Monday, May 23, 2022


 5/24 Ohio State Engineering Visit at 6:45 pm

Please plan to arrive at 6:45 at the garage at 2105 Neil Ave, Columbus, OH 43210.

This is from the contact person at Ohio State:

"I’m looking forward to meeting the troop and providing a tour of the newly opened Mars G. Fontana Laboratories tomorrow evening. 

Logistic to be aware of:

  • Parking – please park on Lane Ave. Garage and bring your parking tickets with you, so I can validate them. I will meet you at the entrance to garage and walk with you to the laboratory
  • Tour details – we will be touring an active teaching and research lab, so everyone needs to wear closed toe shoes.  No sandals or open toe shoes of any kind.
    • The tour is almost 2.5 miles in length and will include 16 flights of stairs, so it will be a bit of a workout, spread over an hour or so. "


He is very excited for you to see the new building.  I think this is a great opportunity.  See you at the garage.  Please plan to wear your Field Uniforms (Class A) tomorrow night.

5/28 Greenlawn Cemetery
Date: Saturday May 28th
Time: 9:00 AM, meet to post flags. Place To Meet: The back of the Huntington Chapel in section 56
After we finish posting the flags, there will be a 11:00 AM ceremony in Huntington Chapel
Details: a light snack and beverages will be available after the ceremony
See the attached map for details.

5/3 Troop Meeting
Here is the 5/31 meeting plan from the previous PLC.  I will ask the Senior Patrol Leader is he still plans to follow this plan to make a new one.

PLC Meeting:
We did not have a PLC Meeting planned for June.  I am recommending that we meet on Sunday, June 5th at 3 pm until 6 pm.  I will check with the new SPL to see if this works for him, but will send out a follow up email to confirm after our meeting tomorrow night.

Merit badge books for summer camp:
If you are taking a merit badge this summer, please take some time to review the merit badge books and sign out some of the books that you might need this summer.  We will talk about this tonight at the meeting.

Summer Camp Merit Badges:

Future Activities for the Troop:

5/24 Ohio State Engineering Tour - more details to come
5/28 Greenlawn Cemetery - Planting flags on the graves of Veterans Field Uniform (Class A)
5/31 Troop Meeting - Activity Uniform (Class B) Patrol Leader Elections
6/5 PLC Meeting at 3 pm until 6 pm (Class B)
6/7 Troop Meeting - Activity Uniform (Class B)
6/11-6/14 Washington DC Trip
6/14 No Troop Meeting since there are some of us coming back from Washington DC
6/21 Troop Meeting - Activity Uniform (Class B)
6/26-7/2 Summer Camp - Camp Ransburg
7/5 No Troop Meeting
7/10-7/16 Summer Camp - Camp Falling Rock
7/12 No Troop Meeting
7/19 Troop Meeting - Activity Uniform (Class B)
7/26 Troop Meeting - Activity Uniform (Class B)

Friday, May 6, 2022


 Hi Troop 136!

Gantz Farm Service:
So far we have two adults who are staying at Gantz Farm tonight. If we could have one more, that would be great!   I would suggest you bring a cot to sleep on. It looks to be wet tonight.  
SPL Elections:
Next week is the SPL Elections.  We have two candidates right now, but we will still accept nominations Tuesday night.

This past Tuesday night's meeting:
Thanks for those Scouts and adults who came to the virtual meeting on Tuesday night.  While having a virtual meeting is not ideal, I appreciate the time and effort it took to make this happen.  We cannot predict the weather and sometimes the weather dictates what we can and cannot do.  Nice job to those who made it happen!

Merit badge books for summer camp:
If you are taking a merit badge this summer, please take some time to review the merit badge books and sign out some of the books that you might need this summer.  We will talk about this tonight at the meeting.

May 13-15 Campout:
We will have a campout that is close to home to allow for the new Scouts to join us and for those that may want to participate in the merit badge clinic to do so.  Please turn in the permission form by next Tuesday.  We will plan to buy food on Thursday, May 12th.  We will be checking out the camping area to be sure there is no water in the area like last year. 

Future Activities for the Troop:

5/6 Gantz Farm - guarding the plants overnight Activity Uniform (Class B)
5/10 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class A) SPL Elections and PL Elections
5/13-15 Camping at First Baptist - Depending on weather
5/17 Troop Court of Honor
5/24 Ohio State Engineering Tour - more details to come
5/28 Greenlawn Cemetery - Planting flags on the graves of Veterans Field Uniform (Class A)
5/31 Troop Meeting - Activity Uniform (Class B)
6/7 Troop Meeting - Activity Uniform (Class B)
6/11-6/14 Washington DC Trip
6/14 No Troop Meeting since there are some of us coming back from Washington DC
6/21 Troop Meeting - Activity Uniform (Class B)
6/26-7/2 Summer Camp - Camp Ransburg
7/5 No Troop Meeting
7/10-7/16 Summer Camp - Camp Falling Rock
7/12 No Troop Meeting
7/19 Troop Meeting - Activity Uniform (Class B)
7/26 Troop Meeting - Activity Uniform (Class B)