scouts:

Just a reminder – for our Boy Scout Troop meeting tonight, we are going to have a guest speaker – Mr. Richard Cordray will be coming to talk to the scouts on “Leadership”.   As some of you know, Mr. Cordray is a current candidate for the Governor of Ohio in the election this next November. He is also a member of the First Presbyterian Church, which is  who charters our Troop. He has agreed to speak to our troop – that’s neat!  I am hoping to have a good turn out to meet with Mr. Cordray and make this a worth wide event for all.

ALSO – we will be competing the plans for the upcoming campout this next weekend – with the Web’s from Pack 136.  I hope all will be able to attend the outing.  Please make sure to be a part of your patrol planning tonight.

See you tonight!


Kirk Bohanan
Scoutmaster Troop 136