Parents and Scouts:
[Venture Crew Too!]
We sold a new record –
Just under 4800 bags of mulch that will be delivered and lots of that spread on
4/11 and 4/12. Plan to spend as much time as you can with us during this event.
We will have lunch on
the Saturday and would like all to bring a side or dessert to share. We will
cook hot dogs and hamburgers and have drinks. [thanks to Jeff Colborn and crew
for organizing this part of the day!]
We will also need some
pick-up trucks – about 15; and drivers. If you can assist in this manner please
send me a note so I can get that all organized. I will have sign-up sheets at
our meeting tomorrow night to get everyone that can let me know who is able to
help on the list so I can get teams made up for the deliveries.
This event is also open
for Venture Crew members [and parents] So pass this on to your crew members.
The way we earn money is
this; all profits are divided by the total youth hours to get a dollar per hour
figure that will be earned by all youth based on the number of hours that they
work. I will have a sign up sheet for all next week at our meeting. please make
sure you get on the list and if your out next week then also let me know of
your plans to help.
Again – this is a HUGE opportunity for you to earn money toward your scout accounts. If you have any
questions let me know.
Here is also the
newsletter for this months.
Kirk Bohanan
Scoutmaster Troop 136
April 2014 Newsletter
1. PLC:
[Patrol Leader’s Council]
May 11th - from 5:00-6:00 at the Church.
Senior Patrol Leader,
Asst. Sr. Patrol Leader, All Patrol Leader’s. & Asst. Patrol Leader’s and
other members of the PLC
including Scribe, Historian, Quartermaster are also encouraged to attend.
2. Troop
Committee / Parent Meeting:
May 4th from 6:00-8:00 PM at the Church.
All parents are
invited to attend this meeting and learn what is upcoming in the Troop
3. Camp-Out
Next Month:
Date: May 2-4, 2014
Location: Ross County,
Chillicothe, Ohio
Cost - $50.00
Leave Friday @ 6:00 PM, Return Sunday @ 11:30 AM
Permission Slip - Must be filled out and returned
by: 4/22/2014
Birthday’s this Month:
4. Monthly
Dues: “A Scout is Thrifty…”
Please keep up to date
on your monthly dues. We collect $10.00 each month for troop operation. This
can be paid or taken from your son’s Scout Account. Scout Accounts are funded
by participation in fundraising activities, and also by Kroger Plus purchases.
Use Kroger Plus Card for
your family food purchases. A percent of your spending at Kroger on the Kroger
Plus card will go into the boy’s scout account. The Scout account can be used
to pay for Summer Camp fees, Monthly camp-out fees, Troop Dues, Uniform
expenses, and Troop related expenses that are approved by the Scoutmaster. Please check with Jim Baughman on status of your
son's Scout Account.
Also – Please note that you must go to the website
and re-register your Kroger Plus Card again for the upcoming year – between now
and May 1st. The web address is
- Please follow the link to “Columbus Ohio”. Follow the link to
"Enroll" or Re-Enroll". Type in your ID and password. The Group
No. for the Troop is 81125, or you can just type in “boy scout troop 136” and
search for the number. Once found, confirm and save re-enrollment. It sounds
more difficult than it is. If you have any issues give me a call and I will
help. If you have not yet joined this fund-raiser and would like to – see Mr.
Baughman for details
Make sure you register your card number with the
troop so we can credit you rewards.
5. We will
deliver and spread Mulch this month! Get Ready!
Get ready to WORK! We
have sold just under 4800 bags of Mulch! NEW RECORD! We will need ALL hands for
this fundraiser! Please plan to attend. We will need Parents if able; of course
the boys too! Things to bring are: water bottle, OLD Clothes, gloves, rakes,
broom [with your name on them] We will deliver on April 11 starting at 5:00 PM
until ? and then on the 12th starting at 8:30 AM until ? We will meet and have
all orders filled from the Creekside Subdivision location. I will have a map
for those that need it. [FYI-it is where we met back in March and took orders].
Please keep this date free for lots of work! Some activity may go to the April
13th date as well, depending on work load and weather. If you have a truck
that can be used to
haul Mulch [or a trailer] please let me know. We will need about 15 total
We will serve lunch - plan to bring a side dish or dessert.
6. Tar
Hollow - Day outing to help the Cub Scout Pack 136
This year we will not
being camping at Tar Hollow with the Cub Scouts at their Spring Camp, but we
are going to go and help run a station for the day. It will be a compass
course. I will need about 4-6 scouts that want to help. You must be second
class or above to assist. [This will be some community service hours - if you
need them]. It will be on Saturday April 26; we will leave at 7:00 AM from the
church and be back around 6 PM that evening. Bring a sack lunch and water bottle
for yourself. Let me know if you can help! I will need at least one other adult
as well.
7. Troop
Elections – May 6th
For those Scouts who
are interested in running for Senior Patrol Leader or Patrol Leaders we will
have Elections on May 7th. Candidates for SPL will have to be 1st Class; those
interested in PL will need to be Second class. If you are interested in running
for these positions please let me know. We will give each candidate for SPL a
chance to talk to the scouts and give them the reasons why they should be
elected. We will have a primary and final election if there is more than 2 candidates
running. Remember to make your vote count!
8. Clayton
Lepley's Eagle Court of Honor
Clayton Lepley will be
receiving his Eagle Scout Rank on Saturday May 10th. The troop and their
families are encouraged to attend. It will start at 2:00 PM - at the church.
See you there!
Gettysburg Trip - June 2014
June will be our trip
to Gettysburg. Planning will start soon. The dates for this outing will be
Friday June 6th - Sunday June 8th. We will leave early on that Friday [about 9
am or so.] I will have more info on this - save that date!
10. Summer
Camp 2014 - At the "Rock"!
Our Summer camp will
be June 29th - July 5th at Camp Falling Rock in Newark Ohio. The final Cost
will be $270.00. BUT- If you pay your summer camp fee to the Troop by 4/29th,
and you have already made one payment back in late February for the 1st Early
bird payment then you can get the Early Bird Discount, which is total cost of
camp = $250.00. You can start to organize your plans for merit badge selections
as well. Be ready!
11. Merit
Badge opportunities
Aviation merit badge will
be offer again this year at Don Scott Airport on the OSU campus. It will be on
April 26th. You must pre-register and pass a pre-test – cost is $5.00. See the
council website to register. Michelle Porter will be our Troop contact for this
event. Get with her for more details.
Merit Badge Super Saturday -
Saturday May 10th. Check Council Website for details.
Small Sail Boating -
July 31- Sunday August 2nd. Check Council Website for details.
May's Theme is: Home Repair