Sunday, April 23, 2017

MULCH - GRR - zzzz

GREAT job yesterday by all!  We completed all orders and I have had no phone calls stating that we missed anybody. 

That means we have no activity needed today.

Rest and recover!


Kirk Bohanan
Scoutmaster Troop 136

Friday, April 21, 2017

Jared's Eagle project and Mulch - GRRR!!!

Please see the note that was sent to me from Jared Brode.  He is working to get the final steps completed on his Eagle Service project and needs your help.

Jared writes:

If you could do me a favor and forward out this message about my Eagle project that would be very appreciated.

I will be having my final Eagle project workday this Sunday, April 23, starting at 9 am. We will meet at the First Presbyterian church and work until 1 pm. Lunch will be provided and help would be very appreciated. If anyone has shovels they could bring along that would be appreciated as well. 



Dear Parents and Scouts:

OK – Get your GRRRRR face on!  It is time for MULCH MADNESS!  We need you!

I have had a good sign-up list started - but – we need you all!  If you were not at the meeting Tuesday night and have not signed up on the mulch help list please send me an email letting me know when you can when you can attend to help.  See the status of our sign up.  

We will be starting on Friday night at 5:00 PM and finish at dark [8:30??]  We will plan to do all deliveries on Friday and if time permits [and help is there] we will do some of the smaller spreading jobs.  On Saturday we will start at 8:30am and go until we are DONE!  Lunch will be provide – bring a side dish to share.  If you parents would like to help Mr. Colborn, Mr. Betz and Mrs. Porter with set up of lunch  Please Let me know.  [we can use all of you.] 

Bring a water bottle  - gloves – old clothes that can get black and dirty [rakes and brooms good –BUT put your name on them PLEASE] Looks like rain gear will be needed as well.  We will work rain or shine [unless it is thunder storming].  

REMEMBER – this is a GREAT opportunity to make GOOD money for your scout account – BUT it take us all.  I understand some have other activity and can’t help but to miss.  The rest of your – it’s show time!

See you Friday night!


Kirk Bohanan
Scoutmaster Troop 136

Tuesday, April 18, 2017


Parents and Scouts:

Ok – I’m back from being out of the country and looks like the sign-up sheet was circulated last week, and is off to a good start for the Mulch Fund-Raiser.  Thanks to all who have signed up!

BUT…We’re not at the needed participation levels that are going to be needed to make this event successful.  PLEASE look at this PDF and see if it is correct from the sign up info that was given to me.  IF you can add times in the schedule to your name – then DO IT!

Just an FYI – we have 1660 bags to deliver on Friday night and over 2400 bags to spread on Saturday.  SO make this weekend positive and earn money for your scout account.  We will talk more tomorrow night on this – and finalize the plans as to what you need to know for the weekend events.  DON’T MISS TOMORROW NIGHT!

See you then!



Kirk Bohanan
Scoutmaster Troop 136

Friday, April 7, 2017

GRRR....Be there to help with mulch!

Parents and Scouts:

We are getting close to the BIG Mulch Delivery Day[s]!  April 21st and April 22nd.  WE NEED YOU!

Please see the attached Excel sign-up sheet for the Friday and Saturday activity.  Review this sign-up sheet and on Tuesday 4/11 and 4/118, a copy of this will be posted for you to add your time that you will be able to assist. 

I really need ALL scouts to participate!  

The one time slot at the end of the day on Saturday is also critical.  I am looking for at least 80% participation on this time slot. We have found in the past that all of the help disappears and we struggle to finish.  All other slots I am targeting at least 90% of the troop participating.  If we don’t get done on Saturday – we may need to finish on Sunday as a back-up plan.  Please let me know if you are available for that day as well – just as a contingency plan.

Be there!  

You should be there as much as possible during this two days.  You have the ability to make money for your scout account, which can be used for scouting events and uniform supplies.

I will not be at the meeting on Tuesday night 4/11 BUT… the expectation is for scouts to sign-up either via email or at a meeting [4/11 or 4/18].  All you have to do is put an “x” in the time SLOTS[multiple is expected!].  I will review and then determine our readiness for the event. 

If your parents can help GREAT!.  If they have access to a truck for us to use – AWESOME!  Please mark that accordingly in the sign-up sheet.  If you are an adult leader in the troop and don’t have a scout in the troop please note at the bottom of the sign-up sheet there is a spot for you!

New Webelos just joining  -  WE NEED YOU TOO!  Please sign up as well.

If you have any questions please let me know.

Great ready – GRRRRRRR!


Kirk Bohanan
Scoutmaster Troop 136

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

April Newsletter

1. PLC: [Patrol Leader’s Council]
May 7th - from 5:00-6:00 at the Church.
Senior Patrol Leader, Asst. Sr. Patrol Leader,
All Patrol Leader’s. & Asst. Patrol Leader’s and other members of the PLC including Scribe, Historian, Quartermaster are also encouraged to attend.
2. Troop Committee / Parent Meeting:
May 7th from 6:00-8:00 PM at the Church.
All parents are invited to attend this meeting and learn what is up coming in the Troop activities.
3.  Camp-Out Next Month:
     Date:  April 28-30, 2017
    Tar Hollow State Park – Camp with Cub Scouts
            Location: Tar Hollow State Park, Ohio
            Cost - $15.00
            Leave Friday @ 6:00 PM
             Return Sunday @ 11:30 AM
Permission Slip - Must be filled out and returned by: 4/25/2017
Birthday’s this Month:

Scouts:                                 Adults:
Andrew E. – 4/23              Rob Dool – 4/9
Ethan S. – 4/28                 Mike Brode – 4/12

4. Monthly Dues:
 “A Scout is Thrifty…”
Please keep up to date on your monthly dues.  We collect $10.00 each month for troop operation.  This can be paid or taken from your son’s Scout Account.  Scout Accounts are funded by participation in fundraising activities. 
The Scout Account can be used to pay for Summer Camp fees, Monthly camp-out fees, Troop Dues, and Troop related expenses that are approved by the Scoutmaster. Please note that the purchase of Personal Gear is not an approved expense that your scout account will cover.
 Please check with Jim Baughman on status of your son's Scout Account.

5. Kroger Community Rewards Program – Time to Update Registration:
It’s time to re-enroll for the new year of Kroger Community Rewards. Please let your participants know that they need to re-enroll in the month of April in order to continue contributing to your organization through the May 1st 2017 to April 30th 2018 year.
For a member to re-enroll their card they simply go to
• Click “sign-in”
• Put in your registered email address and password that they used to enroll their card.
• Put in the group number [81125] or part of the name of the organization. [“boy scout troop 136”]
• Choose the correct organization.
• Click Enroll.
You are now enrolled for the May 1st 2016 to April 30th 2017 year of Kroger Community Rewards. If you are having an issue with your password and or email address please 1-800-KROGERS, press 5 for customer service, press 5 to speak to a customer service representative.

If it’s the first time you are registering, you will need to set up their account first.
• For a member to enroll their card the simply go to
• Click “create an account” • Put in their email address and password. Confirm their password
• Enter plus card OR alt ID number
• Go to Community Rewards (near bottom)
• Follow through the steps. (Name, address, etc.)
• Put in the group number or part of the name of the organization. [81125] or part of the name of the organization. [“boy scout troop 136”]
• Choose the correct organization.
• Click Enroll.
You are now enrolled for the May 1st 2017 to April 30th 2018 year of Kroger Community Reward. It sounds more difficult than it is.  If you have any issues give me a call and I will help.  If you have not yet joined this fund-raiser and would like to – see Mr. Baughman for details.  Make sure you register your card number with the troop so we can credit you rewards. 

6. We will deliver and spread Mulch this month! Get Ready - GRRRRRRR!
Get ready to WORK!  We have sold a lot of Mulch!   We will need ALL hands for this fundraiser!  Please plan to attend.  We will need Parents if able; of course the boys too!  Things to bring are:  water bottle, OLD Clothes, gloves, rakes, broom [with your name on them].  We will deliver on April 21st starting at 5:00 PM until ? and then on the 22nd starting at 8:30 AM until ?  We will meet and have all orders filled from the Creekside Subdivision location [corner of Snowy Creek and Autumn Run].  I will have a map for those that need it. [FYI-it is where we met back in March and took orders].  Please keep this date free for lots of work! Some activity may go to the April 23rd date as well, depending on work load and weather.  If you have a truck that can be used to haul Mulch [or a trailer] please let me know.  We will need about 15 total trucks. We will serve lunch - plan to bring a side dish or desert. We will need parents help prepare the lunch as well – let me know if you can assist.  I will have a sign-up sheet at the next few Troop meetings so make sure to get on the list. GRRRRRRRRR!

7. Tar Hollow – Camp out to help the Cub Scout Pack 136
This Month we will be camping at Tar Hollow State Park with the Cub Scouts of Pack 136 at their Spring Camp.  We will help them as needed.  We will leave on Friday April 28- at 6:00 PM from the Church parking lot.

8. Troop Elections – May 2nd
For those Scouts who are interested in running for Senior Patrol Leader or Patrol Leaders we will have Elections on May 2nd.  Candidates for SPL will have to be 1st Class; those interested in PL will need to be Second class.  If you are interested in running for these positions please let me know.  We will give each candidate for SPL a chance to talk to the scouts and give them the reasons why they should be elected.  We will have a primary and final election if there is more that 2 candidates running. Remember to make your vote count!

9. Summer Camp 2016 – Chief Logan
Our Summer Camp will be July 2nd - July 8th at Camp Chief Logan in Jackson Ohio.  The final Cost will now be $290.00; [It is still $270 for first year Scouts.]  You need to pay your summer camp fee to the Troop by 5/30.  If you miss this date it will cost $310. You can start to organize your plans for merit badge and other program selections as well.  Be ready!   Parents – I will need some help at summer camp from you!  If you can spend some time with us please let me know.  I like to have 8-10 adults in camp during the week to help keep the scouts on track.  So if you have a day or the week and wish to spend it in the woods please let me know.  It is no cost to you; just your time!

May's  Theme is:  Music  

Saturday, April 1, 2017

PLC meeting, tarps, and April 21&22!!!

Parents and Scouts:

I hope all are having a great spring break!

PLC members [Patrol Leaders Council] – we have our monthly meeting tomorrow afternoon at 5 pm – at the church I hope to see you all there!  We have planning to do for our May meetings.  Please be prepared to discuss meeting ideas and inter-patrol activities as well.

Those who have tents / tarps out – PLEASE get the returned this Tuesday - Cleaned and Dry! 
Be sure to report any issues you have found on the tent / tarp you have to the Quartermasters [Perry Heiby or Sam Jones].

The troop newsletter and monthly permission slip will be out soon. 



Kirk Bohanan
Scoutmaster Troop 136