Parents and Scouts!
The Mulch is almost here! Our order was placed and it will be delivered on Friday – 4 semi loads! A BIG thank you to Mr. Dave Thomas for assisting in the unloading of the mulch!
Now - here is an informational memo about the upcoming Mulch Delivery Fund-raiser.
Please let me know by Tuesday night that you can help. I will have sign-up sheets for both scouts and parents [and parents with trucks]
If you won’t be at the meeting and still can help just drop me an e-mail.
1. The activity will take place on Saturday April 13th from 8:30 am until ? I will have some deliveries on Friday night if you are interested let me know.
2. We will meet in the Creekside Subdivision, at the corners of Autumn Wind and Snowy Creek Drives [park area there known as the archeological site] . See map here.
3. We have 4100-ish bags of mulch to delivery / and spread some of that amount [big day!]
4. We will need as many Boy Scouts and Parents that can help. I would like to have 8-10 teams of 5-6 folks.
5. We will need parents that have and can drive pick-up trucks to move some of the mulch around the sub-division and within Grove City. [5-6 is best; more is better]
Let me know if you can help with a truck!
6. Please plan to wear OLD clothes. The mulch will stain your clothes / shoes. Bring gloves as well. [Last year's Class B used for Mulch if you have it is good to wear]. Bring your water bottle.
7. Tools that we will need include garden rakes, leaf type rakes and brooms. If you bring your tools from home please put your name on it so you can make sure to get it back.
8. Important!!! Boys must be sure to sign in and out on the time sheet when they are working on Friday and Saturday. If they don't I will go by my best memory. [not always good!]. The Scouts will get an hourly wage into their scout account from the profit made on this event.
9. If it rains on Saturday we will deliver as much as possible that do not need spreading first. If it is not too bad we will spread, especially the HOA's mulch in the common area of the sub-division.
10. If it is too bad as for rain we will have Sunday afternoon as a back-up day.
11. We will be having lunch at the site. We will need helpers for that too! I have asked the boys to bring a simple side or desert for us to share. Make it a simple side or a cookie or brownie type of desert that doesn't need utensils to eat.
12. If you ordered mulch from the troop please plan to have it picked up on Saturday. If you need assistance to get it delivered then let me know.
If you have any questions let me know.
See you on Saturday, and Thanks in advance for your support on this project This is a GREAT opportunity for your Scout to earn money into his Scout account; Don't let it slip by.
Kirk Bohanan
Scoutmaster Troop 136
Scoutmaster Troop 136
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