Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Setup for Court of Honor needed!

Parents and Scouts:

I will need some help in setting up the fellowship center tomorrow night.  We have to set up tables and chairs.  If you can assist please let me know you can help and then be there by 6 pm. 



Kirk Bohanan

Scoutmaster Troop 136 

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Cyber Chip info


Please see the information below from Jamie Caldwell.  He and Roland Kreml are going to be working on presenting a class for the Cyber Chip requirement that scouting has added to our advancement process. 



Kirk Bohanan
Scoutmaster Troop 136

Jamie Caldwell Writes:


The purpose of this email is to outline the Cyber Chip requirements that you should complete prior to our Troop meeting on February 7th.   The PLC has set “Cyber Chip” as the topic of this meeting.   You will not be able to complete all requirements at this meeting, but if you do complete the items listed below prior to the meeting you could finish your Cyber Chip at the February 7th Troop meeting.

Remember, the Cyber Chip is now a requirement for Scout rank and Star rank.  It is also required for several of the technology related merit badges.  If you plan to work on any of these over the next 12 months, you will need your Cyber Chip.   Please follow the items listed under your current grade level.  

Grades 6-8
-          Print pages 1 and 2 of the Cyber Chip Workbook.   See link below.
-          Complete requirement 2 at home with your parents.   Use the Workbook as an outline for your contract.   We do expect you to bring a copy of your contract that has been signed by both you and your parents.
-          Complete requirement 3 at home.   You are required to watch the video “Friend or Fake” and two additional videos from the link below.  Please record which videos that you watched, the date and have your parents sign your workbook beside requirement 3.  Be prepared to share and discuss what you have learned.
-          Prepare to complete requirement 4 at the February 7th Troop meeting.   Look at the “Mini Activities” at the link provided below.  Use these activities (or create your own) along with the EDGE method to teach a mini lesson about Internet safety rules, behavior, and “netiquette”.   You can do this requirement individually or as a group as long as each member of your group has a role in presenting part of the lesson. 

Grades 6-8 links
Cyber Chip Workbook (Pages 1 and 2) - http://usscouts.org/advance/docs/Boy-Scout-Cyber-Chip.pdf

Grades 9-12
-          Print pages 3 - 5 of the Cyber Chip Workbook.   See link below.
-          Complete requirement 2 at home with your parents.   Use the Workbook as an outline for your contract.   We do expect you to bring a copy of your contract that has been signed by both you and your parents.
-          Complete requirement 3 at home with your parents.   Be prepared to share and discuss.
-          Complete requirement 4 at home.   You are required to watch three videos from the “Real-Life Stories” link below.  Please record which videos that you watched, the date and have your parents sign your workbook beside requirement 3.  Be prepared to share and discuss what you have learned.
-          Prepare to complete requirement 5 at the February 7th Troop meeting.   Read the “Student Project Kit” at the link provided below.  Use this along with the EDGE method to teach a lesson about Internet safety rules, behavior, and “netiquette”.   This lesson can be in the form of a skit, a lesson, or an activity.   Be creative.   You can do this requirement individually or as a group as long as each member of your group has a role in presenting part of the lesson.   Notify one of the leaders ahead of time if you need to use the audio / video system or have any other special needs for your presentation.

Grades 9-12 links
Cyber Chip Workbook (Pages 3, 4 and 5) - http://usscouts.org/advance/docs/Boy-Scout-Cyber-Chip.pdf

Other Links and Contact Information
Mr. Caldwell – jcaldwell.family@gmail.com

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask Mr. Kreml or me.  


Jamie Caldwell

Friday, January 27, 2017

PLC and Troop meeting info

Parents and scouts:

I have a few items to pass along for the good of the Troop.

1.    We will have our February PLC meeting this Sunday due to the Super Bowl going on next weekend.  We will be meeting Sunday at 5 PM.  All members of the PLC should be there and ready to discuss the upcoming meeting plans for March.  Please be ready!  
2.    The Troop Meeting next Tuesday will be our Winter Court of Honor. Our Opening will be by the Leadership Patrol. We will be starting at 6:30 PM with a Pot-Luck dinner.  All patrols have been given types of dishes to bring.
a.     Patrol assignments are as follows:
                                               i.     Leadership Patrol – Main Dish and Dessert  
                                              ii.     Black Hawks – Main Dish and Side Dish
                                            iii.     Blue Blazes – Main Dish and Side Dish
                                            iv.     Dragons- Main Dish and Dessert
                                             v.     Troop will provide drinks and eating utensils.
b.    Please be on time at 6:30 PM so we can get the dinner completed and have our Court of Honor start promptly after our dinner.
3.    We will hold our Annual FOS Presentation at the Court on Honor this next week.  Please see the statement below from our District Scouting Executive on the details of this event.  It is an important part of our Council funding and your participation will help continue the Mission of Scouting within the Simon Kenton Council.

Thank you – and have a great weekend!


Kirk Bohanan
Scoutmaster Troop 136
Grove City, Ohio

From Megan Valone, Our District Scouting Executive:

Dear Parents and Adult Leaders,

I hope that you and your son are enjoying the Scouting program.

At our Court of Honor on January 31st, a guest will be joining us to deliver our annual Friends of Scouting presentation. This presentation is about asking for your help in financially supporting local Scouting and to highlight some of the great things happening in Scouting around the area. This year’s presentation takes a closer look at what Scouting means to you and how the gifts raised through this campaign are used to deliver Scouting to young people.

Last year, families of Troop 136 contributed 23 gifts that totaled almost $4,000! That is $4,000 that changes the lives of local youth through Scouting. The goal this year is to keep up the great work and increase the number of gifts and amount raised to impact more kids through Scouting programs.

This annual giving campaign is vital to the Simon Kenton Council’s ability to deliver a quality Scouting experience to the next generation of young leaders.  I personally support Friends of Scouting and hope you will consider doing the same. 

Our Friends of Scouting presenter will share more details about the campaign and where your support is directed but please know in advance that you can make a pledge at the presentation and pay it whenever and however you want in 2017.  All Friends of Scouting donations are 100% tax deductible.  Thank you for your generous support and for your continued dedication to the Scouting program.

With Sincere Appreciation,

Megan Valone  |  District Executive

Simon Kenton Council

807 Kinnear Road
Columbus, Ohio 43212
P 614.436.2896

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Merit Badge Super Saturday

Parents and Scouts:

Here is information on the merit badge super Saturday that is coming up in February.  Please follow the link and sign on info below to check out the offerings and sign up.

Don’t wait too long – classes fill up fast! 

And Thank You Mr. Dool for getting this to us!


Kirk Bohanan
Scoutmaster Troop 136
Grove City, Ohio
614-871-4635 – Home
614-578-0657 - Cell

From: Rob Dool [mailto:redool@columbus.rr.com]
Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2017 3:47 PM
To: Kirk Bohanan
Subject: Simon Kenton Council - Merit Badge Super Saturday - 11 Feb 2017

Please forward to the Troop. Registration for the February 11, 2017 Merit Badge Super Saturday will open at 5:00 pm on January 22, 2017.  Use the following link 

or go to events at www.skcscout.org.

There is a link to the class offering and schedule on the registration site or at 

Scouts can call me if they have questions.  Boys please remember these usually fill up in a few hours.

Rob Dool

Thursday, January 5, 2017

January Newsletter

Our Theme this Month is: First Aid  
Please note the following upcoming events.  Refer to the 2016-2017  Program Plan for the complete year planning events.  Note that the plan is subject to minor changes.
1. PLC: [Patrol Leader’s Council]
Jan8th - at 5:00-6:00 at the Church.
Senior Patrol Leader, Asst. Sr. Patrol Leader,
All Patrol Leader’s. & Asst. Patrol Leader’s and other members of the PLC including Scribe, Historian, Quartermaster are also encouraged to attend.

2. Troop Committee / Parent Meeting:
Next Meeting is Jan 8th at 6:00 PM at the Church.
All parents are invited to attend this meeting and learn what is up coming in the Troop activities.
3.Camp-out this Month:
Date: Jan 13-15, 2017
Location: Camp Manatoc - Brandywine
Leave Friday @ 6:00 PM
Return Sunday @ 1:00 PM
Cost: depending on which activity you do.  See permission slip for details.
Permission slip must be filled out and returned by:  1/10/2017
4. Monthly Dues:                    “A Scout is Thrifty…”
Please keep up to date on your monthly dues.  We collect $10.00 each month for troop operation.  This can be paid or taken from your son’s Scout Account.  Scout Accounts are funded by participation in fundraising activities.  The Scout Account can be used to pay for Summer Camp fees, Monthly camp-out fees, Troop Dues, Uniform expenses, and Troop related expenses that are approved by the Scoutmaster.

Please check with Jim Baughman on status of your son's Scout Account.

NEW Advancement Requirements for Rank Advancement PLEASE READ!
 See complete list at www.meritbadge.com for all details on your particular rank. During this past year there has been a transition period that has been communicated to all about the new requirements now in effect.  
As of January 1, 2017, all Scouts MUST use the new requirements for ALL rank Advancements.

4.  BSA Health Forms
Health Forms from summer camp last year are now on file for the next 6 months.   If you did not go to summer camp you should have at least Part A and Part B of the New Health Form submitted to the troop.  [Part C is the visit to the Doctor’s office]. This is important information that we have and are able to take on our outdoor outings in case of an emergency.  Please help us by getting this information into the Troop. As any medications changes please update Part A of your son’s form. See the website for a link to the latest revision of this form.

5. NYLT – Looking for Scouts for Nagatamen!
The troop will be sponsoring 2 scouts again this year for the NYLT [National Youth Leadership Training].  It is the Nagatamen Program that will be held June 11-17th.   This is a great opportunity for scout’s star rank and above to learn about being a leader within the troop.  It is fully paid by the troop.  If you are interested please let Kirk Bohanan know as a decision will be made of who will be attending later this spring.  If more than 2 are interested in going there will be an interview process to decide who will go.

6. January Campout – Winter sports at Brandywine
The Troop will be traveling to Peninsula Ohio to have a weekend of snow sports.  The options are snow skiing, snowboarding or snow tubing.  It will be a cold weekend – so plan accordingly. See attached for cost details.

7. Winter Court of Honor January  31st
We will have our Winter Court of Honor on January 31st @ 6:30 PM at the Church.  This Ceremony will be for awards that have been earned since the Fall Court of Honor.  We will have a pot-luck dinner before the ceremony.  Please contact your patrol leader to find out what dishes you are to bring. [You will bring a main dish and one side or dessert]. The troop will provide the table service and drinks. I hope you all will come and support the boys and watch them receive their awards.

8. FOS [Friends of Scouting] Campaign!
We will also hold our 2017 Friends of Scouting Pledge Drive.  We will have our presentation on January 31st during the Court of Honor.  This is the time when we as parents of Scouts can participate in the annual contribution campaign drive held by our Council.  This is an important part of our Scouting organization, and I encourage all to come and participate in this campaign. 

9. University of Scouting!
The University of Scouting [For Scouts, Adults & Leaders] will be held on Jan. 21st at Westland High School. This is a training activity for adults and has a variety of topics that will be offered.  Cost is $25.00 until 1/1382017; then it will go to $35.00.  If you are interested.  Sign up at http://www.skcscouts.org/universityofscouting/  For the scouts - there will be some merit badges also offered at this the training event [American Business, Chess, and Robotics]. 

10. Cave camping in February
The February campout will be to the Marengo Cave in Indiana on Feb 17-19.  This will be a great outing,  Watch for more details on this outing later in January.

11. Summer Camp 2017 – Let’s start planning!
This year we will be to Camp Chief Logan in Jackson Ohio – July 2 - July 8th.  Keep a look out for upcoming information in the months to come. Early bird camp fee is due on March 28th to the troop; we have to have into council by April 1st.  Cost due at that time will be the total amount of $270.00.  After that date is will be $290.00 if paid before June 1st; then it will be $310.00.  Start to think about which Merit badges you will want to take NOW!

 February’s Theme is: Caving