1. PLC: [Patrol Leader’s Council]
May 6th - from 5:00-6:00 at the Church.
Senior Patrol Leader, Asst. Sr. Patrol
Leader, All
Patrol Leader’s. & Asst. Patrol Leader’s and other members of the PLC
including Scribe, Historian, Webmasters are also encouraged to attend.
Troop Committee / Parent Meeting:
May 6th from 6:00-8:00 PM at the
All parents
are invited to attend this meeting and learn what is up coming in the Troop
3. Camp-Out Next
June 7-10, 2018
Location: Cumberland Pass Backpack
Cost - $TBD
Leave Thursday 6/7/18 @ TBD AM
Return Sunday @ TBD PM
Permission Slip - Must be filled out and returned by: 5/29/2018
Monthly Dues:
“A Scout is
Please keep up to date on your monthly
dues. We collect $10.00 each month for
troop operation. This can be paid or
taken from your son’s Scout Account.
Scout Accounts are funded by participation in fundraising
The Scout
Account can be used to pay for Summer Camp fees, Monthly camp-out fees, Troop
Dues, and Troop related expenses that are approved by the Scoutmaster. Please
note that the purchase of Personal Gear is not an approved expense that your
scout account will cover.
Please check with Jim Baughman on status of
your son's Scout Account.
Kroger Community Rewards Program – Time to Update Registration:
It’s time to re-enroll for the new year of
Kroger Community Rewards. Please let your participants know that they need to
re-enroll in the month of April in order to continue contributing to your
organization through the May 1st 2018 to April 30th 2019 year.
• Click “sign-in”
• Put in your registered email address and
password that they used to enroll their card.
• Put in the group number [81125] or part of
the name of the organization. [“boy scout troop 136”]
• Choose the correct organization.
• Click Enroll.
You are now enrolled for the May 1st 2018 to
April 30th 2019 year of Kroger Community Rewards. If you are having an issue
with your password and or email address please 1-800-KROGERS, press 5 for
customer service, press 5 to speak to a customer service representative.
If it’s the first time you are registering, you
will need to set up their account first.
• Click “create an account” • Put in their
email address and password. Confirm their password
• Enter plus card OR alt ID number
• Go to Community Rewards (near bottom)
• Follow through the steps. (Name, address,
• Put in the group number or part of the name
of the organization. [81125] or part of the name of the organization. [“boy
scout troop 136”]
• Choose the correct organization.
• Click Enroll.
You are now enrolled for the May 1st 2018 to
April 30th 2019 year of Kroger Community Reward. It sounds more difficult than
it is. If you have any issues give me a
call and I will help. If you have not
yet joined this fund-raiser and would like to – see Mr. Baughman for details. Make sure you register your card number with
the troop so we can credit you rewards.
May 11th - Helping with the Flower Sale WATCH At Gantz Park
The Troop has been asked to again help assist in
the Flower Sale at Gantz by doing an overnight Watch on Friday, May 11th. I would like 5-8 scouts assist in an
overnight - let me know if you’re interested.
This is a Class B uniform event. We will be meeting at 6:00 Pm Friday
and done by 7:30 AM on Saturday 5/12.
May 17th - Helping Pack 136 Webelos Crossover Ceremony
The Troop will again assist in the building of
the Monkey Bridge for the Pack 136 Cross-over ceremony for the Webelos that are
joining the troop. This event will be on
Thursday May 17 – meet at the church 6:00 pm to assist building.
May 19th - Helping ACTS [Active
Christians Transforming Society]
The Troop will work with other group this year in the ACTS
Community Service project. We will be
assisting with project that will be helping those needing assistance in our
community. We will at 8:45 am at GCHS. We will be done by noon.
May 19th – Scout Rank Advancement BLITZ!
The Troop will work with the new scouts that
have joined in the past few months to get rank advancement completed on
Saturday Afternoon. [After ACTS Project].
Plan to bring a lunch if you are working on ACTS and then we’ll push to
get your advancement signed off from 1:00 PM through 4:00PM [if needed]. Have
your requirements read through and be ready to show your stuff!
10. May 20th
- Eagle Court of Honor
We will hold an Eagle Scout Court of Honor on
Sunday – May 20th for both Wayne Kreml and Ryan Armstrong. It will be at the First Presbyterian Church –
starting at 3:00 pm. Please plan to come
and attend and help the Troop celebrate the accomplishments. Some of you scouts will be asked to assist in
the ceremony – be ready when asked,
11. May 26th - Help put flags on the graves at
Greenlawn Cemetery
The troop will help the Sons of the Union Soldiers put
American flags on the graves of soldiers from the Civil War. We will meet at 9:30 AM on the 26th and drive
to the cemetery at Greenlawn. There will
be a ceremony about 11 am with a small lunch to follow. We will be done about noon. This is a Class A uniform event. We will need help with transportation from
parents on this event.
12. Class B uniform shirts are available
The troop has a good supply of the red Class B t-shirts for
the scout to purchase. Cost will be
$6.00 each. We will go to the summer
uniform after Memorial Day. Only special events will require Full Class A
uniforms; Court of Honors, Summer camp, Scoutmaster Conferences and Boards of
13. June Court of Honor
The Court of Honor will be June 26th. Please mark your calendar. Get your advancement completed before June 19th
in order to have it awarded at this Court of Honor.
Summer Camp 2018!
Our summer camp will
be July 1st – 7th at Muskingham Valley in Coshocton, Ohio. The cost now will be $250.00. You need to have the payment into the troop
by May 8th. After that date is will be $265.00.
New scouts that just crossed over have until May 8th to get in on the $250.00
fee for camp. Remember if you helped
with Mulch on 4/20-4/21 you will receive a $100 discount for summer camp this
year. You can start to organize your
plans for merit badge selections as well.
I have sent out a list of those offered by MVC. Also check the website.
15. Health Forms for Summer Camp
JUNE 26th. See the website for these
Program Plan for 2018-2019
We will be starting to build our next
year’s program and event plan in July.
Please start thinking of activities and monthly meeting program ideas
that you would like to have included in the Troop Plan this next year. The PLC will meet and get your patrol’s ideas
for consideration.
June’s Theme is: Physical Fitness