Tuesday, March 22, 2022


 Hi Troop 136!

Our monthly theme for meetings is Caving.  Here is the meeting plan for this week:  3/22/22

With the nice weather coming this week, it will be nice to get outside.  I hope that you are able to take some time to go outside and get some fresh air this week.  Who knows, maybe the Scouts would like to meet outside if we have nice weather!

This is our last meeting until spring break.  Don't forget the due date this week. We need payment for summer camp at Camp Falling Rock and at least a $50 deposit for Camp Ransburg. 

There will be no Troop meeting during spring break.  Enjoy the time with family.

Mulch Information:
Earn money by helping with mulch!  We are looking a little light on the Scout sign up for helping with mulch.  Please sign up here to help out:

Shane Fuller's Eagle Scout Court of Honor will be April 10:
Shane is looking for help with his Eagle Scout Court of Honor on April 10.  Sign up to help him with his Eagle Scout Court of Honor.  His Court of Honor will be held at Eagle Pavilion at Fryer Park.  It starts at 6 pm, but those helping will need to arrive early to practice their parts.

Big Trip to Washington DC this summer will be June 11-14:
Please take a look at the trip to Washington DC and be sure that I have everything correct:

Washington DC Itinerary Updated:

Here is the sign up for the trip:

Camp Ransburg:
Here is the signup for Camp Ransburg.  You will need to submit the rest of payment by April 12th for the early bird discounted rate of $400.  Here is the website for more information.
The date for the sign up of merit badges will be on April 9th.  I thought I would be able to send this to you last week, but I might send it over spring break.  I know this is when we have the Mulch delivery, but I think the parents can take care of registering the Scout. 

Camp Falling Rock Week #4 July 10-16:
Here is the signup genius for Camp Falling Rock. Camp will cost $300 and is due by March 22nd.

Are you a First Class Scout who is interested in taking a leadership course to improve your ability to lead others?
Here is the website to learn more information: NYLT Courses
Let me know if you are interested.  We normally have 1-2 Scouts attend each year.  The Scout will need to put up a $100 deposit for the course and the Troop will add $100.  The Scout will receive the $100 back when they complete the course and the requirements for their bolo.  

Summer Camp 2023:
Use this link to give suggestions for us to research for our March and April PLC Meetings.  We will make plans to visit a couple of camps this summer to see if this might be something that we want to do next summer.
SPL David - maybe this is something that we could do during our Patrol Meetings this week?  Give the Scouts some time to look for some really cool camps near us so that we can go visit this summer.  What do you think?
Here is a map of the camps near us.  You can zoom in and find a location in Ohio or near Ohio.  We can use this to help determine camps that you might want to visit.

Yearly Calendar:

Future Activities for the Troop:
3/29 No Troop Meeting - Enjoy your spring break!
4/3 PLC Meeting @ 3 pm - 6 pm
4/3 Troop Committee Meeting at 7 pm
4/5 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class A)
4/8-9 Mulch Sale
4/10 Shane Fuller's Eagle Scout Court of Honor 6:30 PM
4/12 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class A)
4/19 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class A)
4/26 PLC Meeting @ 4:30
4/26 Troop Committee Meeting at 7 pm
4/26 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class A)
4/29-5/1 Thunderbase - Field Uniform/Activity Uniform
5/3 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class A)
5/10 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class A)
5/10 Troop Elections for SPL and Patrol Leaders
5/17 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class A)
5/24 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class A)
5/31 Troop Meeting - Activity Uniform (Class B)
6/5 PLC Meeting @ 3:00 pm
Troop Committee Meeting at 7 pm
6/7 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class B)
6/11-14 Big Trip to Washington DC (More details to come)
6/14 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class B)
6/21 Troop Meeting - Trip to see the new Ohio State University Engineering Building
6/26-7/2 Summer Camp - Camp Ransburg
7/3 PLC Meeting @ 3:00 pm ??
7/5 No Troop Meeting
7/10-7/16 Summer Camp - Camp Falling Rock
7/12 No Troop Meeting
7/19 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class B)
7/26 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class B)
8/7 PLC Meeting @ 3:00 pm

Tuesday, March 15, 2022


 Hi Troop 136!

Our monthly theme for meetings is Caving.  Here is the meeting plan for this week:  3/15/22

With the nice weather coming this week, it will be nice to get outside.  I hope that you are able to take some time to go outside and get some fresh air this week.

We only have two meetings until spring break.  Don't forget the due dates next week on March 22.  There will be no Troop meeting during spring break.  Enjoy the time with family.

Mulch Sale:
Grrrrr! Don't forget that mulch orders are due March 20th.  That is soon!  Share this flyer with your friends and family members.
Shane Fuller's Eagle Scout Court of Honor will be April 10:
Shane is looking for help with his Eagle Scout Court of Honor on April 10.  Sign up to help him with his Eagle Scout Court of Honor.  His Court of Honor will be held at Eagle Pavilion at Fryer Park.  It starts at 6 pm, but those helping will need to arrive early to practice their parts.

Big Trip to Washington DC this summer will be June 11-14:
Below is the spreadsheet of people going so far.  Please let us know soon if you are planning to go as well as your parents and family members.  I have made the reservations for the camping at Antietam, Maryland and at Greenbelt Campground in Washington DC.  I have placed the names in the second tab for those attending based on vehicles.  I did this based on what I think will be happening based on the conversations with the families, but I want to be sure this is correct.  Please let me know if you have any questions.  You can edit the file as needed to add or delete as needed.

The spreadsheet lists the number of people participating. In the second tab, it lists the number of vehicles and those in the vehicles.  If you know that you are going as a family, please include that in the spreadsheet.  This will also help with the planning of the meals for the trip.  If you do not want to participate in the meals, that is not a problem.  I just need to know how many for the meals so that we can plan accordingly.

Washington DC Itinerary Updated:
Saturday June 11 - Travel to Antietam, lunch on your own and visit the battlefield.  Travel to the campsite and camp nearby that night
Sunday June 12 - Travel to Washington DC and visit sites.  Lunch will be on your own and dinner will be at the campground.
Monday June 13 - visit Washington DC sites
Tuesday June 14 - pack up and visit Arlington Cemetery since this is Flag Day.  I thought it would be appropriate to visit this morning because there would not be a lot of visitors and because of the significance of the day.  You would leave when you wanted after the visit to Arlington Cemetery to travel back home.

Here is the sign up for the trip:

I think we could make the trip happen with about $70 per person with some food on your own during the trip.

Camp Ransburg:
If you still want to go, it is not too late to join us.  Let me know as soon as you can so that I can register you.  You will have access to the link to register for your summer merit badges.  We currently have 14 Scouts and several adults.  I will need to know about mid-March the number of adults that want to attend summer camp.  Your registration will be paid for by the Troop.  We appreciate you taking the time to be with us and help us with some coverage during the week of summer camp.  Let me know if you are interested.

New Information for Camp Ransburg:
The date for the sign up of merit badges will be on April 9th.  I will share the registration information with you by email later this week. If you have questions, I have provided some documents as attachments to help with the planning.

Camp Falling Rock Week #4 July 10-16:
Here is the signup genius for Camp Falling Rock.  I am not sure on the details yet, but it looks like the cost of the camp will be $300 and due by March 22nd.

Are you a First Class Scout who is interested in taking a leadership course to improve your ability to lead others?
Here is the website to learn more information: NYLT Courses
Let me know if you are interested.  We normally have 1-2 Scouts attend each year.  The Scout will need to put up a $100 deposit for the course and the Troop will add $100.  The Scout will receive the $100 back when they complete the course and the requirements for their bolo.  

Summer Camp 2023:
Use this link to give suggestions for us to research for our March and April PLC Meetings.  We will make plans to visit a couple of camps this summer to see if this might be something that we want to do next summer.

Yearly Calendar:

Future Activities for the Troop:
3/15 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class A)
3/22 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class A)
3/29 No Troop Meeting - Enjoy your spring break!
4/3 PLC Meeting @ 3 pm - 6 pm
4/3 Troop Committee Meeting at 7 pm
4/5 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class A)
4/8-9 Mulch Sale
4/10 Shane Fuller's Eagle Scout Court of Honor 6:30 PM
4/12 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class A)
4/19 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class A)
4/26 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class A)
4/29-5/1 Thunderbase - Field Uniform/Activity Uniform
5/1 PLC Meeting @ 4:30 pm
5/1 Troop Committee Meeting at 7 pm
5/3 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class A)
5/10 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class A)
5/10 Troop Elections for SPL and Patrol Leaders
5/17 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class A)
5/24 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class A)
5/31 Troop Meeting - Activity Uniform (Class B)
6/5 PLC Meeting @ 3:00 pm
Troop Committee Meeting at 7 pm
6/7 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class B)
6/11-14 Big Trip to Washington DC (More details to come)
6/14 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class B)
6/21 Troop Meeting - Trip to see the new Ohio State University Engineering Building
6/26-7/2 Summer Camp - Camp Ransburg
7/3 PLC Meeting @ 3:00 pm ??
7/5 No Troop Meeting
7/10-7/16 Summer Camp - Camp Falling Rock
7/12 No Troop Meeting
7/19 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class B)
7/26 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class B)
8/7 PLC Meeting @ 3:00 pm

Tuesday, March 8, 2022


 Hi Troop 136!

Our monthly theme for meetings is Caving.  Here is the meeting plan for this week:  3/8/22

I have my meeting with Apple again so I will join the meeting once it is done. Roland will be the Scoutmaster for tonight's meeting.

Big Trip to Washington DC this summer will be June 11-14:
Below is the spreadsheet of people going so far.  Please let us know soon if you are planning to go as well as your parents and family members.  I have made the reservations for the camping at Antietam, Maryland and at Greenbelt Campground in Washington DC.  I have placed the names based on what I think will be happening based on the conversations with the families, but I want to be sure this is correct.  Please let me know if you have any questions.

The spreadsheet lists the number of people participating. In the second tab, it lists the number of vehicles and those in the vehicles.  If you know that you are going as a family, please include that in the spreadsheet.  This will also help with the planning of the meals for the trip.  If you do not want to participate in the meals, that is not a problem.  I just need to know how many for the meals so that we can plan accordingly.

Washington DC Itinerary Updated:
Saturday June 11 - Travel to Antietam, lunch on your own and visit the battlefield.  Travel to the campsite and camp nearby that night
Sunday June 12 - Travel to Washington DC and visit sites.  Lunch will be on your own and dinner will be at the campground.
Monday June 13 - visit Washington DC sites
Tuesday June 14 - pack up and visit Arlington Cemetery since this is Flag Day.  I thought it would be appropriate to visit this morning because there would not be a lot of visitors and because of the significance of the day.  You would leave when you wanted after the visit to Arlington Cemetery to travel back home.

Here is the sign up for the trip:

I think we could make the trip happen with about $70 per person with some food on your own during the trip.

Camp Ransburg:
If you still want to go, it is not too late to join us.  Let me know as soon as you can so that I can register you.  You will have access to the link to register for your summer merit badges.  We currently have 14 Scouts and several adults.  I will need to know about mid-March the number of adults that want to attend summer camp.  Your registration will be paid for by the Troop.  We appreciate you taking the time to be with us and help us with some coverage during the week of summer camp.

Camp Falling Rock Week #4 July 10-16:
Here is the signup genius for Camp Falling Rock.  I am not sure on the details yet, but it looks like the cost of the camp will be $300 and due by March 22nd.

Are you a First Class Scout who is interested in taking a leadership course to improve your ability to lead others?
Here is the website to learn more information: NYLT Courses
Let me know if you are interested.

Summer Camp 2023:
Use this link to give suggestions for us to research for our March and April PLC Meetings.  We will make plans to visit a couple of camps this summer to see if this might be something that we want to do next summer.

Yearly Calendar:

Future Activities for the Troop:
3/8 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class A)
3/15 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class A)
3/22 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class A)
3/29 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class A)
4/3 PLC Meeting @ 3 pm
4/5 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class A)
4/8-9 Mulch Sale
4/10 Shane Fuller's Eagle Scout Court of Honor 6:30 PM
4/12 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class A)
4/19 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class A)
4/26 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class A)
4/29-5/1 Thunderbase - Field Uniform/Activity Uniform
5/1 PLC Meeting @ 4:30 pm
5/3 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class A)
5/10 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class A)
5/17 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class A)
5/24 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class A)
5/31 Troop Meeting - Activity Uniform (Class B)
6/5 PLC Meeting @ 3:00 pm
6/7 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class B)
6/11-14 Big Trip to Washington DC (More details to come)
6/14 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class B)
6/21 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class B)
6/26-7/2 Summer Camp - Camp Ransburg
7/3 PLC Meeting @ 3:00 pm ??
7/5 No Troop Meeting
7/10-7/16 Summer Camp - Camp Falling Rock
7/12 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class B)
7/19 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class B)
7/26 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class B)
8/7 PLC Meeting @ 3:00 pm