Maplefest 2024: Troop 136 had great participation at the 2024 Maple Syrup Fest over the 1st weekend of March. We had 13 scouts and 4 scouters attend and volunteer. Senior Patrol Leader Alex Royce divided the troop into groups that allowed the troop to cover three different events as well as have scouts enjoying the activities. The scouts helped man the rope making station, the early American tools station, and the early Maple Syrup making station. Great job scouts and scouters serving our scouting community and representing Troop 136 and Scouting so well.
2024 Day of Giving: Thursday, March 14th is the annual Day of Giving. In the last year, our council has had a record number of financial assistance requests to the tune of $189,675. The donations to the Day of Giving will go a long way to providing these funds to assist families in need to pay for; registration fees, camperships for events, and uniforming needs. I have personally benefited from scouting by learning to live by the Scout Oath, Scout Law and learning leadership skills that I use every day. Watching scouts grow from young scouts afraid to be in front of a microphone into Young adults who are ready, willing and able to give speeches in front of community leaders to help raise money for scouting is just one way in which scouting helps our youth grow. I hope that if you see the benefit in scouting, you will join me in supporting the Simon Kenton Council Day of giving by following the link: Day of Giving - Simon Kenton Council (
Gateway District Awards Social: The Gateway District of Simon Kenton Council is holding their first annual Gateway District Award Social from 2pm to 4pm at the Grove City United Methodist Church. The troop has several adult leaders who are set to receive awards in recognition of what they give to scouting. Please consider coming out and supporting the leaders who support Scouting on a Troop level as well as District and Council levels. I have attached the link and for those interested, the cost is $15 per person:
April 2024 Solar Eclipse at Manatoc Scout Reservation: At this time, the troop does not plan to have a Solar Eclipse group event, however, I wanted to leave the link available for anyone who is interested in going to Camp Manatoc, located at 1075 Truxel Rd, Peninsula, Oh 44264. Based on information I have heard, I would try to arrive early and plan to stay late. The cost is $15 per person and includes lunch, viewing glasses and a patch. If anyone would like more information, here's the link:
Mulch update: Thank you to the 11 scouts and 10 adults who met at the Creekside and passed out mulch flyers. Please mark your calendars for Saturday, April 27th. This is a great opportunity to earn money for camps or other scouting costs. I've attached the revised mulch flyer so feel free to share with friends and family. We prefer orders to remain in and around Grove City. Mulch orders are due by April 1st. GRRRRR
Camp Falling Rock Summer Camp 2024: Summer Camp this year is from Sunday, June 30th to Saturday July 6th at Camp Falling Rock. The cost for the week for youth is $350 with the early bird discount, otherwise, the normal cost is $375. To take advantage of the early bird discount, the Troop needs to register by Sunday, March 31st. In order to make this happen, I would like everyone who knows for sure that they plan to attend summer camp this year to sign up using the sign up genius by Saturday March 30th. I have included separate spots for male and female youth and adults. In order for female youth to attend, there must be at least one registered female adult at camp.
Upcoming events:
3/25 - 3/29: Spring Break, no troop meeting
4/7: Committee Meeting
4/8: Eclipse Viewing at Camp Manatoc (TBD)
4/12 – 4/14: OA Spring Fellowship at Camp Lazarus
4/19 – 4/21: Troop Campout at Hocking Hills
4/26 – 4/28: Troop 136 Mulch Delivery and Spreading
5/5: PLC Meeting
5/5: Committee Meeting/3:
5/3: Centenary Celebration at Camp Lazarus (TBD)
5/3 – 5/5: Pack 136 Spring Campout
5/10 – 5/11: Guarding Flowers at Gantz
5/17 – 5/19: OA Conclave at Camp Manatoc
5/25: Memorial Day Flag Placement Greenlawn Cemetary (TBD)
5/31 – 6/1: Ordeal / Brotherhood at Camp Falling Rock
5/31 – 6/1: New Scout Campout
6/2: PLC Meeting
6/2: Committee Meeting
6/9 - 6/26: Philmont Scout Ranch
6/30 - 7/6: Summer Camp, Camp Falling Rock, no troop meeting
7/14 - 7/20: Seabase
8/4: PLC Meeting
8/4: Committee Meeting