Monday, February 26, 2018

March Newsletter, permission slip, and Mulch Fundraiser

Dear Parents and Scouts:

Below is the March monthly newsletter and attached is the permission slip for our campout which will be to Camp Lazarus on March 17-18.  We will be inviting the Webelo II Scouts from Pack 136 to join us.  I am looking for a great turnout from ALL patrols.  Should be fun – so plan on it!

We have our Order Day for the 2018 Mulch Fundraiser this next weekend – March 3rd.  We will discuss the details tomorrow night at our Troop Meeting.  Please make every effort to be at this event – As I have told you – WE NEED ALL that can participate.

I have included a copy of the 2018 Mulch Order Form for you to use in your social media ties if you wish.  I will have the actual forms on Saturday if you need some already printed.

At our Meeting tomorrow night, we were going to have a guest speaker – Mr. Richard Cordray come and talk to the scouts on “Leadership”.  He had to delay this discussion until our March 13th meeting due to a trip he had to take tomorrow to Youngstown which will not allow him to return in time for our meeting.  We will have our meeting activity on Knots and Lashings instead.

See you tomorrow night!


Kirk Bohanan
Scoutmaster Troop 136

Our Theme this Month is: Knots, Lashings & Scout Skills   
Please note the following upcoming events.  Refer to the 2017-2018 Program Plan for the complete year planning events.  Note that the plan is subject to minor changes.
1. PLC: [Patrol Leader’s Council]
March 4th - at 5:00-6:00 at the Church.
Senior Patrol Leader, Asst. Sr. Patrol Leader,
All Patrol Leader’s. & Asst. Patrol Leader’s and other members of the PLC including Scribe, Historian, Quartermaster are also encouraged to attend.

2. Troop Committee / Parent Meeting:
Next Meeting is March 4th at 6:00 PM at the Church.
All parents are invited to attend this meeting and learn what is up coming in the Troop activities.
3.Camp-out this Month:
            Date: March 17-18, 2018
            Location: Camp Lazarus, Delaware, Ohio
            Leave Saturday @ 7:30 AM
Return Sunday @ about 11:30 AM
Cost - $10.00

Permission slip must be filled out and returned by:  3/13/2018
4. Monthly Dues:                    “A Scout is Thrifty…”
Please keep up to date on your monthly dues.  We collect $10.00 each month for troop operation.  This can be paid or taken from your son’s Scout Account.  Scout Accounts are funded by participation in fundraising activities. 
The Scout Account can be used to pay for Summer Camp fees, Monthly camp-out fees, Troop Dues, and Troop related expenses that are approved by the Scoutmaster. Please note that the purchase of Personal Gear is not an approved expense that your scout account will cover.
 Please check with Jim Baughman on status of your son's Scout Account.

5. Kroger Community Rewards Program
 If you are participating in the Kroger Community Rewards Program, please go online ad get your latest statement of funding to the troop.  Please bring that printed off information into our Treasurer, Jim Baughman in order to get your scout account credited accordingly.

6. Get Ready for Mulch!
We will have our Mulch Fundraiser again this year.  Dates are March 4th to take orders and April 20-21 to deliver.  Please keep these dates free for lots of work!  On the March 3rd date, we will meet at the Creekside subdivision in Grove City.  Our meeting location will be at the corner of Autumn Wind Drive and Snowy Creek Drive [At the Historical Dig Site].  We will meet at 9:30 and be done by 12:00 PM.  This will be a Class A uniform event.

7. Summer Camp 2018!
This year we will be going to Muskingum Valley in Coshocton Ohio.  Dates of summer camp are July 1st-July 7th. The Camp fee total is due May 8th to the troop - $250.00 and $275 after this date.  Keep a look out for upcoming information in the months to come.  Look on the Troop website and at the Fellowship Center Display cabinet for Merit Badge options and Pre-Reqs needed for these merit badges.  Please start to look at the list and build your list of activity for camp.  There are also many other programs offered at camp as well.  Please be sure to turn in your summer camp registration form with payment to Jim Baughman.

8.  BSA Health Forms
Health Forms from summer camp last year are now on file for the next 4 months.   If you did not go to summer camp you should have at least Part A and Part B of the New Health Form submitted to the troop.  [Part C is the visit to the Doctor’s office]. This is important information that we have and are able to take on our outdoor outings in case of an emergency.  Please help us by getting this information into the Troop. As any medications changes please update Part A of your son’s form. See the website for a link to the latest revision of this form.  Once you get this Medical Form updated, please turn in to Rob Robinett.  PLEASE MAKE A COPY FOR YOUR OWN RECORDS BEFORE TURNING IT IN TO US.

April’s Theme is: Outdoor Ethics, Nature and Conservation

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Ski and Tubing trip

Please see the list of those that have signed up to go on the camp out this weekend.  If your name is not on this list – you are not signed up.  Please get back to me tonight if you thought you were going but are not included below.

Dominic Rose
Jayden Viscantas
Will Wisenbarger
Kirk Bohanan
Darryl Betz
Robbie Dool
Roland Guay


Kirk Bohanan
Scoutmaster Troop 136

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Feb Newsletter

Our Theme this Month is: Character and Leadership
Please note the following upcoming events.  Refer to the 2017-2018  Program Plan for the complete year planning events.  Note that the plan is subject to minor changes.
1. PLC: [Patrol Leader’s Council]
March 4th - at 5:00-6:00 at the Church.  Senior Patrol Leader, Asst. Sr. Patrol Leader, All Patrol Leader’s. & Asst. Patrol Leader’s and other members of the PLC including Scribe, Historian, Quartermaster are also encouraged to attend.

2. Troop Committee / Parent Meeting:
Next Meeting is March 4th at 6:00 PM at the Church.
All parents are invited to attend this meeting and learn what is up coming in the Troop activities.
3.Camp-out this Month:
Date: Feb 9-11, 2018
Location: Camp Manatoc / Brandywine Ski Resort, Peninsula Ohio

            Leave Friday at 6:00 PM SHARP!
Return Sunday about 1:00 PM
Cost: depending on which activity you do.  See permission slip for details.
            Permission slip must be filled out and returned by: 2/6/2018
4. Monthly Dues:                    “A Scout is Thrifty…”
Please keep up to date on your monthly dues.  We collect $10.00 each month for troop operation.  This can be paid or taken from your son’s Scout Account.  Scout Accounts are funded by participation in fundraising activities, and also by Kroger Plus purchases. Use Kroger Plus Card for your family food purchases. A percent of your spending at Kroger on the Kroger Plus card will go into the Boy’s Scout Account.  The Scout Account can be used to pay for Summer Camp fees, Monthly camp-out fees, Troop Dues, and Troop related expenses that are approved by the Scoutmaster. Please note that the purchase of Personal Gear is not an approved expense that your scout account will cover.

Please check with Jim Baughman on status of your son's Scout Account.

5. February Campout – Winter sports at Brandywine
The Troop will try to get to Brandywine in February since we had to call it off in January.  We will be traveling to Peninsula Ohio to have a weekend of snow sports.  This will be on February 9-11.  Signups must be done by our meeting on February 6th.  We only have 24 spots in the cabin – others above this number will be tent camping if they wish to go.  The options are snow skiing, snowboarding or snow tubing.  It will be a cold weekend – so plan accordingly. 

6. Get Ready for Mulch - GRRRRR!
We will have our Mulch Fundraiser again this year – but we need your HELP!  Dates are March 3rd in the Creekside Subdivision for taking orders and April 20-21 to deliver.  Please keep these dates free for lots of work!  On the March 3rd date, we will meet at the Creekside subdivision in Grove City.  Our meeting location will be at the corner of Autumn Wind Drive and Snowy Creek Drive [At the Historical Dig Site].  We will meet at 9:30 and be done by 12:00 PM.  This will be a Class A uniform event on March 3rd; not on the delivery dates.  I will be asking for each scout family to let me know of their ability and commitment to assist in this event by middle of February so we can determine the amount of help vs. size of this fundraiser. Please be ready to respond - I will have the commitment sign-up sheet at the troop meetings! 

7. NYLT – Looking for Scouts for Nagatamen!
The troop will be sponsoring 2 scouts again this year for the NYLT [National Youth Leadership Training].  It is the Nagatamen Program that  will be held June 10-16.   This is a great opportunity for scout’s star rank and above to learn about being a leader within the troop.  It is fully paid by the troop.  If you are interested please let Kirk Bohanan know. A decision will be made of who will be attending later this spring.  If more than 2 are interested in going there will be an interview process to decide who will go.

8. Summer Camp 2018 – Early-bird Sign-up is HERE!
This year we will be going to at Muskingum Valley in Coshocton Ohio – July 1 - July 7.  Early bird camp fee of $25.00 is due on / before Feb. 27th to the troop; we have to have into Muskingum Valley Council by March 3rd.  Those that register at the early bird time will get a Camp Themed Cowboy Hat for camp.  If all fees paid by 5/8/18, the total cost will be $250.00.   After the 5/81/18 date the cost will be $275; and then if not paid until getting to camp it will cost $290.  [New Webelos crossing over will still get the $250 price after the May 8th date] Start to think about which Merit badges you will want to take NOW!  The merit badge options for this summer camp will be out soon for you to start to plan out your pre-reqs.

9.  BSA Health Forms
Health Forms from summer camp last year are now on file for the next 5 months.   If you did not go to summer camp last year you should have at least Part A and Part B of the New Health Form submitted to the troop.  [Part C is the visit to the Doctor’s office]. These forms are available as a link from the troop website.  This is important information that we have and are able to take on our outdoor outings in case of an emergency.  Please help us by getting this information into the Troop. As any medications changes please update Part A of your son’s form. See the website for a link to the latest revision of this form.  Once you get this Medical Form updated, please turn in to Rob Robinett.  PLEASE MAKE A COPY FOR YOUR OWN RECORDS BEFORE TURNING IT IN TO US.

March’s Theme is: Knot & Lashings – Scout Skills