Thursday, August 25, 2016

PLC meeting this Sunday @ 5

Parents and Scouts:

Don’t forget that this Sunday at 5PM the PLC [patrol leaders council] will meet to discuss the upcoming meeting plans for October.

If you are a member of the PLC, PLEASE be there.


Kirk Bohanan

Scoutmaster Troop 136 

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

One Spot available for South Bass Island!

Parents and Scouts:

We just finished an awesome weekend down in Morrow Ohio with Biking and Canoeing. What a great trip.

Now on to our next outing.  I have heard back from the organizers of the Camporee at South Bass Island and we have our tickets! We have 20 tickets for this trip. I have those listed below signed up and needing to turn in the permission slip and fees by out August 30th meeting.  I do have one available ticket that is up for first come  - first served. 

Please have the attached permission slips also turned in for this event.  One is our form and one is for the camporee staff.

If you have any questions please let me know.

Those signed up to go and needing to pay are as follows:

Landon Maxwell
Seth Corlett
Jonathan Carney
Ethan Stoke
Brady Emmelhainz
Will Wisenbarger
Mason Roush
Gavin Fitzpatrick
Jim Sager
Kohta Weese
Ron Weese
Bobby Asendorf
Ryan Armstrong
Robbie Dool
Ethan Maxwell
Donovan Waugh
Kirk Bohanan
Becky Steele
Don Waugh
Last spot - This could be YOU!!!!


Kirk Bohanan

Scoutmaster Troop 136 

Friday, August 19, 2016

camp out this weekend

Parents and scouts:

Just a note about the upcoming camp out this weekend. If you are not going please disregard….
  • We LEAVE at 7:30 am from the parking lot. Be there to load by 7:15 am.
  • All should be bringing a sack lunch for Saturday that can be taken with you in the canoe or on your bike ride. 
  • Plan for rain – bring GOOD rain gear that will outlast the weekend please. An “emergency Poncho” should only be as back up rain gear; not the only rain gear. 
  • If you are going canoeing please have shoes that can get wet and have on in the canoe. 
  • If you are going biking please make sure to bring a helmet (and your bike!)
See you tomorrow morning!


Kirk Bohanan
Scoutmaster Troop 136

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Spencer Wolfe Eagle Project

Parents and Scouts:

Please see the attached notice from Spencer Wolfe.  He is needing you help on his Eagle Project.  Please assist if you are able.



Kirk Bohanan
Scoutmaster Troop 136

Subject: Spencer Wolfe Eagle Project

Hi Kirk,

Could you please forward the following message to the troop regarding my Eagle Scout Project:

Spencer Wolfe Eagle Project

I would like to invite everyone to help with my Eagle Scout Project.  We are going to be building a concession stand for the Upward Sports Program at First Baptist Church of Grove City.  The address is 3301 Orders Road and we will be meeting in the back of the church to build the concession stand. 
The days and times are:
Thursday, Aug 18 from 10:30 AM - 4:30 PM.
Friday, Aug 19 from 10:30 AM - 4:30 PM.
Monday, Aug 22 from 10:30 AM - 4:30 PM.

Bring work gloves, safety glasses and a hammer if you have one.
Lunch will be provided.

Thank you.

Spencer Wolfe

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Help Ben Caskey's Eagle project

Parents and Scouts:

Please see the attached note from Ben Caskey on his Eagle Project coming up this weekend.  Help if you can.

I also know that Spencer Wolfe is working on his too but I don’t have that info as of this notice.


Kirk Bohanan
Scoutmaster Troop 136

Ben Writes:


Could you please forward the following message to the troop regarding my Eagle Scout Project:

Ben Caskey Eagle Scout Project
I would like to invite everyone to help with my Eagle Scout Project this Saturday, August 13th from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Sunday, August 14th from noon – 5 p.m.  at the Grove City High School band room.  We will be cleaning, repairing, and reorganizing trophies.  There will also be some shelving installed in the band director’s office.  Lunch will be provided on Saturday.  I hope to see you there.

Thank you........

Ben Caskey

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

August Newsletter

Our Theme this Month is:  Boating
Please note the following upcoming events.  Refer to the 2015-2016 Program Plan for the complete year planning events.  Note that the plan is subject to minor changes.

1. PLC: [Patrol Leader’s Council] 
Next Meeting will be August 7th at 5:00 pm
Senior Patrol Leader, Asst. Sr. Patrol Leader,

All Patrol Leader’s. & Asst. Patrol Leader’s and other Troop leadership positions Please plan to attend.

2. Troop Committee / Parent Meeting:
Next Meeting is August 7th at 6:00 PM at the Church.
All parents are invited to attend this meeting and learn what is up coming in the Troop activities.
3.Camp-out this Month:
This month’s campout a
Date: Aug. 20-21 [1 Night]
Location: Marrow, Ohio
            Little Miami Canoe Livery
Leave Saturday @ 7:30 AM
Return Sunday @ 12:00 PM
            Cost: $15 [Biking]-$30[Canoeing]
Permission slip must be filled out and returned by:  8/16/2016
4. Monthly Dues:                    “A Scout is Thrifty…”
Please keep up to date on your monthly dues.  We collect $10.00 each month for troop operation.  This can be paid or taken from your son’s Scout Account.  Scout Accounts are funded by participation in fundraising activities, and also by Kroger Plus purchases. Use Kroger Plus Card for your family food purchases. A percent of your spending at Kroger on the Kroger Plus card will go into the Boy’s Scout Account.  The Scout Account can be used to pay for Summer Camp fees, Monthly camp-out fees, Troop Dues, and Troop related expenses that are approved by the Scoutmaster. Please note that the purchase of Personal Gear is not an approved expense that your scout account will cover.

Please check with Jim Baughman on status of your son's Scout Account.

5. Become a Den Chief for the  Cub Pack  
You can become a Den Chief – You must be First Class Rank and go through a training course. This course will be given August 29th at 7:00 PM.  This will count as a position of Leadership Responsibility, which is needed for the Ranks from Star to Eagle.  See Kirk for details.

6. Camp out this month - Options
The troop will be going camping this month August 20th  to Marrow Ohio – planning to stay at the Little Miami Cone Livery where the scouts can either go on a bike hike or on a canoe trip, Depending on the Adult leader count able to go with us.  We will need at least 2 Leaders on each trek.  If you want to go biking, you must prepare yourself and make sure your bike is ready – and you have a Bike helmet.[cost will be $15.00]  If you want to go canoeing, you MUST have passed a BSA Swimmers test THIS year. [cost will be $30.00]

7. Camp out next month – need to know your plan-ASAP!
Our PLC has voted to go back to South Bass Island again this September 9-11. This trip is where we spend the weekend on South Bass Island touring around and having fun.  Details on this trip can be had by asking your patrol members that have been there in the past.  It will Cost $75.00 and require you to get out of school early so we can leave a 1 PM SHARP.  If you are interested in going I will NEED to Know by Tuesday August 9th to get our reservation in.  If you tell me you are going – you will be committing to a spot but not have to pay for it until September 5th.  If you let me know after August 9th it  will be as a wait list only.

8. Program Plan for 2016-2017
We have developed our next year’s program.  Look for this to be out soon.  Remember - some updates and change may occur throughout the year.

9. Card Board Canoe Race- coming this month…
Plan to have your Patrol’s entry ready for our last meeting in August.  More details to follow….

10. Troop Tag Sale - Sept. 17th
The Tag Sale will be on the 17th of September.  It will coincide with the Arts in the Alley weekend activity [Hog Roast Too!].  Plan to bring items for the sale on Friday, September 16th for setting up the event. Remember that 75% of what you sell at this event will go to your son’s scout account. These items should already be marked and priced.  We will need both parents and scouts to work this event.  If you can sign up please let Kirk Bohanan know. 

11. Hog Roast Fund-raiser Next Month Too! [Sept. 17th]
We will hold our annual Hog Roast Fund-raiser.  It will be September 17th at the church.  PLEASE plan on attending and HELP out.  See additional e-mails and information about this event.  The boys will earn money for their Scout Accounts.

12. BSA Health Forms
HEALTH FORMS from Summer camp are now on file for the next 12 months.   If you did not go to summer camp you should have at least Part A and Part B of the New Health Form submitted to the troop.  [Part C is the visit to the Doctor’s office]. This is important information that we take on our outdoor outings in case of an emergency.  Please help us by getting this information into the Troop. As any medications change please update Part A of your son’s form.  PLEASE MAKE A COPY AND TURN ONE IN TO THE TROOP.  KEEP ONE FOR YOUR RECORDS AND JUST INCASE WE MISPLACE OUR COPY.

We will have our Popcorn Kick off in September.  Please be ready to get all of the information on product and prize incentives.  The sale will begin in late September. We will have information on when and where you can get popcorn for take and deliver orders.

14. Court of Honor – Sept. 27th
We will have our Fall Court of Honor on September 27th at the First Presbyterian Church, starting at 7:00.   All Advancement for this COH will need to be turned in by September 20th. Please plan to have your parents come and be apart of this event. 

September’s Theme is Technology