Parents and scouts:
Here is a note about some upcoming items for the
1. There will be a class starting tomorrow night
for those interested in taking Cycling Merit badge.
Mr. Kreml will be meeting those interested as
noted below.
are starting the Cycling Merit badge this Monday from 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM. We
will meet at the church to do the following:
· review the bicycles
cleaning and safety
· review first aid for injuries that could occur during cycling
· clean and adjust bicycles
· discuss next steps and plan future dates for rides!
· if we have time we will review and practice how to repair a flat
will try to work outside on the maintenance, but if rains we will take it
hands will get messy so bring an old cloth to wipe your hands.
You will need your bicycle! [and Helmets]
Our September Campout has been rescheduled. We will be going out Saturday
morning September 8-9th to Camp Birch – [near Yellow Springs Ohio]. We
will have opportunities for a bike hike. Scouts [and parents] can bring
their bike [and helmet] for the outing and we will have a hike. If you
don’t have a bike we can still go and do a day hike to the Clifton Mill – as
long as we have enough adults to do multiple activities. See the
permission slip attached for other details on this outing. Permission slips
will be needed to be turned in THIS Tuesday.
Hog Roast and Tag Sale – we will need Lots of help on this fundraiser.
Parent and scouts alike. I will have a sign up sheet at the meeting on
Tuesday night for getting ALL signed up to help. Don’t forget to be
collecting your items for the tag sale. If you have any questions let me
know. I will have a separate email about this later this week, but in
general we need people help and desserts! about 1-2 dozen cookies or
brownies from each scout.
I have also attached the annual planning calendar for 2012-2013 year.
Make note of the items planned and be prepared as they come up to participate.
Remember that Class A Scout uniforms will be required after Labor Day.
If you need items from the scout store it has moved. The new address for
it and the Council Office is: 807 Kinnear
Road, Columbus, OH 43212
will have the newsletter out tomorrow for September.
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