Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Meeting tonight is at the church!

Good morning!

The meeting for tonight has changed.  We will meet at the church.  They are repaving the parking lot and we were asked to move the mulch to the concrete section of the parking lot.  We will start our meeting in our Field Uniform (Class A).  After the opening, we will have a chance to move the mulch to the new location for the paving.  Be prepared to take off your Field Uniform (Class A) or change into the Activity Uniform.  Once we move the mulch, we will play the games that Andrew has organized tonight.  

Sorry for the change, but we started to move the mulch when we came back from the camping trip and we did not have enough scouts that could carry the mulch to the new location.  The temperature outside tonight will be great for outdoor games.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Mulch Spread tomorrow evening!

Good morning!!

As my body recovers from the mulch deliveries on Friday night and also the mulch spreading that on Saturday, I wanted to send a short note of thanks for both Jeff Colborn and John Fuller for their efforts in organizing the event.  I also want to thank all of the adults who came and helped in some capacity during the day.  Every person was needed for this to be a success. We were able to finish all of the deliveries and spreading of mulch on Friday and Saturday.  Great job everyone!

Scouts - Don't forget to wear your Activity Uniform "Class B" tomorrow night as we spread the mulch around the church. We will begin spreading the mulch around the church at 7 pm, so be on time.  It looks like we will have great weather for this event tomorrow night as well. :)

Adults, if you have a wheel barrel and a way to transport it to the church tomorrow, please bring it.  The green cart will not be available to transport the mulch around the church.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Mulch today and tomorrow and lunch assignments

In case you missed the previous email:
1. Report Times
Parents and Youth,
This Friday April 12th is the start of the 2019 Mulch Project.  We will start mulching at 5:00PM Friday.  We will be spreading and delivering mulch on Friday.  We will work until dark, approximately 8:30PM.
We will start at 8:30AM on Saturday April 13th.  We will work until we are finished (or our backs give out!).
The location of the mulch headquarters is 4927 Snowy Creek Drive.
Lunch will be served at 12:00 noon on Saturday.  Please remember to bring something to supplement our lunch.  The troop will provide hamburgers, hot dogs, and all paper products.
We will need garden rakes and brooms.  PLEASE MAKE SURE TO MARK YOUR NAME ON YOUR TOOLS!
Thank you in advance for your help.
Jeff Colborn  

See you tonight!!!

2. Lunch assignments by patrol for Saturday:
Blue Blazes - Sides (Beans, corn, etc.)
Blackhawks - Desserts
Dragons - Sides (Chips, pretzels, and fruit and vegetables)

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

MULCH GRRR and shirt order

Good morning!

1.  Mulch announcement from Jeff:
Parents and Youth,
This Friday April 12th is the start of the 2019 Mulch Project.  We will start mulching at 5:00PM Friday.  We will be spreading and delivering mulch on Friday.  We will work until dark, approximately 8:30PM.
We will start at 8:30AM on Saturday April 13th.  We will work until we are finished (or our backs give out!).
The location of the mulch headquarters is 4927 Snowy Creek Drive.
Lunch will be served at 12:00 noon on Saturday.  Please remember to bring something to supplement our lunch.  The troop will provide hamburgers, hot dogs, and all paper products.
We will need garden rakes and brooms.  PLEASE MAKE SURE TO MARK YOUR NAME ON YOUR TOOLS!
Thank you in advance for your help.
Jeff Colborn

2. Lunch assignments by patrol for Saturday:
Blue Blazes - Sides (Beans, corn, etc.)
Blackhawks - Desserts
Dragons - Sides (Chips, pretzels, and fruit and vegetables)

3.  Long sleeve shirt orders with the Pack
This has been very short notice, but last Tuesday at the meeting, there was an option to order shirts.  These will be a red dryfit shirt that is long sleeve and have the Troop 136 logo on the front similar to our current color and design.  The attached image is for the back of the shirt.  It will be one color. Please let me know if you would like to have this added to the back of the shirt.  The shirt order will be placed by Matt Beal, the Cubmaster for Pack 136 this afternoon at 4 pm.

Phillip Freeman
Scoutmaster, Troop 136 in Grove City, OH 

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Bring your Scout book tonight, PLC meeting, and GRR....MULCH!

Bring your scout books tonight!
Jason Wright has volunteered to help as our Advancement Chair going forward.  One of the ideas that he had was to bring your scout book with you tomorrow night.  He will be updating Troopmaster using your scout books.  We will be taking pictures of the books and ranks.  This will help create a visual record that can be used to help recreate a book that was lost or destroyed.  

PLC Meeting on Sunday at 5 pm:
I will not be at the PLC Meeting on Sunday afternoon, but there will be two adults at the meeting on Sunday afternoon at 5 pm.  If you are part of the PLC, plan to be at the church just before 5 pm.  Andrew will start the meeting at 5 pm.  We will use the TV again to broadcast the meeting plans.  Use this time wisely to create the meetings plans that will be shared with the troop. 

Mulch Information from Jeff Colborn:
Feldkamp Chiropractic has asked our troop to clean up their flower beds prior to mulch delivery day.  We will be working this Sunday, April 7th,  from 2:00 to 3:00 (or until we are finished) at 4227 Hoover Road.  We are looking for 4-6 youth (and as many adults that want to help!) to work on this project. We are estimating this to be about a 1 hour project.  I will have a sign-up sheet at the troop meeting tomorrow night.  Please contact me with any questions.