Here is a website that you need to be aware of regarding any changes that may need to be made as a result of Covid-19. If you scroll down, you will see some of the changes regarding the advancement for ScoutsBSA in the list and specifically regarding the ranks advancement and merit badges. Here is the website: https://www. covid-19-faq/#advancement This was last updated on 8/30/2020, but wanted to be sure you had the website so that you and your son could look it over during the time with family these next few weeks.
I have not seen any other updates related to any other changes regarding advancement or merit badges. Please let me know if you have any specific questions or concerns.
I will send a separate email tonight to make sure that we have the correct fleece and name tag orders. We will be placing an order later this week, so it is not too late if you have not responded yet and want to place an order or change your order.
New Eagle Scout:
Caleb Caldwell completed his Eagle Scout Board of Review on Thursday, December 10. He was very excited and his family was very excited for him as well. Caleb and his family will be able to celebrate with an Eagle Scout Court of Honor in the spring when Covid-19 infections are lower. Congratulations goes to Caleb on his hard work and his determination to continue with his advancement during the pandemic.
Pie in the Face - Scoutmaster Phil:
In case you may not be aware, every Scout was able to earn a chance to pie Mr. Freeman. Every Scout who earned a rank this year and for every $300 level of popcorn sold, the Scout would have earned one pie and the chance to throw the pie at Mr. Freeman. Since we are not meeting in person, the Troop Committee decided it was best to wait until we can do it in person. We wanted to be sure that the Scouts who were very enthusiastic about this opportunity were able to do so in person as opposed to a virtual setting. Great job to all of the Scouts taking the challenge this year and for doing your best during this pandemic. I am looking forward to when we can make this opportunity available to the Scouts as an in-person Troop Meeting at some point in the spring. Maybe the SPL might come up with some good ideas for next year's challenge. I have not heard anything yet. Share with your PLC what you would like to see and maybe they can discuss this at their January PLC Meeting.
It looks like we will recharter 29 Scouts and 18 Adults for our Troop. We are very blessed and continue to move forward to help prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law. I realize that virtual Scout meetings are not what we want to do and sometimes are not the best way to meet. However, by focusing on what we can do now to make sure future opportunities are provided and afforded is what we are doing now. Many are learning life long skills related to leadership even in the virtual setting. We will never take for granted opportunities for Scouting activities in the future for our troop as we continue to provide an excellent Scouting opportunity for everyone involved in the Troop, Scouts and Scouters alike. I will follow up with the adults for some paperwork that needs to be signed as we complete the paperwork this week.
Future Events:
12/22 No Meeting
12/29 No Meeting
1/5 Virtual Meeting
1/12 Virtual Meeting
1/19 No Meeting
1/26 Virtual Meeting
No Campout planned in January
2/9 Virtual Meeting
2/16 Virtual Meeting
2/23 Virtual Meeting
No Campout planned in February
3/2 Virtual Meeting
3/5-7 Maple Syrup Festival Campout weekend
3/9 Virtual Meeting
3/16 Virtual Meeting
3/20 Velocity Archery - Day activity
3/23 Virtual Meeting
3/30 Virtual Meeting