Monday, July 19, 2021


 Hi Troop 136!

We finished our second week of camp and had another great week of camp.  To those Scouts and Scouters who attended camp, both camps were amazing! I know that each of you had a great time.  I thank you for attending and for making memories that you will treasure in the years to come. I want to especially thank the adults who made the summer camp experience for the Scouts one they will remember.  Thanks again to the adults for all that you do to support me and our Scouts. I will be sharing some pictures during this next week.  Stay tuned...

Next Summer Camp Dates:
Ransburg will be the week of June 26-July 2
Another week of camping was requested by several Scouts.  We will see what happens.  This will be discussed at the Troop Committee Meeting.

PLC Meeting on 7/18 and 8/1:
Plan to be at the church at 3:00 pm today.  The date and time was previously sent out in the June #2 Email.  Plan to meet until 6 pm.  We will be completing some PLC Training during this time between 3:00 and 4:30.  Between 4:30 and 6:00, we will have our normal PLC Meeting. We will meet again on August 1st at 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm.  This is when we will make our yearly plan.  If you have a Chromebook, please bring it with you for the planning session. We will have pizza for the meetings. 

Yearly Planning Meeting on 8/1:
On August 1st, we will review the feedback from the survey and create a yearly calendar.  Any Scout may attend this meeting on August 1st between 3:00 pm and 5:00 pm.  We will then have our monthly PLC Planning meeting to create the weekly plans.

Yearly Planning Meeting Survey:
Please take time to complete the survey with your Scout between now and July 31.

Troop Meetings:
Troop Meetings continue to meet for the rest of the summer on Tuesday nights beginning at 7:00 pm.  If you need to meet with me to discuss any advancements from either summer camp, please send me an email.  I will be reviewing and updating Scoutbook website between now and the meeting on Tuesday, 7/20.  I will send out the reports to each family once I am done.

If you do not have access to Scoutbook, please let me know.  I can set you up in Scoutbook so that you have access to see your son's progress in his merit badges and rank requirements.

Flight 91 Permission Form:
Roland Guay will be the Scoutmaster for this trip.  I will not be able to attend.  Here is the permission form, but the time and cost may be changed slightly based on feedback from the July Committee Meeting on 7/18.  I will share again with any updated information that might be changed.

I had a discussion with a Scout at summer camp that said his parents did not know the plan for the campouts. Here is the current Yearly Plan for 2020-2021:
I will be sharing our 2021-2022 schedule in late August or September.  I believe planning is the key to success.  Make a plan and make it happen!

Future Information:
7/20 Troop Meeting - Activity Uniform (Class B)
7/27 Troop Meeting - Activity Uniform (Class B)
8/1 PLC Meeting (3 - 6 pm for Training and Planning)
8/1 Troop Committee Meeting
8/3 Troop Meeting - Activity Uniform (Class B)
8/10 Troop Meeting - Activity Uniform (Class B)
8/13-15 Flight 93 Trip
8/17 Troop Meeting - Activity Uniform (Class B)
8/22 Eagle Scout Court of Honor - Caleb Caldwell 2:30 pm arrival time
8/24 Troop Meeting - Activity Uniform (Class B)
8/29 PLC Meeting (3 - 6 pm for Training and Planning)
8/29 Troop Committee Meeting
8/31 Troop Meeting - Activity Uniform (Class B)
9/7 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class A)
9/14 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class A)
9/17-19 Camp Lazarus Camping Trip
9/21 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class A)
9/28 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class A)
10/1-3 Mt. Oval Camping and Three Eagles Shootout
10/3 PLC Meeting @ 4:30
10/3 Troop Committee Meeting
10/5 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class A)
10/12 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class A)
10/19 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class A)
10/26 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class A)
11/2 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class A)
11/9 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class A)
11/12-14 Air Space Museum - Wright Patterson Air Force Base 
11/16 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class A)
11/23 No Meeting