Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Winter Court of Honor

Parents and Scouts:

Just a reminder that next Tuesday, January 28th, we will hold our Winter Court of Honor for the troop. All families are encouraged to attend. We will recognizing all advancement and awards since September. And don’t forget those Pies in the Face for the popcorn prize winners that will also be going on at the end of the night – unless you take “The DEAL”!!!

For this Court of Honor, we will have a Pot Luck Dinner. Each Patrol is to bring food as described below. 
WE WILL START AT 6:30 PM on this night with our dinner first!

        Blue Blazes and Black Hawks are to bring a Main Dish and Dessert.
        Flaming Aces and Flaming Cobras are to bring Main Dish and a Side dish
        Leadership Patrol – Main and Dessert
        The Troop will provide drinks and table service. 

Class A uniform of course! I would like to get a troop picture and individual pictures for our Troop software. This will help use get to know all of you better.

Our night will also include a discussion from  Venture Crew 136 and opportunities that the scouts have if they wish to get involved with them.  They are a very active crew and are for scouts that are 14 years old and older. 

We will also have the annual Friends of Scouting presentation.  The FOS is the fundraising campaign that is held for our local council, and gives families an opportunity to assist with this very important program of scouting.

I have included in this email a copy of the TroopResource Form.  This form is used to allow the parents a way to communicate their talents that they have and are willing to share with the troop.  We all are volunteers and can use each of your talents to help assist the troop.  Please take a minute and review this form and let me know how you can help.  Please turn this in at the court of honor if possible.

We will also be coming up quickly on Scout Sunday which is Feb. 2nd. We will be observing this at the First Presbyterian Church by assisting in the 2 services on the 2nd.  This will include greeting, ushering and assisting with collecting the offering that morning.  The 2 services are 9:00 am [traditional service] and 11:15 am [contemporary service].  You and your families are cordially invited to come and visit the church that Sunday.  They would love to have us all!  This is a Class A Uniform Event.

One last item – the Bluespring Caverns Trip is going to be Feb 22-23.  If you are interested please be sure to get signed up as soon as possible.  As I have communicated, we have 40 spots for this event.  The Permission slip and information on this was sent out last night and should also be on the website. [] 

If you have any questions please let me know.


Kirk Bohanan
Scoutmaster Troop 136

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