Parents and Scouts:
Below please find the May Newsletter and Permission slip for the campout this month. I will talk about these details tomorrow night at our meeting so – see you there!
Also – don’t forget that tomorrow night we will hold our Troop Elections for Senior Patrol Leader and Patrol leaders. These positions for the PLC will be for the next 6 months.
Kirk Bohanan
Scoutmaster Troop 136
1. PLC: [Patrol Leader’s Council
June 2 - from 5:00-6:00 at the Church.
Senior Patrol Leader, Asst. Sr. Patrol Leader, All Patrol Leader’s. & Asst. Patrol Leader’s and other members of the PLC including Scribe, Historian, Quartermaster are also encouraged to attend.
2. Troop Committee / Parent Meeting:
June 2 from 6:00-8:00 PM at the Church.
All parents are invited to attend this meeting and learn what is up coming in the Troop activities.
3. Camp-Out This Month:
Date: May 18-19, 2013
Location: Camp Falling Rock, Newark, Ohio Cost - $10.00
Leave Saturday @ 7:30 AM Return Sunday @ 11:30 AM
Permission Slip - Must be filled out and returned by: 5/14/2013
4. Monthly Dues:
“A Scout is Thrifty...”
Please keep up to date on your monthly dues. We collect $10.00 each month for troop operation. This can be paid or taken from your son’s Scout Account. Scout Accounts are funded by participation in fundraising activities. The Scout account can be used to pay for Summer Camp fees, Monthly camp-out fees, Troop Dues, Uniform expenses, and Troop related expenses that are approved by the Scoutmaster. Please check with Jim Baughman on status of your son's Scout Account.
5. Kroger Plus Card.
If you shop at Kroger and would like to get your Kroger Plus card registered with the troop please see Kirk Bohanan or Jim Baughman to get those details. Currently all funds received from Kroger are being placed into a general fund. Once we again receive from Kroger actual account activity information of our members, the funds then will again go to individual accounts.
6. May 25th - Help Put flags on the graves at Greenlawn Cemetery
The troop will help the Sons of the Union Soldiers put American flags on the graves of Union soldiers from the Civil War. We will meet at 8:30 AM on the 25th and drive to the cemetery at Greenlawn. We will be done about noon. This is a class A uniform event. We will need help with transportation from parents on this event.
7. Eagle Court of Honor - Jacob and Liam Bailey
This month Jacob and Liam Bailey will have their Eagle Court of Honor. It will be on Sunday May 26 at The First Presbyterian Church. The ceremony will start at 2:30. Please plan to attend and help congratulate the Bailey Brothers on their achievement.
8. June Campout - Climbing in Kentucky
Our Troop will be going to Campton Kentucky on June 8-9 to go to Torrent Falls for a climbing program and campout. The cost of this outing will be around $55.00 for scouts and $60 for adults. Details are still being worked out BUT if you are interested in going please let Kirk Bohanan know so I can get reservation made This should be done prior to 5/21, with payment by the 6/4 meeting.
9. Summer Camp 2013!
Our Summer camp will be June 30-July 6 at Camp Manatoc in Peninsula, Ohio. The early bird cost will be $245.00. BUT - If you pay your summer camp fee to the troop AFTER 5/15 then you will have to pay the full cost which is $255.00. For those new Scouts that just crossed into the troop will have until June 15th to make their payment. You can start to organize your plans for merit badge selections as well. I have sent out a list of those offered by Manatoc. Also check the website.
10. Health Forms for Summer Camp
11. Program Plan for 2013-2014
We will be starting to build our next year’s program and event plan in July. Please start thinking of activities you would like to have included in the Troop Plan this next year. The PLC will meet and get your patrol’s ideas for consideration.
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