Hi Troop 136!
Popcorn Sales Ending Soon!
Many thanks to Shanna and Julie for organizing the popcorn sales events during the past several weekends. While I do not have a total for the event to share, I was told the total sales would be split between all of the participants based on the number of hours they worked. If I have this for you, I can share the totals in the next email. If your Scout has not started selling popcorn yet, it is not too late, but you better start soon! Be sure to ask friends and family or think about purchasing some popcorn as gifts. Here is what was added to the Band app about popcorn in case you missed it:
*Thanks to all the scouts who helped out with our 3 booth sales - we sold just under $1000 worth of popcorn at these events!*
We are down to the last few days of the "Show and Sell" popcorn sale. I am trying to make arrangements to get the last of what I need this week - so if you have orders and have not yet told me what you need, please send that to me ASAP.
I have listed what I have currently in stock below. Any of this that isn't claimed in the next couple of days will be returned to council Friday or Saturday. Anything you need that I do not have, I'll try to get Friday or Saturday and you can pick it up next week.
All Show and Sell money is due to me by 10/31/2020. I'll be contacting each parent of a participating scout with any amounts still due soon.
Any additional items you need after the final exchange this week, you can still order. The final, final date to order any items is 10/31/2020 and those items will come in on 11/20/2020. These items can then be picked up & delivered and money is due back to me by 11/30/2020.
Let me know if you have any questions!
Items I have currently:
7 Yellow Popping Corn
5 Classic Caramel
12 Cheddar Cheese
4 Jalapeno Cheese
3 Chocolate Pretzels **Note, these cannot be returned - so if you can help me sell these last 3, that would be great!!**
Shanna and Julie
We are down to the last few days of the "Show and Sell" popcorn sale. I am trying to make arrangements to get the last of what I need this week - so if you have orders and have not yet told me what you need, please send that to me ASAP.
I have listed what I have currently in stock below. Any of this that isn't claimed in the next couple of days will be returned to council Friday or Saturday. Anything you need that I do not have, I'll try to get Friday or Saturday and you can pick it up next week.
All Show and Sell money is due to me by 10/31/2020. I'll be contacting each parent of a participating scout with any amounts still due soon.
Any additional items you need after the final exchange this week, you can still order. The final, final date to order any items is 10/31/2020 and those items will come in on 11/20/2020. These items can then be picked up & delivered and money is due back to me by 11/30/2020.
Let me know if you have any questions!
Items I have currently:
7 Yellow Popping Corn
5 Classic Caramel
12 Cheddar Cheese
4 Jalapeno Cheese
3 Chocolate Pretzels **Note, these cannot be returned - so if you can help me sell these last 3, that would be great!!**
Shanna and Julie
Bicycling Event on 10/16:
The bicycling event was great! Very nice weather for a ride and some of the Scouts had never been to the 1/8 mile covered barn that was used to train horses. We completed a Start, Stop, Continue activity and posted it on the Band app. NIce weather for a ride.
Tuesday 10/27 night meeting:
Be sure to join before 7 pm next week to avoid waiting for us to finish the flag ceremony to allow you to join the group. I will open the Google Meet at about 6:50. Be sure to join the meeting wearing a Class A uniform. After we complete the skills instruction, we will have nominations for SPL. We will also accept nomination on 11/3 followed by a vote on 11/3 for SPL. Following the SPL election, we will have nominations for Patrol Leaders on 11/3 and on 11/10 with a vote on 11/10 for Patrol Leaders. The time between 11/3 and 11/10 will allow the new SPL time to select their PLC.
Backpacking trip in November:
Do you need gear or want for someone to look at your gear in preparation for the November backpacking trip? Roland Guay will be at the church each Tuesday night at 6:30 to check your gear and to give feedback to you about what you should or should not have for the trip. We have had great attendance at the event and for those that do not stay for the Patrol Meeting for your patrol, you can just join the Google Meet using your phone if you wanted on the way back home as well. Several Scouts have done that this past two weeks. Tomorrow night we will be talking about stoves.
Meeting on 11/3:
We will only have a virtual Troop meeting. We will not have an in person Patrol Meeting this night. We are not sure how much room there will be in the parking lot with all of the voters that night. We will only have a virtual meeting and will elect our new SPL.
Meeting location during the winter months:
No news yet. I will hopefully be able to share news regarding a location for us to meet this month. Some things to think about is the number of people that we might bring together for the meeting. We might still need to meet virtually as a Troop and have patrol meetings similar to what we are doing right now once a week.
Bryan On Scouting article:
Can being an Eagle Scout help you get into college? Here’s what 17 schools told usHere is a really good article that some of our parents may need. I know that we have had conversations with our son about continuing or not a few years ago. This might be something that you and your Scout to read together 10/14/2020 Article
Cub Scout Pack 136:
Cub Scout Pack 136 has reached out to us for help. They need a Wolf Den Leader. If you are looking for something to do and want to help these Scouts be successful, please let me know. There is a meeting tonight they are having at 6:30 pm. If you want to join, please let me know and I will let Ron Newcomb who is leading the meeting that you want to join.
Future Events:
10/27 Virtual Troop Meeting at 7 PM (SPL nominations) and Alpha Dogs Patrol Meeting at 7:30 PM
11/3 Virtual Troop Meeting at 7 PM and no Patrol Meeting (Voting day) (SPL Elections and Patrol Leader nominations)
Note: Since we will not be meeting in person on 11/3 due to voting, I have moved all of the in person Patrol Meetings forward one week. We will finish with the Dragons on 12/8.
11/10 Virtual Troop Meeting at 7 PM and Dragons Patrol Meeting Patrol Meeting at 7:30 PM (Patrol Leader Elections)
11/17 Virtual Troop Meeting at 7 PM and Knights of Mandalore Patrol Meeting at 7:30 PM
11/20-11/22 Hiking campout Location to be determined by PLC on 10/6 The PLC has chosen to go back to Zaleski
11/24 No Meeting
12/1 Virtual Troop Meeting at 7 PM and Alpha Dogs Patrol Meeting at 7:30 PM
12/8 Virtual Troop Meeting at 7 PM and Dragons Patrol Meeting at 7:30 PM
12/10-12/13 No Campout at Christmas in the Cave Campout (Need to determine another activity since Covid-19 does not allow us to sleep in the cabin)
12/15 Meeting - PIE in the Face to Mr. Freeman for Scout Advancement and Popcorn Sales! Location TBD (Every Scout that had a rank advancement in 2020 and/or those Scouts who sold at least $300 in popcorn sales or increments of $300 will get one pie to throw for each achievement in rank or for each increment in $300 in pie sales!)
12/22 No Meeting
12/29 No Meeting
Phillip Freeman
Scoutmaster, Troop 136 in Grove City, OH