Parents and Scouts:
Here is the late and
somewhat shortened newsletter for the month of July. Sorry for it being
so late; it has been a little busy around the Bohanan household this summer....
Here is an update on activities
going on the rest of this month – and beyond.
1. Patrol Leader Council
[PLC] don’t forget that this Saturday from 2-6 PM we will meet at the church
for our annual planning meeting. THIS
IS IMPORTANT. If you are a member of the PLC please attend.
If you cannot, let me know. Any other scouts or parents wishing to be
apart of this activity let me know. Please bring your ideas and details
on for monthly program themes and campout locations. I will have Pizza for
after our meeting once we are completed at 6. Class B Uniform event.
2. Next Weekend, July
27-28, we will have a fund raiser event. The Troop will be picking up
trash at Fryer Park during the Grove City Homecoming Softball Tournament.
The planned times will be on Saturday morning at 8:30 –9:30 AM to set up trash
bins, Saturday and Sunday evening from 7:30 – 9:00 PM -ish to pick up trash. A
sign up sheet will be at the scout meeting next Tuesday. If you want to
help but can’t make the meeting this coming Tuesday please let me know when you
want to work and I will put you on the schedule. The troop will take all
profit earned and divide it up to those scouts that work. More info on this at
the scout meeting next Tuesday. Class B Uniform event.
3. The August Canoe Trip
is in the planning stages. We will be going August 17-18 to Marrow Ohio
and float on the Little Miami River. It will be a 10 mile float and
should be a blast! You must have passed the BSA swim test to go on this trip.
[Parents too!] Cost for this trip will be $25.00. Click here for the permission slip. Class B uniform event
have heard back from the South Bass Island Camporee Registration people and we
have been accepted for this camporee!!! We have 30 spots and we will fill
them first come – first serve. The cost is $79.00 to cover the weekend
events. This outing will start on Friday 9/6 at 1:00 pm. We will
have the scouts get out of school early that day so we can make it up to get
the ferry in time on Friday evening. In the past this has been a great
outing [sometimes wet]. Click here for the permission slip. Please note there are 2 pages on this permission slip
which BOTH MUST be completed; one is for us one is for the Camporee
Registration. Class A Uniform Event.
5. Tag Sale and Hog
Roast will be coming soon! Start saving your “treasures to sell”!
September 21st is the date to save! More on this later.
That is all for
now. If you have any questions please drop me a note and I will get back
to you.
Kirk Bohanan
Scoutmaster Troop 136