We have a Court of Honor tonight! Parents are encouraged to come and stay for this event.
PeterLoon Permission Forms, medical forms and Youth Protection Forms:
Hi! I need the permission forms from everyone and I also need a medical form if you have not provided one yet. This is for adults and Scouts.
I also need a copy of the Youth Protection Forms from the adults. I have most, but will send you a note if I need for you to complete the Youth Protection Training before this weekend.
Creek Sweep October 8th:
Saturday, October 8th will be our annual Creek Sweep. Please wear old clothes and bring gloves. You will more than likely get wet and dirty, but you will have fun as we walk the creeks and pick up trash. You will receive an annual patch for this event.
Here is the Creek Sweep signup: https://www. signupgenius.com/go/ 8050d49aca62fa1fe3-20221
Three Eagles Shootout October 9th:
Here is the sign up genius. The cost is $10.
Do you want to camp on Saturday night? Let the PLC know. They will make the decision at the PLC Meeting on Sunday.
October 14-16 Campout
We don't have much time to plan this event, so bring your ideas to the PLC meeting or let your Patrol Leader know what you want to do. This campout will be at First Baptist on Orders Road in Grove City.
Camp Oyo Backpacking Trip 11/11-13:
This event will still happen, but a little later than originally planned because of the Creek Sweep. Here is the signup! Sign up by October 4th:
We will stay in the cabin on Friday night. We will backpack beginning on Saturday morning and camp Saturday night. I know this is a change, but this later trip in November will be a fun one that you will enjoy in the cooler weather. I will share the signup and permission slip later.
Upcoming dates:
September 27 - Court of Honor
September 30-October 2 - PeterLoon
October 2 - PLC Meeting @ 4:30
October 2 - Committee Meeting
October 4 - Troop Meeting
October 8 - Three Eagles Shootout??October 8 - Creek Sweep for Conservation Hours??
October 11 - Troop Meeting
October 14-16 - First Baptist Campout
October 18 - Troop Meeting
October 25 - Troop Meeting
November 1 - Troop Meeting
November 6 - PLC Meeting @ 3:00
November 6 - Committee Meeting
November 8 - Troop Meeting
November 11-13 Camp Oyo Backpacking Trip
November 15 - Troop Meeting
November 22 - No Meeting We will not be meeting this week
November 29 - Troop Meeting
December 4- PLC Meeting @ 3:00
December 4 - Committee Meeting
December 6 - Troop Meeting
December 9-11 - Christmas in the Cave campout? Location still needs to be reserved.
December 13 - Troop Meeting
December 20 - Troop Meeting and Pie the Scoutmaster
Here are the dates for summer camps next year. Please add these to your calendar. We have a great time and we encourage adults to attend:
Camp Ransburg: June 25 - July 1
Camp Falling Rock: July 9 - July 15