Monday, October 29, 2012

Tomorrow's meeting and Popcorn status

Tomorrow's Troop Meeting
Assuming that we don’t get blown away tomorrow, we will still do our scout meeting at the Grange Audubon Center in Columbus.

If you wish to meet us there just let me know.

The directions to the center…
  • 71 North to Greenlawn Ave.
  • Right on Greenlawn Ave.
  • Left on Front St.
  • Left on Whittier
  • Follow Whittier until it ends at the center
We will plan to leave the church at 6:30 PM. Please be in Class A uniform. We will try to be back at the church around 8:30. There is a liability form [attached] for you to bring with you to the meeting. If there are any parents that wish to go and would like to help transport scouts – please let me know.

Please be at the church by 6:15. we will pull out of the parking lot at 6:30 SHARP!

Kirk Bohanan
Scoutmaster Troop 136

Popcorn Status
We have just over one week left in the Popcorn sale. I hope everything is going well and that you have all met your goals.

In order to finish this sale in an organized manner I need you each to help with the following steps.

1) If you have more than a couple of items left in your stock please return them this Tuesday, October 30th. All other items must be returned by November 6th. Sooner is better, we have a number of scouts who need product to fill orders.
2) Please turn in copies of you completed sales forms. Even if you think you may have additional sales, please turn in sheets this week if possible. I can always update if you have additional.
3) Please bring in the cash and checks for all you show and sell orders this week if possible. All show and sell money must be turned in by next week.

On another note, congratulation to Chase Liggett winner of the 10/23 largest order prize. This weeks’ competition is if for the most money turned in. This will be as of the end of the meeting Tuesday night. Our final individual competition is for largest on—line order as of 11/6.


Rob Dool

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Date and Time change for 10/23 meeting

Just a reminder that this week we are once again out away from the church for our meeting location. This week we will be meeting at the Battelle Darby Metro Park. See attached map for actual location. The meeting plan is to have a nature hike and scavenger hunt, lead by the Flaming Cobra Patrol. This will be a Class A uniform night. Bring your flashlight and rain gear – light jacket also would be good.

Due to the continues loss of daylight, I am going to have us start at 6:00 PM instead of 7:00 pm. This will give us more daylight to do our activity. We will end the meeting at 7:30 pm and then if you need to get popcorn turned in or money returned you can meet Mr. Dool back at the church for that activity.

The patrol meetings portion of the night’s activity will be at 7:00 pm so that your final details are completed for campout planning which will be next weekend – menus, duty rosters, permission slips and camp fees turned in. We will be going to buy food on Thursday night this week so have a representative from your patrol selected to go and buy your patrol’s food.

Any questions – let me know.


Kirk Bohanan
Scoutmaster Troop 136

Monday, October 15, 2012

Popcorn and Troop Meetings locations in October

Troop Meetings locations in October
Please be aware of the change of location of our scout meetings the rest of the month of October. As part of our monthly theme on ecology, this week we are going to Pleasant Valley Lake just south of Grove City to do some fishing at the lake. Please bring your fishing gear,bait and flashlight. If you are working on Fishing Merit Badge this will help you with some of the requirements.

Next week [10/23] we all be going to Darby Creek Metro Park and then the following week [10/30] we will be going to the Audubon Metro Park – Maps for these location to follow later this month.

If you have any questions please drop me a note.


Kirk Bohanan
Scoutmaster Troop 136

With the next two meetings being outing we will be making adjustments to the popcorn turn in schedule to keep things moving.

  1. October 16, 2012 – I will be at the church from 5:30 pm to 6:45 pm to exchange product and collect money. 
  2. October 23, 2012 – I will be at the church from 5:30 pm to 6:45 pm to exchange product and collect money. If you are done selling, I will also take copies of your completed order forms. 

We will be back on the normal routine for October 30, 2012.

1) We will have limited additional product until the take order is placed. If you have stock and are not actively selling please bring it in so we can get it out to those who need it.
2) If you have been selling and have cash on hand please turn it in. This allows us to deposit checks and eliminates the risk of cash being lost.

Keep up the good work.

Rob Dool

Monday, October 8, 2012

Popcorn Challenge

The following is an update on the on the weekly popcorn competitions and current inventory.

The remaining weekly competitions are as follows:

  • October 9: Most Filled Sheets (Combined partial sheets allowed. Report to me your total line items filled. Have sheets to verify)
  • October 16: $10 at a Time (Most ten dollar caramel corns sold. Report your totals to me at start of meeting. Have sheets to verify)
  • October 23: Biggest Order (Single largest line item order. Show me your sheet at the beginning of the meeting)
  • October 30: Most $ In (Based on dollars turned in + online sales reported to date. NOTE online orders take a couple of days to show on reports.)
  • November 6: Most Online (Based on online sales reported to date. NOTE online orders take a couple of days to show on reports.)

At the end of the sale (last December Troop Meeting) we will present awards as follows:

  • Most Improved (Greatest increase in sales from 2011)
  • Rookie of the Year (Top sales among new scouts)
  • One Bite at a time (Most total items sold)
  • Top Gun (Most total sales)
  • Most Valuable Patrol (Top Sales per Scout).

The following are the items we have in inventory:
OSU Tins                        7
Sweet and Savory           8
Cheese Loves                  5
White Choc Pretzels        0
Kettle Corn                    13
Unbelievable Butter        33
Butter Light                     0
Choc Triple Delight          2
Carmel w Almonds & Pecans 12
Butter Toffee                   5
Cheddar Cheese             0
Carmel Corn                   0

Please note those items that are out of stock. If you have any of these and do not think they will be sold in next week or so turn them in. You scout brothers may need these.

I can still get OSU Tins, Sweet and Savory and Unbelievable Butter at the warehouse, but these are limited.When you take and order for an item that you do not have, make the customer aware that you will have it as soon as possible, but this may not be until the take order which we will have the first week in December.

Keep up the good work. We will be set up to distribute stock and collect money at 6:30 pm on Tuesday.


Rob Dool

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

October Newsletter

1. PLC: [Patrol Leader’s Council]
Next Meeting will be October 7th at 5:00 PM
Senior Patrol Leader, Asst. Sr. Patrol Leader, All Patrol Leader’s. & Asst. Patrol Leader’s and other Troop leadership positions Please plan to attend.

2. Troop Committee / Parent Meeting:Next Meeting is MONDAY October 8th at 7 PM at the Church. [Note Different date and Time]
All parents are invited to attend this meeting and learn what is up coming in the Troop activities.

3.Camp-out this Month:This month’s campout:
Ohio Valley Fall Camp-O-Ree
Date: Oct. 26-28 [2 Nights]
Location: Circleville Ohio
Leave Friday @ 6:30 PM
Return Sunday @ 11:30AM
Cost: $20.00
Permission slip must be filled out and returned by: 10/23/2012

4. Monthly Dues: “A Scout is Thrifty…”
Please keep up to date on your monthly dues. We collect $10.00 each month for troop operation. This can be paid or taken from your son’s Scout Account. Scout Accounts are funded by participation in fundraising activities, and also by Kroger PlusKroger Plus purchases. Use Kroger Plus Card for your family food purchases. A percent of your spending at Kroger on the Kroger Plus card will go into the Boy’s Scout Account. The Scout Account can be used to pay for Summer Camp fees, Monthly camp-out fees, Troop Dues, Uniform expenses, and Troop related expenses that are approved by the Scoutmaster.Kroger Plus Card for your family food purchases. A percent of your spending at Kroger on the Kroger Pluscard will go into the Boy’s Scout Account. The Scout Account can be used to pay for Summer Camp fees, Monthly camp-out fees, Troop Dues, Uniform expenses, and Troop related expenses that are approved by the Scoutmaster.
Please check with Jim Baughman on status of your son's Scout Account.

5. Helping out the Cub Scout Pack - WE NEED DEN CHIEFS!
We have some opportunities to help the Cub Scout Pack 136. We are STILL looking for Scouts that are First Class rank and above and are willing to serve as a Den Chief for one of Dens in Pack 136. Let Kirk Bohanan know if you are interested.

6. BSA Health FormsHEALTH FORMS from Summer camp are now on file for the next 12 months. If you did not go to summer camp you should have at least Part A and Part C of the New Health Form submitted to the troop. [Part B is the visit to the Doctor’s office]. This is important information that we take on our outdoor outings in case of an emergency.
Please help us by getting this information into the Troop. As any medications change please update Part A of your son’s form.

Hopefully you are well on your way to reaching your sales goal in the Popcorn Fundraiser. Make sure to do your best and remember that all profits from your sales goes into your scout account. If you need assistance or product to sell please get with Mr. Dool, our Popcorn Kernal.

8. Ohio Valley District Camporee - 10/26-28/2012
The Campout this month is the District Camporee which will be held at the Moose Lodge in Circleville Ohio. The theme is "Last Patrol Standing". I strongly am encouraging that all patrols rally their members to attend this event. It should be a great outing. See the permission slip to get additional details.

9.Troop Elections – Next Month
For those Scout wanting to work on their positions of responsibility within the troop, we will be holding our troop elections on November 13th for Senior Patrol Leader & Patrol Leaders. Other positions will be available as well for those needing leadership roles within the troop for advancement. If you are interested see Kirk Bohanan for information and details.

10. Simon Kenton Council Office and Scout Shop has MOVED!
Please note that the scout office and Scout shop has moved to a new address. It is now located at 807 Kinnear Road, Columbus, OH 43212 - Now on the west side of Columbus.

November's Theme is Wilderness Survival

Monday, October 1, 2012

Prizes tomorrow for top sellers to date!

Have you been selling your popcorn????

Prize tomorrow night is for top sales to date, as recorded by the end of the meeting.  Must show me the order forms OR have have cash turned in.

Cash is easiest but will look at forms if they have a lot of take orders.

Rob Dool
Popcorn Kernal