Thursday, December 14, 2023


 Grove City Christmas Parade:  There were 7 scouts from the Troop that marched with the  Pack.  The scouts are building a bridge from the Troop to the Pack that we hope will make crossing over into the troop easier.

December Camp in:  10 scouts and 2 adults stayed overnight at the church.  The scouts had a great time enjoying games, pizza and cookies as well as donuts and milk for breakfast.  

Nativity Scene:  The scouts did a great job assembling the Nativity Scene for the Church out front.  Fantastic job scouts.

Pie in the Scoutmaster's Face:  Tuesday, December 19th will be the annual throw a pie in the Scoutmaster's face.  Our SPL has a list of how many pies each scout has earned.  I am giving one bonus pie to each scout who joined the troop in 2023.  Hope to see you all at the meeting this coming week.  No rainchecks will be issued if you can't make the meeting.  :)

Recharter:   We will be collecting annual fees at the meeting on Tuesday, December 19th.  We backed this date up as many scouts have been unable to attend meetings sthe first two weeks of the month.   Here is the breakdown per scout:  National fee = $80 + Council Fee = $60 for a total of $140 per scout.  Scout Life magazine is $15 but this is optional.  Adult fees have gone up to $60 dollars total.  For example, 1 scout and 1 adult with no Scout Life magazine would cost $200 for the National and Council fees.We realize that is different from how we've done business in the past and if this creates a hardship, please feel free to reach out to myself, Committee Chair Jason Savage,  or Treasurer Jim Baughman.

Klondike Derby:  The Gateway District Klondike Derby is scheduled for January 26th - 28th at Camp Lazarus.  The Troop has sleds that may be modified to compete in the Klondike Derby or the patrols can decide to build their own.  There will be opportunity to work on the sleds during patrol meetings in January and at Pinewood Derby workshops in January.

Maple Fest 2024:  The first weekend of the Simon Kenton Council Maple Fest is March 1st - 3rd at Camp Lazarus.  

NYLT:  Simon Kenton Council has three opportunities to attend NYLT (National Youth Leadership Training).  The first opportunity is over two weekends in April at Camp Lazarus, the second is a week-long course in June at Camp Oyo and the third is over two weekends in August.  This training is invaluable to the scouts and brings lots of leadership back to the Troop.  Scouts need to be First Class rank, 13 years old and approved by the Scoutmaster.  Last year, the Troop had 3 scouts attend each scout brought energy and leadership back to the Troop.  I highly encourage any scout who has interest to speak to me about it.  I have included a link for more information:  National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) - Simon Kenton Council (

Wilderness First Aid:  Wilderness First Aid is required for adults going on High Adventure this summer.  There are classes in Feb through June.  Below is the link to review the classes and to register.

Upcoming events:  Events have been posted the Troop 136 Main Page Calendar

No troop meeting during Winter break Dec 26 and Jan 2
Jan 7:   PLC meeting 4:30 - 6:00
Jan 26-28:  Klondike Derby at Camp Lazarus
Feb 4:  PLC meeting 4:30 - 6:00
Feb 17:   Tour Ohio State House
Mar 1-3:  Maplefest at Camp Lazarus
Mar 3:  PLC meeting 4:30 - 6:00
Apr 7:  PLC meeting 4:30 - 6:00

Tuesday, December 5, 2023


 Grove City Christmas Parade:  On Friday, December 1st, 7 scouts from Troop 136 assisted the leaders and parents of Pack 136 by marching in the Grove City Christmas Parade.  The scouts were able to help out the cub scouts by giving them bags of candy and helping them pass it out.  Thank you to the Ciocca family for hosting the entire Pack and Troop for hot chocolate, cookies and donuts following the parade.  The scouts from both the Pack and Troop showed their scout spirit and community service by passing out candy to people along the parade route and greeting onlookers with a wave and a "Merry Christmas."

December Camp - in:  10 scouts and 2 adults stayed overnight in the  Fellowship Center of the First Presbyterian Church.  The scouts enjoyed a cracker barrel of pizza, pop and cookies and a breakfast of donuts and milk.  The scouts played games and enjoyed each other's company.  Thank you to Jim Baughman and Roland Guay for providing adult leadership for our overnight event.

Recharter update:  The Troop will be collecting fees for this upcoming year over the next two weeks.  Here is the breakdown per scout:  National fee = $80 + Council Fee = $60 for a total of $140 per scout.  Scout Life magazine is $15 but this is optional.  Adult fees have gone up to $60 dollars total.  For example, 1 scout and 1 adult with no Scout Life magazine would cost $200 for the National and Council fees.  This can be taken out of the scout accounts or paid via check or Paypal.  We realize that is different from how we've done business in the past and if this creates a hardship, please feel free to reach out to myself, Committee Chair Jason Savage,  or Treasurer Jim Baughman.  We need payments by the week of December 12th so that we can move forward with the Recharter Process.  

Monthly Dues: 

We can all be very proud of how well Troop 136 is doing! Our young men are making great progress in advancement, character development, and life experience. We have had many rank advancements this year, and two of our young men who have advanced to Eagle Scout. We look forward to seeing this continue in 2024 as many of our Scouts embark on high adventure trips!

Dues have been an ongoing discussion within the Troop Committee, as we look to shore up our finances to make sure we can provide those things we have come to expect from the troop including the ability to properly care for our equipment. In recent years, fifteen dollars per month barely covers what the troop pays the national organization and the council for dues per Scout.

The Troop Committee has decided to continue collecting monthly dues from Scouts, with the monthly portion staying with Troop 136. Scouts will pay the full amount of the national and council dues during our annual recharter process.

While this does reflect an increase in dues, we are giving our Scouts great opportunities to cover costs for dues, camps, and other expenses for Scouting.

This new dues structure will allow the troop to have the funding it needs to continue providing for all ranks and advancement, training for leaders, new equipment, maintenance, insurance, and the many regular expenses needed to keep Troop 136 functioning properly for our Scouts. 

We believe this makes our Troop an incredible value for the money. Of course, we want no Scout left behind, so if the cost of Scouting ever becomes an issue, please reach out to Scoutmaster Ron Newcomb, Treasurer Jim Baughman, or Committee Chairman Jason Savage for a confidential conversation so we can help.

We hope that you, too, agree that our Troop is an incredible value and a very important part of our Scouts’ lives, and as always, we thank YOU for your support of Scouting and Troop 136

Scoutmaster Pie in the Face: Scouts who have sold $300 in popcorn, earned a rank advancement, earned an Eagle required Merit badge or 3 non-Eagle required Merit badges will earn a chance to throw a pie at the Scoutmaster at the meeting on 12/19/23.  

Klondike Derby:  The Gateway District Klondike Derby is scheduled for January 26th - 28th at Camp Lazarus.  The Troop has sleds that may be modified to compete in the Klondike Derby or the patrols can decide to build their own.  They will be working on this inn their patrol meetings in December.

Maple Fest 2024:  The first weekend of the Simon Kenton Council Maple Fest is March 1st - 3rd at Camp Lazarus.  

NYLT:  Simon Kenton Council has three opportunities to attend NYLT (National Youth Leadership Training).  The first opportunity is over two weekends in April at Camp Lazarus, the second is a week-long course in June at Camp Oyo and the third is over two weekends in August.  This training is invaluable to the scouts and brings lots of leadership back to the Troop.  Scouts need to be First Class rank, 13 years old and approved by the Scoutmaster.  Last year, the Troop had 3 scouts attend each scout brought energy and leadership back to the Troop.  I highly encourage any scout who has interest to speak to me about it.  I have included a link for more information:  National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) - Simon Kenton Council (

For Upcoming events,  I have added events to the BAND Calendar.  A good suggestion was made that the Troop provide a calendar for events.  Please give me your feedback regarding the use of the Band calendar.  

Wilderness First Aid:  Wilderness First Aid is required for adults going on High Adventure this summer.  There are classes in Feb through June.  Below is the link to review the classes and to register.

Thursday, November 16, 2023


Carter Freeman Eagle Court of Honor:  Congratulations again to our newest Eagle scout Carter Freeman.  Carter's Eagle Court of Honor was held this past Sunday 11/12/2023.  It was great to see so much support for Carter from our Troop and from Scouters throughout the Council who came to celebrate Carter's achievement.  An American flag was flown over the State Capital building in honor of Carter and that flag will be given to him in the near future.  

November Campout:  We will be meeting at the church on Friday 11/17/23 at 6pm, packing the trailer and then traveling to Camp Hugh Taylor Birch:  at 4057 Swimming Pool Rd.  Yellow Springs, Oh.  45387.  We will be camping at the Lagonda Campsite, which has 3 rustic cabins and an area for tent camping.  Both youth patrols and the adult patrol will be cooking separate meals with the exception of Lunch on Saturday.  We plan to visit the National Museum of the United States Airforce and several other sites in order to earn the Aviation Heritage Medallion.
If you haven't turned in a permission slip, we will have them on Friday to turn in.  Below is the link as well.
We plan to return at approximately noon on Sunday.  We would like to unload everything from the shed that we use into the new trailer in preparation for the new Troop shed that will be coming soon.

Recharter update:  We just found out that the national and council fees are going to need to be collected by the troop instead of being paid directly to the National.  In the past, the troop has paid up front for year and the monthly dues took care of those fees. The Troop is not in the financial position to pay the entire amount up front after purchasing 3 new sheds so we will be collecting the National and Council fees up front.  Here is the breakdown per scout:  National fee = $80 + Council Fee = $60 for a total of $140 per scout.  Scout Life magazine is $15 but this is optional.  Adult fees have gone up to $60 dollars total.  For example, 1 scout and 1 adult with no Scout Life magazine would cost $200 for the National and Council fees.  This can be taken out of the scout accounts or paid via check or Paypal.  We realize that is different from how we've done business in the past and if this creates a hardship, please feel free to reach out to myself, Committee Chair Jason Savage,  or Treasurer Jim Baughman.  

Monthly Dues: 

We can all be very proud of how well Troop 136 is doing! Our young men are making great progress in advancement, character development, and life experience. We have had many rank advancements this year, and two of our young men who have advanced to Eagle Scout. We look forward to seeing this continue in 2024 as many of our Scouts embark on high adventure trips!

Dues have been an ongoing discussion within the Troop Committee, as we look to shore up our finances to make sure we can provide those things we have come to expect from the troop including the ability to properly care for our equipment. In recent years, fifteen dollars per month barely covers what the troop pays the national organization and the council for dues per Scout.

The Troop Committee has decided to continue collecting monthly dues from Scouts, with the monthly portion staying with Troop 136. Scouts will pay the full amount of the national and council dues during our annual recharter process.

While this does reflect an increase in dues, we are giving our Scouts great opportunities to cover costs for dues, camps, and other expenses for Scouting.

This new dues structure will allow the troop to have the funding it needs to continue providing for all ranks and advancement, training for leaders, new equipment, maintenance, insurance, and the many regular expenses needed to keep Troop 136 functioning properly for our Scouts. 

We believe this makes our Troop an incredible value for the money. Of course, we want no Scout left behind, so if the cost of Scouting ever becomes an issue, please reach out to Scoutmaster Ron Newcomb, Treasurer Jim Baughman, or Committee Chairman Jason Savage for a confidential conversation so we can help.

We hope that you, too, agree that our Troop is an incredible value and a very important part of our Scouts’ lives, and as always, we thank YOU for your support of Scouting and Troop 136

Upcoming events:  

Nov 17 - 19:  Troop Campout:  Wright Patterson Air Force Museum, camping at Camp Hugh Taylor BirchNov 

21:  Troop Meeting

Nov 28:  Troop Meeting

Dec 1-2:  Troop Camp in First Presbyterian Church

Dec 3:  PLC Meeting

Dec 5:  Troop Meeting

Dec 12:  Troop Meeting

Dec 19:  Troop Meeting

Dec 26:  Winter break, no meeting

Wednesday, November 8, 2023


 October is over and it's time to take a deep breath.  The Pumpkin Sale is over, and we will be sharing the results of the sale in the near future.  We plan to have meeting to discuss this fundraiser and other possible fundraisers and if you're interested in helping the Troop develop a fundraising strategy, please let me know or reach out to our Committee Chair Jason Savage at

University of Scouting:  The University of Scouting will take place this Saturday, 11/11/23 at the Westerville North High School.  There are many classes for adults and merit badges for scouts.  The link to sign up is below:

Carter Freeman Eagle COH:  Carter Freeman's Eagle Court of Honor will be this Sunday, 11/12/23 at the First Presbyterian Church at 3pm.  Carter is looking for some help from the troop at his COH.  To sign up, see the link below.  If you are interested in signing up and there is nothing available with your rank, please come to the church at 2pm.

Wright Patterson Air Force Museum:  The troop will be visiting the Wright Patterson Air Force Museum over the weekend of 11/17/23 - 11/19/23.  We will be staying at the Lagonda Campsite on Camp Hugh Taylor Birch.  This campsite has rustic cabins and a campsite.  The cabins will not be heated so we will need to "be prepared" for the weather.  The scouts will have a chance to earn the Scouting Aviation Heritage Medallion while visiting.  In their patrol meetings, the scouts will be choosing 3 of a possible 10 things they will need to do to complete their Aviation Heritage Medallions.  The cost for this event will be $30.  Below are the links for the sign up and the permission slip.

Camp in:  The troop is planning a camp in at the First Presbyterian Church on Friday, 12/1 - 12/2.  The PLC will be working out details in their patrol meetings for this event.

Upcoming events:  
Nov 7:  Election Day:  Troop will be meeting in the basement of the church.

Nov 11:  University of Scouting

Nov 12:  Carter Freeman Eagle Court of Honor

Nov 14:  Troop Meeting

Nov 17 - 19:  Troop Campout:  Wright Patterson Air Force Museum, camping at Camp Hugh Taylor Birch

Nov 21:  Troop Meeting

Nov 28:  Troop Meeting

Dec 1-3:  Troop Camp in

Dec 3:  PLC Meeting

Dec 5:  Troop Meeting

Dec 12:  Troop Meeting

Dec 19:  Troop Meeting

Dec 26:  Winter break, no meeting

Monday, October 23, 2023


 Popcorn Sales:  Popcorn Kernel Brandi Blackstone will be at the meeting on Tuesday, 10/24/23 to collect Popcorn sales sheets and hopefully fill all of the orders.  

Pumpkin Sales Update:  We had a big weekend at the Pumpkin Patch.  Between  Saturday and Sunday, we sold just under $2000 in pumpkins.  We have one last weekend for Pumpkin Patch Fundraiser and we have lots of openings to work.  If you are able, please sign up for a shift, we could use some help.  Remember, the money earned goes directly to your scout accounts.  

University of Scouting:  The University of Scouting is Saturday, Nov 11th from 9am to 4pm.  There are course offerings for adults and Merit Badge offerings, including Fire Safety, Game Design, Photography, Art and Finger Printing for youth.  The location has changed this year to Westerville Central High School at 7118 Mount Royal Ave, Westerville, OH.  43082.  The link to register or get more information is below:

Carter Freeman Eagle COH:  Come join Carter Freeman in celebration of earning his Eagle Scout Rank on Sunday, Nov 12th.  Times to be determined.

Wright Patterson Air Force Museum:  The PLC has decided that November's campout will be at the Wright Patterson Air Force Museum. in Dayton, Oh.  We will be staying at the Lagonda Campsite at Camp Hugh Taylor Birch.  We were unable to secure the Anderson Lodge but have reserved the Lagonda Campsite which has 3 "Treehouse" cabins that will sleep 10 people per unit.  There will also be the option for tent camping for anyone who is looking for outdoor camping nights.  This campout will be held from November 17th - 19th and the PLC will be working on the agenda for the campout at their next PLC meeting.  Below is the sign up genius. 

Upcoming events:

Oct 24:  Troop Meeting

Oct 31:  Halloween:  No meeting

Nov 5:  Physical Fitness testing at 3pm and PLC meeting at 4:30pm

Nov 7:  Election Day:  Troop will be meeting in the basement of the church.

Nov 11:  University of Scouting

Nov 12:  Carter Freeman Eagle Court of Honor

Nov 14:  Troop Meeting

Nov 17 - 19:  Troop Campout:  Wright Patterson Air Force Museum, camping at Camp Hugh Taylor Birch

Nov 21:  Troop Meeting

Nov 28:  Troop Meeting

Dec 1-3:  Troop Camp in

Dec 3:  PLC Meeting

Dec 5:  Troop Meeting

Dec 12:  Troop Meeting

Dec 19:  Troop Meeting

Dec 26:  Winter break, no meeting

Tuesday, October 10, 2023


 For those that were able to attend, the Three Eagle Shootout was held this past Saturday at the Pickaway County Sportsmen Inc.  The scouts learned to shoot rifles, shotguns and bows and arrows.  Thank you to Troop 170 for hosting this event. 

I will not be at this week's meeting as Zack is playing in a baseball tournament game.  Mr. Guay will be acting Scoutmaster.  In this week's troop meeting, we will have a guest who is a student at Columbus College of Art and Design, has been to Philmont Scout Ranch and would like to speak to our troop about outdoor camping gear design.  The scouts will also be making nominations for the next Senior Patrol Leader.  A scout must be at least 1st class and 13 years old to be nominated for Senior Patrol Leader.  

Pumpkin Sale Update:  Our Committee Chair shared with us that after our 1st week of sales, we have a 30% increase in sales over last year.  Please continue to sign up and help with the sale and earn money for your scout accounts, the link is below.  

Grove City Creek Sweep:  Come out and help keep our city beautiful and earn conservation hours by joining Creek Sweep 2023 on Saturday, Oct 14th at 8am.  Location to be determined.

Payton Holycross Eagle COH:  Come join Payton Holycross in celebration of earning his Eagle Scout Rank on Sunday, Oct 16th from 3:30pm to 4:30pm.  

University of Scouting:  The University of Scouting is Saturday, Nov 11th from 9am to 4pm.  There are course offerings for adults and Merit Badge offerings for youth.  The location has changed this year to Westerville Central High School at 7118 Mount Royal Ave, Westerville, OH.  43082.  The link to register or get more information is below:

Carter Freeman Eagle COH:  Come join Carter Freeman in celebration of earning his Eagle Scout Rank on Sunday, Nov 12th.  Times to be determined.

Wright Patterson Air Force Museum:  The PLC has decided that November's campout will be at the Wright Patterson Air Force Museum. in Dayton, Oh.  This campout will be held from November 17th - 19th.  More details and sign-up will be coming soon.

Upcoming events:

Oct 10:  Troop Meeting:  Guest Speaker Rachel Lisle; SPL nominations

Oct 14:  Creek Sweep:  Help keep our community clean and earn conservation hours.

Oct 15:  Payton Holycross Eagle Court of Honor  3:30 to 4:30 at First Presbyterian Church

Oct 17:  Troop Meeting:  Patrol Leader Election

Oct 24:  Troop Meeting

Oct 31:  Halloween:  No meeting

Nov 5:  Physical Fitness testing at 3pm and PLC meeting at 4:30pm

Nov 7:  Election Day

Nov 11:  University of Scouting

Nov 12:  Carter Freeman Eagle Court of Honor

Nov 14:  Troop Meeting

Nov 17 - 19:  Troop Campout has been moved from Nov 11th to allow for the University of Scouting

Nov 21:  Troop Meeting

Nov 28:  Troop Meeting

Dec 1-3:  Troop Camp in

Dec 3:  PLC Meeting

Dec 5:  Troop Meeting

Dec 12:  Troop Meeting

Dec 19:  Troop Meeting

Dec 26:  Winter break, no meeting

Tuesday, October 3, 2023


We've turned the calendar to another month and we have a very busy month of October but I would like to recap September:

  • Arts in the Alley Parade:  We joined together with troop 392 to carry the American Flag and lead the parade.
  • Popcorn Sales:  We've joined with Pack 136 and begun our popcorn sales at several different locations.
  • City Barbeque Fundraiser:  Sold popcorn out front
  • Campout in Hocking Hills:  Stayed at Hocking Hills State Park and hiked the Airplane Rock / Chapel Cave loop, approximately 4.8 miles.
  • Pumpkin unloading:  Joined with Pack 136 and unloaded half a trailer of pumpkins in 2 hours.
  • Cubscout Pack 136 Fall Campout:  Supported Pack 136 on their Fall campout with equipment, den chief help and adult support.
Now, onto October:

Pumpkin Patch:  We've opened up the pumpkin patch and begun selling.  There are lots of opportunities to earn money for scout accounts by signing up to help sell at the pumpkin patch:

Three Eagle Shootout:  The Three Eagle Shootout is this upcoming Saturday, Oct 7th.  Meet at the First Presbyterian Church at 7:45.  We will carpool to Pickaway County Sportsman Inc at 8100 US Highway 22 E, Circleville, OH 43113.  The safety briefing will begin at 8:45.  Everyone is responsible to bring their own lunch.  I will have a permission slip at the troop meeting.  The cost for shooting will be $20.  Sign-up is still available:

Creek Sweep 2023:  Come out and help keep our city beautiful and earn conservation hours by joining Creek Sweep 2023 on Saturday, Oct 14th at 8am.  Location to be determined.

Payton Holycross Eagle COH:  Come join Payton Holycross in celebration of earning his Eagle Scout Rank on Sunday, Oct 16th from 3:30pm to 4:30pm.  

University of Scouting:  The University of Scouting will be held on Saturday, Nov 11th.  Registration and more details coming soon.

Carter Freeman Eagle COH:  Come join Carter Freeman in celebration of earning his Eagle Scout Rank on Sunday, Nov 12th.  Times to be determined.

Wright Patterson Air Force Museum:  The PLC has decided that November's campout will be at the Wright Patterson Air Force Museum. in Dayton, Oh.  This campout will be held from November 17th - 19th.  More details and sign-up will be coming soon.

Upcoming Events:

Oct 3:  Troop Meeting

Oct 6-8:  OA Fall Fellowship at Camp Falling Rock

Oct 7:  Three Eagles Shootout

Oct 10:  Troop Meeting:  SPL Elections

Oct 14:  Creek Sweep:  Help keep our community clean and earn conservation hours.

Oct 15:  Payton Holycross Eagle Court of Honor  3:30 to 4:30 at First Presbyterian Church

Oct 17:  Troop Meeting:  Patrol Leader Election

Oct 24:  Troop Meeting:  Physical Fitness Testing at Tanglebrook Park

Oct 31:  Halloween:  No meeting

Nov 5:  Physical Fitness testing at 3pm and PLC meeting at 4:30pm

Nov 7:  Election Day

Nov 11:  University of Scouting

Nov 12:  Carter Freeman Eagle Court of Honor

Nov 14:  Troop Meeting

Nov 17 - 19:  Troop Campout has been moved from Nov 11th to allow for the University of Scouting

Nov 21:  Troop Meeting

Nov 28:  Troop Meeting

Dec 1-3:  Troop Camp in

Dec 3:  PLC Meeting

Dec 5:  Troop Meeting

Dec 12:  Troop Meeting

Dec 19:  Troop Meeting

Dec 26:  Winter break, no meeting

Tuesday, September 26, 2023


 Hocking Hills Hike:    We had a great time hiking in the Hocking Hills on Saturday.  The scenery was beautiful and the trail was a lot of fun.  The view from Airplane Rock was impressive and Chapel Cave was exciting to explore.  The scouts came up with an excellent menu and did a great job preparing some delicious meals.

Pumpkin Patch:  This Friday, September 29th,  the pumpkins for the pumpkin patch will be delivered at 4pm  Everyone who is available to help with the unloading will be needed.  Cub Scout Pack 136 will also be there helping to upload but their Fall campout is that weekend so they will be needing to get there as soon as possible.  The hours worked at the pumpkin patch will go toward your scout accounts to help pay for upcoming events.  The rate per hour will be determined by the amount raised by the sale.  The Troop and the Pack are joining forces for the Pumpkin sale this year.  Let's get off to a great start by coming together to help unload our pumpkins.  Pizza and drinks will be provided.

Three Eagle Shootout:  The Three Eagle Shootout is scheduled for 10/7/23 at the Pickaway County Sports Inc Gun Club at 8100 US 22, Circleville, OH.  The cost for shooting is $20 and this does not cover lunch.  The PLC will need to decide if everyone should bring their own lunch or if the Troop will bring lunch for everyone.  Troop will meet at the First Presbyterian Church at 7:30 and travel to the range.  There will be a safety briefing at 8:45 am and the event kicks off at 9am.  The PLC decided to have this be a single day event and not a campout.  Below is the sign up Genius.  We need at least one other adult to attend.

Creek Sweep 2023:  Creek Sweep 2023 will be Saturday 10/14/23.  Come out and earn conservation hours and help keep our city clean.  

Payton Holycross Eagle Court of Honor:  Payton Holycross has scheduled his Eagle Court of Honor for Sunday, 10/15/23 from 3:30pm to 4:30pm in the Fellowship Center of the First Presbyterian Church.  Let's join together and celebrate Payton's accomplishment with him.  Payton will ask for some volunteers to help with the Court of Honor so please please contact Payton if you are interested in helping.  Below is the Sign Up Genius.  Please sign up if you plan to attend so we know how many people to plan for.

Upcoming Events:  

Sept 26:  Troop Meeting:  Physical Fitness Testing at Tanglebrook Park

Sept 29:  Pumpkin unloading, time to be determined.

Oct 1:  PLC Meeting

Oct 3:  Troop Meeting

Oct 6-8:  OA Fall Fellowship at Camp Falling Rock

Oct 7:  Three Eagles Shootout

Oct 10:  Troop Meeting:  SPL Elections

Oct 14:  Creek Sweep:  Help keep our community clean and earn conservation hours.

Oct 15:  Payton Holycross Eagle Court of Honor  3:30 to 4:30 at First Presbyterian Church

Oct 17:  Troop Meeting:  Patrol Leader Election

Oct 24:  Troop Meeting:  Physical Fitness Testing at Tanglebrook Park

Oct 31:  Halloween:  No meeting

Nov 5:  PLC meeting

Nov 7:  Election Day

Nov 11:  University of Scouting

Nov 12:  Carter Freeman Eagle Court of Honor

Nov 14:  Troop Meeting

Nov 17 - 19:  Troop Campout has been moved from Nov 11th to allow for the University of Scouting

Nov 21:  Troop Meeting

Nov 28:  Troop Meeting

Dec 1-3:  Troop Camp in

Dec 3:  PLC Meeting

Dec 5:  Troop Meeting

Dec 12:  Troop Meeting

Dec 19:  Troop Meeting

Dec 26:  Winter break, no meeting

Thursday, September 14, 2023


 I have a few corrections to September email #2.

September Campout:  I mistakenly put out two Sign-up Geniuses for the September Campout.  Please use the link below so that everyone is on the same sign up.  I'm sorry for the confusion: There are currently 4 scouts signed up.  For scouts planning to go to this campout, there is currently no SPL, menu or plan for this campout.  

Attached is the permission slip for the September Campout.  We will have copies of the permission slip at the meeting on 9/19.  Permission slips will be due on Friday, 9/22 before we leave for camp.

Creek Sweep:  The Sign-up Genius provided on September email #2 was not working.  Below is the corrected link.  Remember, scouting is about service to others and this is a great way to earn conservation hours and provide a great service to our community.

Payton Holycross Eagle COH:   Payton has scheduled his Eagle Court of Honor for Sunday, 10/15/2023.  Please save the date on your calendar.

Monday, September 11, 2023


 We have a very busy upcoming schedule but first I would like to let you know that the PLC has completed their Annual Planning Meeting and they have come up with some exciting events for the troop to participate in for the upcoming year.  I have included a Word Document as an attachment so that everyone can start to add these dates to their calendars.

Arts in the Alley Parade:  So far we have 8 scouts signed up to participate in the Arts in the Alley Parade this Saturday 9/16/23, kicking off at 9am.  We will be meeting at the CVS on Broadway and Southwest BLVD at 8am.  We will be joined by scouts from Troop 392, leading the parade and carrying the American flag.  We will be in Field (Class A) uniform.  Below is the link for the Sign-up Genius.  We would like as many scouts as possible to participate and show off our scout spirit and civic responsibility.   

City Barbeque Fundraiser:  This upcoming Saturday, 9/16/23 from 11am to 8pm, Troop 136 has joined with City Barbeque for a fundraising event.  Troop 136 will receive 20% of the proceeds from meals for anyone who goes to City Barbeque at 2261 Stringtown Rd in Grove City and mentions Troop 136.  Below is the information for the fundraiser.  Please share this information with your friends and family. 

Save the date -- Saturday, September 16th -- City Barbeque is donating 20% of orders to Scouts BSA TROOP 136! Take a night off from cooking and join us in eating for a great cause. City Barbeque accepts Dine-In, Takeout, Delivery, Drive thru & Pick up orders made online using the promo code FundA or in store/by phone mentioning Scouts BSA TROOP 136. You can RSVP & see all details here: #groupraise #citybarbeque #scoutsbsatroop136 #savethedate

Popcorn Sales:  Popcorn Kernel Brandi Blackston will be at the Troop meeting on 9/12 to talk about the popcorn sale and to pass out popcorn forms.  Remember, you can really help your scout account by selling popcorn as illustrated below as well as the link for show and sells that she has set up:

Sell $300, receive $100 in your scout account!

Sell $600, receive $200 in your scout account!

Sell $900, receive $300 in your scout account!


And the amount keeps rising as you sell more!

Please take the opportunity to check out these events and sign up.  We have several events coming up this Friday and Saturday.  The event at City Barbeque on Saturday coincides with the Troop Fundraiser.  We will also be asking patrons to mention Troop 136.

September Campout:  The scouts decided to go to the Hocking Hills for a hike.  The proposed trailer was a loop to Airplane Rock.  This loop is approximately 4.5 miles long.  We will be camping at the Group Camping area of Hocking Hills State Park at 19852 State Route 664S Logan, OH 43138.  As of now, there are only 2 scouts and 1 adult signed up.  Below is the Sign-up Genius for this event.  Cost will be determined by the number of participants but please budget $40.  Currently there are only 2 scouts and 1 adult signed up.  We need 1 more adult to sign up.  

Pumpkin Patch:  On Friday, Sept 29th, the pumpkins for the pumpkin patch will be delivered.  Everyone who is available to help with the unloading will be needed.  Cub Scout Pack 136 will also be there helping to upload but their Fall campout is that weekend so they will be needing to get there as soon as possible.  The hours worked at the pumpkin patch will go toward your scout accounts to help pay for upcoming events.  The rate per hour will be determined by the amount raised by the sale.  The Troop and the Pack are joining forces for the Pumpkin sale this year.  Let's get off to a great start by coming together to help unload our pumpkins.  We will get a time out when we know when the delivery will be.

Three Eagle Shootout:  The Three Eagle Shootout is scheduled for 10/7/23 at the Pickaway County Sports Inc Gun Club at 8100 US 22, Circleville, OH.  The cost for shooting is $20 and this does not cover lunch.  The PLC will need to decide if everyone should bring their own lunch or if the Troop will bring lunch for everyone.  Troop will meet at the First Presbyterian Church at 7:30 and travel to the range.  There will be a safety briefing at 8:45 am and the event kicks off at 9am.  The PLC decided to have this be a single day event and not a campout.  Below is the sign up Genius.

Creek Sweep 2023:  Creek Sweep 2023 will be Saturday 10/14/23.  Come out and earn conservation hours and help keep our city clean.  

Upcoming events:

Sept 12:  Troop Meeting:  Popcorn Kernel

Sept 16:  Arts in The Alley Parade

Sept 16:  City Barbeque Fundraiser / Popcorn sales

Sept 19:  Troop Meeting; Fall Court of Honor

Sept 22-24:  Troop Campout:  Hiking in Hocking Hills

Sept 26:  Troop Meeting:  Physical Fitness Testing at Tanglebrook Park

Sept 29:  Pumpkin unloading, time to be determined.

Oct 1:  PLC Meeting

Oct 3:  Troop Meeting

Oct 7:  Three Eagles Shootout

Oct 10:  Troop Meeting:  SPL Elections

Oct 14:  Creek Sweep:  Help keep our community clean and earn conservation hours.

Oct 17:  Troop Meeting:  Patrol Leader Election

Oct 24:  Troop Meeting:  Physical Fitness Testing at Tanglebrook Park

Oct 31:  Halloween:  No meeting

Nov 5:  PLC meeting

Nov 7:  Election Day

Nov 11:  University of Scouting

Nov 14:  Troop Meeting

Nov 17 - 19:  Troop Campout has been moved from Nov 11th to allow for the University of Scouting

Nov 21:  Troop Meeting

Nov 28:  Troop Meeting

Dec 1-3:  Troop Camp in

Dec 3:  PLC Meeting

Dec 5:  Troop Meeting

Dec 12:  Troop Meeting

Dec 19:  Troop Meeting

Dec 26:  Winter break, no meeting

Tuesday, September 5, 2023


 Hello Troop 136,

Canoeing:  What a fun time the troop had Canoeing at Birch Bark Canoe Livery.  Everyone had a good time canoeing, creeking, and playing frisbee.  

PLC meeting:  The next PLC meeting will be from 3pm until 6pm on Sunday, 9/10/2023.  We will be working on the yearly plan to present to the Troop Committee.  If you are a member of the PLC.  Please plan to attend this meeting, we want every voice heard.  

Arts in the Alley Parade:  The Arts in the Alley Parade will be Saturday, 9/16/2023.  We will meet at 8am in the parking lot of the CVS on the corner of Broadway and SouthWest BLVD.  We will be carrying the flag and leading the parade.  Please sign up using the link below.

City Barbeque Fundraiser:  Troop 136, City Barbeque and Groupraise have combined to help raise money for Troop 136 on Saturday, 9/16/2023 from 11am to 8pm.  If anyone mentions Troop 136 at City Barbeque, Troop 136 will receive 20%.  Below are the details.  Please share this information with your friends and family to help support our troop.  
  • Event name: Scouts BSA TROOP 136 x City Barbeque GroupRaise Fundraiser
  • Date: Saturday, September 16th
  • Time: 11:00 AM - 8:00 PM
  • Privacy: We recommend “Public” so people can invite and share the event with their friends
  • Location: City Barbeque (2261 Stringtown Rd)
  • Description:
    Eat To Support Scouts BSA TROOP 136

    On Saturday, September 16th from 11:00 AM - 8:00 PM, City Barbeque at 2261 Stringtown Rd is donating back % of sales from Dine-In, Takeout, Delivery, Drive thru & Pick up orders to Scouts BSA TROOP 136!

    RSVP & all details here:

    Why we're raising: Scouts BSA Troop 136 helps develop character, leadership, citizenship and personal fitness in our youth.

    We hope you can join us in eating out for a good cause!

    P.S. Please feel free to invite -- and share this event with -- your friends and family.

Popcorn Kernel:  The Popcorn Kernel will be at the meeting on 9/12/2023 to talk about popcorn and the opportunities to pay for upcoming activities.

Court of Honor:  Tuesday, 9/19/23 will be the Fall Court of Honor.  Please plan to attend this meeting and support your scouts who have been working extremely hard all Summer.

September Campout:  The SPL has a poll on the BAND App asking what scouts would prefer to do for this campout.  The choices are a bicycle trip at a location yet to be determined or a hike to Airplane Rock in the Hocking Hills.  Our SPL has decided to leave the poll open until the end of August to allow everyone a chance to vote.  Please make sure your voice is heard by going to the BAND APP and voting.  This campout will be Sept 22 - 24. Below is the sign up genius for the September Campout.  

Pumpkin Patch:  On Friday, Sept 29th, the pumpkins for the pumpkin patch will be delivered.  Everyone who is available to help with the unloading will be needed.  Cub Scout Pack 136 will also be there helping to upload but their Fall campout is that weekend so they will be needing to get there as soon as possible.  The hours worked at the pumpkin patch will go toward your scout accounts to help pay for upcoming events.  The rate per hour will be determined by the amount raised by the sale.  The Troop and the Pack are joining forces for the Pumpkin sale this year.  Let's get off to a great start by coming together to help unload our pumpkins.  We will get a time out when we know when the delivery will be.

3 Eagle Shootout:  The Three Eagle Shootout will be Saturday October 6th.  We will create a signup genius for this event once it has been determined if the troop is camping or simply participating in the shooting.  The cost for the shooting will be $20 per scout.  If the troop camps out, there will be additional costs.

Creek Sweep:  Creek Sweep will be held on Saturday, October 14th from 8am to 11am.  Come out and earn Conservation Hours and help keep our community clean.  Meeting location will be communicated in a future email but below is the signup genius.

Thursday, August 24, 2023


 We have lots of events being planned for the upcoming months:

Canoeing at the Birch Bark Canoe Livery:  This camping / canoeing event is August 25th through the 27th at the Birch Bark Canoe Livery located at 1455 River Rd, Urbana, OH. 43078.  We currently have 7 scouts and 4 adults scheduled to attend.  We will be meeting at the Presbyterian Church at 6pm, pack the trailer and leave at 6:30pm.  Below is the permission slip that will need to be completed and turned in to participate in the event.  I am also including a packing list for a weekend campout.  

PLC meeting:  The next PLC meeting will be from 3pm until 6pm on Sunday, 9/10/2023.  We will be working on the yearly plan to present to the Troop Committee.  If you are a member of the PLC.  Please plan to attend this meeting, we want every voice heard.  

Arts in the Alley Parade:  The Arts in the Alley Parade will be Saturday, 9/16/2023.  We will meet at 8am in the parking lot of the CVS on the corner of Broadway and SouthWest BLVD.  We will be carrying the flag and leading the parade.  Please sign up using the link below.

Popcorn Kernel:  The Popcorn Kernel will be at the meeting on 9/12/2023 to talk about popcorn and the opportunities to pay for upcoming activities.

Court of Honor:  Tuesday, 9/19/23 will be the Fall Court of Honor.  Please plan to attend this meeting and support your scouts who have been working extremely hard all Summer.

September Campout:  The SPL has a poll on the BAND App asking what scouts would prefer to do for this campout.  The choices are a bicycle trip at a location yet to be determined or a hike to Airplane Rock in the Hocking Hills.  Our SPL has decided to leave the poll open until the end of August to allow everyone a chance to vote.  Please make sure your voice is heard by going to the BAND APP and voting.  This campout will be Sept 22 - 24. 

Pumpkin Patch:  On Friday, Sept 29th, the pumpkins for the pumpkin patch will be delivered.  Everyone who is available to help with the unloading will be needed.  Cub Scout Pack 136 will also be there helping to upload but their Fall campout is that weekend so they will be needing to get there as soon as possible.  The hours worked at the pumpkin patch will go toward your scout accounts to help pay for upcoming events.  The rate per hour will be determined by the amount raised by the sale.  The Troop and the Pack are joining forces for the Pumpkin sale this year.  Let's get off to a great start by coming together to help unload our pumpkins.  We will get a time out when we know when the delivery will be.