Just a reminder that the January Campout Permission slip is
due TODAY. We are planning to go Camp Manatoc in Peninsula Ohio on
January 18-20. We will be going to Brandywine Ski Resort for either Snow
Skiing, Snow Boarding, or Snow Tubing. Cost for these different optionsvary by age and type of activity you wish to do. All Skiers and Boarders
MUST also rent a helmet [$10]. There is also an option for ski /
boarding lessons [$10]. [Sorry Mr. Betz, there are no Tubing lessons that
can be taken… LOL!]. You must also fill out the tubing release form or the ski rental form, depending on which you choose.
We will be sleeping in a cabin [Legion Lodge]; only heated
by a wood stove and fire place. It does have electricity but - Plan for
cold. There are only 24 spots in this cabin so any more that this can
still go – but will have to tent camp, which is a great experience for those
who are prepared. The first 24 who wish to go will get their option on cabin or
tent – so be early to get this turned in on Tuesday [but be nice to Mr.
Baughman when you turn in your form!] . He will mark your form as to the number
turned in so we will know who get a spot in the cabin, or not…
Click here for the Permission Slip. You will need to
turn in these on Tuesday. Parents – we will need you on this outing as
well for transportation and two deep leadership. We must have at least 2
adults at both the ski lodge for skiing and boarding and at least 2 for
tubing. If we don’t have these numbers we will have to only chose one of
the areas and everybody will do that event; either [skiing and snowboarding]
OR [snow tubing]. SO – Parents come and help out and have fun at the same
***** ALSO
This Tuesday the PLC will be holding an indoor campfire as part of the monthly
theme – “Skit Month”! It should be a good evening and I am looking
forward to seeing the new skits that each patrol has come up with for the
night. It will be our last meeting of the year as 12/25 and 1/1 we will
not meet.
That’s all for now - we will see you all tonight.