The Court of Honor on Tuesday, January 29, 2019 begins at 7 pm!
Senior Patrol Leader Andrew Elliott has a few words:
"As you may know, we are having a court of honor next week. Before the Court of Honor we will be having a pot luck.
If each person can please make one of the two dishes assigned to your patrol, that would be great. Please bring them all next week on January 29thto be enjoyed. Each dish should only be a few servings.
Dragons will be making a main dish and a side dish.
Blackhawks will be making a main dish and side dish.
Blue Blazes will be making a main dish and a dessert.
Leadership Patrol will be making a main dish and dessert.
I hope this email will help for next week.
Thank you, Andrew Elliott"
Looking forward to seeing you next Tuesday - weather permitting! Have a great weekend!
Phillip Freeman
Scoutmaster, Troop 136 in Grove City, OH