Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Troop 136 December Newsletter

Our Theme this Month is: Art
Please note the following upcoming events. Refer to the 2012-2013 Program Plan for the complete year planning events. Note that the plan is subject to minor changes.

1. PLC: [Patrol Leader’s Council]
Jan 6th - from 5:00-6:00 at the Church.
Senior Patrol Leader, Asst. Sr. Patrol Leader, All Patrol Leader’s. & Asst. Patrol Leader’s and other members of the PLC including Scribe, Historian, Quartermaster are also encouraged to attend.

2. Troop Committee / Parent Meeting:
Next Meeting is Jan 6th at 6:00 PM at the Church.
All parents are invited to attend this meeting and learn what is up coming in the Troop activities.

3.Camp-out this Month:
Date: Dec. 14-15, 2012
Location: CAMP-IN at the Church - Then trip to Columbus Museum of Art on Saturday morning.
Camp in includes Nerf war and Minecraft. See below for more details
Leave Friday @ 6:00 PM [at the church] Return Saturday @ 3:30 PM
Cost: [$7.00 for food Dinner, Breakfast and Sack Lunch] + [Museum KCost is $3] Total is $10.00
Permission slip must be filled out and returned by: 12/11/2012

Troop 136 Camp-In Nerf War Rules
  1. 50 dart limit per player
  2. 5 Gun Limit [4 regular and 1 Blow Tube] per player
  3. Blow Tubes per Team at one time.
  4. Homemade and modified guns are allowed - but must be approved by Scoutmaster.
  5. All guns must have name on them.
  6. Dart count must be noted at check in at beginning of event.
  7. Put an identifying mark on your darts.
  8. Darts you get back should be the same quantity, but may not be the same ones.
  9. No moving bunkers or obstacles after start of play.
  10. No modified Darts
  11. No throwing Darts.
  12. No shields.
  13. No ricochet shots. 
  14. Once you are out you must not interfere with game. 
  15. Scoutmaster has final say to any activity during the game.
Kenneth Buckingham will bring a Minecraft server. You can play even if you do not own the software. All you need to bring is your computer, monitor/keyboard/mouse(if not a laptop), power cords, and network cable (If your computer is not wireless ready). Kenneth will be able to get you set up after that.

4. Monthly Dues:                     “A Scout is Thrifty…”
Please keep up to date on your monthly dues. We collect $10.00 each month for troop operation. This can be paid or taken from your son’s Scout Account. Scout Accounts are funded by participation in fundraising activities. The Scout Account can be used to pay for Summer Camp fees, Monthly camp-out fees, Troop Dues, Uniform expenses, and Troop related expenses that are approved by the Scoutmaster.

Please check with Jim Baughman on status of your son's Scout Account.

5. Eagle Court of Honor - Jan. 6th
There will be a Eagle Court of Honor on January 6th for Chris Hoffman. The Troop and our families are invited to attend. It will start at 2:00 pm at the Church.

6. December Camp-In is Dec. 14-15th
We will be holding our December outing as a Camp-In at the Church. We will meet at 6:00 pm on Friday and then on Saturday we will go to Columbus Museum of Art. The camping in will be our annual Holiday Party. We will have dinner on Friday night and Breakfast on Saturday. Bring a snack and game to share for our Camp-In! This will be a Class A uniform outing. All scouts will need to WEAR their uniforms TO the Friday night party so we will know that they are ready for the trip to the Art Museum. [once at the Friday night camp-in they can change into their Class B uniform] At the Columbus Museum of Art we will also participate in the program "Doodles". From their website here is a description of the program, should be fun!:
"Rock out, families! Invent a holiday rock band and then create the merchandise to go along with it. Make t-shirts, flyers, buttons and more while listening to tunes that get the creativity flowin'! Enjoy fun, interactive gallery activities and create unique art projects together. Each month, we feature a different gallery, theme, and activity. This program is recommended for families with children ages 6 and older. Free with admission, no registration requested."

7. January Outing 1/18-20/12– North to Camp Manatoc
We are planning our January camping trip up north to the Cleveland area on January 18-20. We will be staying in cabins at Camp Manatoc, in Peninsula Ohio. In this area there is a Ski Resort that we will be able to go skiing and tubing. This should be loads of fun! Sledding at the camp is also an option. Cost will be $15.00 for food plus ski / tubing pass and equipment. The cost will be sent out in an update later this month. Mark your calendars and join us for a fun filled weekend!

8. BSA Health Forms
HEALTH FORMS from summer camp are now on file for the next 7 months. If you did not go to summer camp you should have at least Part A and Part C of the New Health Form submitted to the troop. [Part B is the visit to the Doctor’s office]. This is important information that we take on our outdoor outings in case of an emergency. Please help us by getting this information into the Troop. As any medications change please update Part A of your son’s form. See the website for this form. Please note - For those interested, Dr. Ron Routh will be holding a Physical clinic for the troop later this spring. More details on this later...

9. Kroger Plus Program changes for 2013
The Kroger Company is changing the way they report back to non-profit organizations who are participating in the Community Rewards program. They will only give a total amount that the troop has earned during a particularquarter and include a check with that statement. This is due in part to privacy concerns that they have with the program. This means that the troop can no longer identify who is giving to the troop and individual scout account entries can not be made. Although the scouts will not gain individually from your continued participation in this program, the troop will benefit and we still encourage your annual registration each year [in May] to allow this funding to help our troop. If you have individual questions on this program please let me know.

  • January's Theme is: History

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