Hi Troop 136!
Three items that are very important!!
1. Fleece:
Please complete the fleece order by next Tuesday, October 18th. We will not order until next year. Only 17 responses so far and you can use this link to check your order!
Use this link to sign up for the fleece sweatshirts: https://docs. google.com/forms/d/1j5Ej_ kQ7g7U7Igl2eYnga7bSkkHHpFH4kxu 6W6y0ypo/edit?ts=633b5fa7
2. Recharter:
Please complete the recharter questionnaire by next Tuesday, October 18th. Only 12 responses so far.
3. Popcorn:
How much have you sold? DId you know that in December the Scoutmaster pie in the face, you get to throw a pie at the Scoutmaster for every $300 you sell! Last year, there were several Scouts who earned several pies from selling popcorn. You can always bring in your orders every Scout meeting and pick up the popcorn you sell. You can also check out popcorn as well. See Christa for more information about popcorn.
Camp Oyo Backpacking Trip 11/11-13:
This event will still happen, but a little later than originally planned because of the Creek Sweep. Here is the signup! Sign up by November 8th.
We will stay in the Blockhouse Top and Bottom cabin on Friday night. We will backpack beginning on Saturday morning and camp Saturday night. I know this is a change, but this later trip in November will be a fun one that you will enjoy in the cooler weather.
The registration opened up and we have three Scouts registered now. If you are First Class and above and want to participate, please let me know.
Upcoming dates:
October 18 - Troop Meeting
October 25 - Troop Meeting
November 1 - Troop Meeting
November 6 - PLC Meeting @ 3:00
November 6 - Committee Meeting
November 8 - Troop Meeting
November 11-13 Camp Oyo Backpacking Trip
November 15 - Troop Meeting
November 22 - No Meeting We will not be meeting this week
November 29 - Troop Meeting
December 4- PLC Meeting @ 3:00
December 4 - Committee Meeting
December 6 - Troop Meeting
December 9-11 - Vertical Adventures? Need to finalize plans
December 13 - Troop Meeting
December 20 - Troop Meeting and Pie the Scoutmaster
Here are the dates for summer camps next year. Please add these to your calendar. We have a great time and we encourage adults to attend:
Camp Ransburg: June 25 - July 1
Camp Falling Rock: July 9 - July 15