Friday, July 28, 2017

Need help fro the softball trash cleanup this weekend


OK – we had some additional sign-ups tonight at the meeting for this weekend’s trash clean up at Fryer Park – thank you to those who are on the list.


WE have 10 – 12 additional scouts needed for the Saturday evening and Sunday evening time slots.  If you are in the troop, and are in town this week end and not committed to something else – then you should be on this list!

This is a great opportunity for you – the scouts to help earn your own way in scouting.  Please respond back to me as to WHEN you are able to assist

Please don’t let your troop down – we need you!   Additional parents are also welcome!

Thank you.


Kirk Bohanan

Scoutmaster Troop 136 

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Ryan's Eagle Project - date change

Parents and Scouts:
Please see the note below about Ryan Armstrong’s upcoming Eagle Project activity.  Please assist if you can.  He will let us know tomorrow night where to meet and if we need to bring anything.


Kirk Bohanan
Scoutmaster Troop 136

Ryan writes:
Hello everyone, this is Ryan Armstrong. I wanted to let you know that I changed the last two workdays for my Eagle Project to the 14th and 15th (Friday and Saturday) of July (14th: 5pm-9pm, 15: 9am-3pm). We will be constructing shelving units, cleaning the unit, moving large items in the unit (?) taking pictures and inventory of the props, putting the props into the new bins, and putting those new prop bins onto shelves in the unit. I will then update the master list with the new inventory sheets. I wanted to let you all know so that you can update your schedules and so that you can let me know of any conflicts you have. If you can make it to either of these dates or to both of these dates, please email me the time that you are planning to attend. All help will be appreciated! I am very excited to finally complete this project so that it can begin to benefit LTOB!
Thank you!
Ryan Armstrong