Saturday, June 28, 2014

Last note about Summer Camp


With summer camp just days away – here is the last note I will send out. If your going to camp – please read

1. If you had issues on the physical form from earlier this week please get them resolved. I cant send your son to camp without this document complete and correct. 
2. On Sunday – I will be taking a count of those for that are coming  for Parents night [Wed night] Cost is $6.00 per person and can be paid when you get to camp at the camp store.
3.  If your son is taking any programs or merit badges that are an extra cost [and have not paid for them yet] please give him money for that class.  Those include:
    a. Archery – $5
    b. Shotgun – $25 – extra for additional shots might be a good idea as well.
4. Make sure you have materials needed for all merit badge and program areas. A sling bag or back back that can carry water, paper, pen and books for classes would be great.
5. We will be camping in patrols – and the patrols in the same general area together.  With the exception of a an odd count in a patrol we will make this our tenting arrangements
6. Adults – I will only have 3 extra camp tents in the site for us to use.  I will be bringing the Jamboree style tents as needed for adults – if they wish.  Otherwise you can use one of the tent extra or bring your own.
7. Attached is a map of camp.  We will be in Pine Grove B; which is next to the parking lot as you enter the camp.  Please make a copy for your son to use at camp.
8.  I also have a final schedule for the scouts – see attached.  Give this also to your son.
9. Don’t forget the special diet needs form – if needed.
10. Don’t forget sunscreen and bug spray.

See you on Sunday!


Kirk Bohanan
Scoutmaster Troop 136

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Summer Camp 2014

Parents and Scout Going to Summer Camp:

Here are last minute details to make sure we have a successful Summer Camp.  Sorry for it being so long – but it is all about summer camp.

If your name is not on the attached Summer Camp Roster then you are not registered for camp – please review.  If you wish to go and your NOT on the list then YOU NEED TO TALK TO ME ASAP!
We are to meet at noon on Sunday June 29 at the church with planned out of the parking lot at 12:30. EAT Lunch before you come – we wont eat until dinner at camp. Please wear CLASS A UNIFORMS. We will return Saturday July 5th around 11:30. We may need one additional person to help drive down to camp. We will have 49 scouts and adults to get to camp. If you can help please let me know.  Have your camp gear in a tote type box that we can put into the trailer.  A foot locker type gear box is best.  That way weather will not get your gear wet and “critters” will leave it alone.  Please do not keep food in your tent.  You will attract animals like Raccoons and Skunks.
1. All physicals and permission forms are to be turned in by the June 24th meeting. No boy will be allowed to go to camp without a physical. Parents staying over night at camp will need a physical as well.  These forms are available on our web site. 
2. If you are going to do any of the high adventure activities, please make sure you have the proper permission slips filled out. see attached form that will benecessary for climbing wall, rappelling, and mountain trail bike riding. Bring this completed form to the June 24th meeting.[This is a old form from previous years at Falling Rock;  It is not in the current book but only being completed as precaution – If you are taking Climbing M/B or wish to climb at the tower or at the cliffs you will need this form.]
3. Any prescription medication that your son will need to take to camp must be in the original bottles with the medicine name, required dose, and physician’s name. All medication will be turned into the health lodge for dispensing. I also have a form [attached] that the camp has sent that will need to be filledout. This will tell the camp staff when and how much of each medication your son will need. Please fill this out. Bring this on Sunday  and turn into us with the medications - in a zip lock bag is best so it is all together.
4. As stated above, Class A uniforms will be worn TO camp. (This includes neckerchiefs.) Once we get to camp, our first activity will be to do the swim tests at the pool. The boys can either wear their swimsuit under their uniform or change once they get down to camp. We encourage the boys to wear Class B other times at camp, but at breakfast, dinner and campfires we will be required to wear our Class A uniforms.
5. Please put your son’s name on all gear, and clothes. The Uniforms all look alike [hats, legs of zip off pants and class B shirts especially] and when we find them in camp it is sometimes a challenge to get them returned. As for gear to take – see attached list below:
Camp Equipment
Recommended Individual Equipment to Bring
· Completed current Medical Form
· Flashlight with extra batteries
· Official Scout Uniform
· Scout knife or pocket knife
· Extra Shirts and shorts
· Scouting related T-shirts
· Swim suit
· Belt [This includes you Alec Thomas!]
· Socks for each day
· Underwear for each day
· Scout Handbook
· Cap or Hat
· Pajamas
· Sleeping Bag or blankets
· Toilet articles-toothbrush, toothpaste, soap & holder, comb,etc.
· Towels
· Spending money
· Pack or foot locker
· Extra shoes and/or boots (NO OPEN-TOED SHOES)
· Water bottle/canteen/hydration system
· Poncho or rain gear
· Sunscreen
· Lip Balm
· Work gloves for projects
Additional items for Boy Scouts to bring
· Completed Merit Badge work
· Merit Badge pamphlets – The Troop will take our Library as well.
· Totin’ Chip
· Firem’ Chit
· Order of the Arrow Sash
· Order of the Arrow Attire
Optional Individual Equipment to Bring
· Insect Repellent
· Writing materials
· Small, metal mirror
· Ground cloth/tarp to cover tent
· Camera
· Sewing kit
· Bible or prayer book
· Watch
· Sunglasses
· Pre-addressed envelopes & stamps
· Pillow
· Compass
· Personal first aid kit
· Trading patches
· Please mark all personal items with name and unit number
Special Equipment to Bring
Participants in several aquatic badges will need to bring long pants, long sleeve shirt and shoes that will get wet. Participants going on overnighters must bring a backpack.
6. Please be prepared to know what merit badges you are going to work on at camp. Any pre-reqs. Must be brought to camp  AND turned in on the FIRST Day on class. IMPORTANT – ANY ASSIGNMENTS OR REQUIREMENT TO BE TURNED INTO COUNSELORS MUST HAVE YOUR FULL NAME AND TROOP NUMBER ON THEM.  If not they may not get assigned correctly.
7. For 1st year scouts in  BROWN SEA  - Please bring a backpack [if you don’t have one let me know – we have a few] and have the “ten essentials” from your scout book.  This will be needed for the outpost.  You will be going on a 5 mile hike to get to the outpost.  
8.  Swimming M/B – you will need a long sleeve button down shirt that can get wet.  You will make a flotation device from shirt and jeans.  Bring these please.
9. First Aid M/B – please be sure to compete your Family First Aid kit.  This is in the m/b book – This is a preq.  If you have questions on this – let me know.  [This is not a simple kit in your back pack – please read about it in your m/b book]
10. Money at camp. There will be a camp store with snacks and miscellaneous gear and scout "stuff" for them to buy. This will include carving items, hobby kits, and other crafts needed for certain merit badges. Please bring cash to spend in the camp store if you wish. If you are taking any of the high adventure activities, you will turn in your fees once you get to camp at the camp store.
11. Visitor’s night will be Wednesday evening - plan to arrive after 5 pm. We will have dinner and campfire at 8:30; it will be all over by 10:00 PM . If you plan to go to visitor’s night at camp, please let us know Sunday before we leave. We will turn in a preliminary count for planning purposes. Cost is $6.00 per person for dinner.  If you wish to bring "enhancements" to our dinner, I am sure they would be appreciated! Bring a chair!
12. Please be sure and note the list of things TO BRING, and those NOT TO BRING. If any of the prohibited items are found at camp they will be confiscated; and depending on what it is, the parents will be called to come and take their son home.
13.  DO NOT BRING:  CELL PHONES, Radios, Tape or CD Players, Electronic Games, (including IPods) Alcohol, Tobacco Products, Drugs, Fireworks, Firearms (Bows or Guns), Sheath Knives, Pets, Candy or Food, Valuables, Laser Pointers.
14. If you wish to send your son a letter to camp here is the address: [send it early]
[name of scout]
Troop 136, Pine Grove B
c/o Camp Falling Rock
12637 Houdeshell Rd. NE
Newark, Ohio 43055
Any questions please let me know. We are looking forward to a great camp.

Kirk Bohanan
Scoutmaster Troop 136

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Eagle Scout Project Dedication this Sunday

Parents and scouts:

Please see the invitation below for Andy Price’s eagle scout project dedication.  He really needs some help with the flag ceremony.  If you can help let me know.



All Scouts, Leaders and their families are invited to the First Presbyterian Church Strawberry Festival and the Dedication of Andy Price's Eagle Scout Project Area on Sunday, June 22nd.  FREE Strawberry Sundae's and Strawberry Shortcake at 2:00 PM followed by outdoor games and activities.  At 3:00 PM, we will have a short dedication ceremony and need a few scouts to help with the Color Guard, if you would like to be in the Color Guard, please make sure you arrive by 2:45 PM.  This is a Class A event.  See attached flyer for more information.  

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Court of Honor, Ohio Flags of Honor, and Summer Camp

Parents and Scouts:

Just a reminder about some upcoming activities:

1. Tuesday will be our Court of Honor – [Class A uniforms for this meeting] Plan to come and see the scouts receive advancement that they have earned over the past 4 months.

2. Summer camp signup is due on June 17th. [this week].  If you have not signed up and still want to go – I need your $270.00 camp fee on the 17th.  Please see the attached schedule and work out your merit badge plan accordingly.  Don’t forget the pre-requisites.  I have attached them as well.  If I get a list of your Merit badges you plan to take then I can print the needed blue cards. If you have any special diet needs for summer camp please see the attached form to be filled out and given to me – I will turn in for you.

4. Medical form [A-B-C] is due NOW!  Pease have it in by the 24th  AT THE LATEST.  Turn in to either Rob Robinett or Mike Brode.

5. I am looking for Scouts to assist in the Ohio Flags of Honor which will be June 20-22 at Henceroth Park in GC.  As in the past, we will be keeping a vigil on the flags over the weekend – camping at the park as well.  We will meet at 7:00 pm on Friday at the park and end about 4:00 pm on Sunday.  Class A and B are required on this outing. If any scouts wish to work on Cooking Merit badge requirements  - Please let me know in advance so we can plan accordingly. Please turn in the attached permission slip on Tuesday the 17th at the meeting if you wish to attend..

If you have any questions please let me know.

Kirk Bohanan
Scoutmaster Troop 136

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Gettysburg reminders

Parents and Scouts going on the trip to Gettysburg: [Others may disregard]

Remember we will pull out of the parking lot at the church at 8:00 AM SHARP Friday morning.  Wear your class A uniform.  I will have $5,00 for both  to and from Gettysburg for stopping for lunch.  If you think you need more than that amount for food then plan accordingly.
If you wish to buy souvenirs then that will also be extra.

There will be a pool to swim in as long as you bring your swim suit.  They also have showers – so plan for that too.  And as always remember that rain gear is always a good option. 

I have included a map for those that are going to drive.  Please print it out or use the address for your GPS.  We will try to stay together on the road – but some of us will be slow... 
We have collected a fuel charge for this trip.  The amount is $15.75 per person, including the driver.  It will not completely pay entire amount but will assist in the cost.  I will have a check for you next week at our meeting once we get back.   We appreciate all of those that drive. 

For the scouts going – if they want to bring an electronic game to play [quietly with ear phones] on the road this trip I will allow it.  BUT – they must stay in the vehicles that you come in and only used during the drive To and From Gettysburg.  When you run out of power your done,

If you have any question please let me know.

See you on Friday morning.

Kirk Bohanan
Scoutmaster Troop 136
614-871-4635 - Home

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

June Newsletter

June 2014 Newsletter
Our Theme this Month is: Architecture & Design
Please note the following upcoming events. Refer to the 2011-2012 Program Plan for the complete year planning events. 
Note that the plan is subject to minor changes.

1. PLC: [Patrol Leader’s Council]
July 6th - from 5:00-6:00 at the Church.
Senior Patrol Leader, Asst. Sr. Patrol Leader,
All Patrol Leader’s. & Asst. Patrol Leader’s and other members of the PLC including Scribe, Historian, Quartermaster, and Webmasters are also encouraged to attend.

2. Troop Committee / Parent Meeting:
July 6th from 6:00-8:00 PM at the Church.
All parents are invited to attend this meeting and learn what is up-coming in the Troop activities.

3. Camp-Out This Month:
Date: June 6-8, 2014
Location: Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
Cost - $72.00
Leave Friday @ 8:00 AM
Return Sunday @ 4:30 PM
Permission Slip - Must be filled out and returned by: 6/3/2014

4. Monthly Dues:
“A Scout is Thrifty…”
Please keep up to date on your monthly dues. We collect $10.00 each month for troop operation. This can be paid or take from your son’s Scout Account. Scout Accounts are funded by participation in fundraising activities, and also by Kroger Plus purchases. Use Kroger Plus Card for your family food purchases. A percent of your spending at Kroger on the Kroger Plus card will go into the boy’s scout account. The Scout account can be used to pay for Summer Camp fees, Monthly camp-out fees, Troop Dues, Uniform expenses, and Troop related expenses that are approved by the Scoutmaster.
Please check with Jim Baughman on status of your son's Scout Account.

5. Kroger Plus Card.
Also – Please note that you must go to the website and re-register your Kroger Plus Card again for the upcoming year – between now and May 1st. The web address is -
Please follow the link to “Columbus Ohio”. Follow the link to "Enroll" or Re-Enroll". Type in your ID and password. The Group No. for the Troop is 81125, or you can just type in “boy scout troop 136” and search for the number. Once found, confirm and save re-enrollment. It sounds more difficult than it is. If you have any issues give me a call and I will help. If you have not yet joined this fund-raiser and would like to – see Mr. Baughman for details. Make sure you register your card number with the troop so we can credit you rewards.
The Next quarter's payment from Kroger has been received and you will need to print off your portion of this contribution and submit to the Troop [Jim Baughman]. This needs to be completed by the end of the month of June or your funds will be placed into the general fund account.

6. Scout Uniforms for the Summer.
Starting on Memorial Day until Labor Day, the Class B uniforms are acceptable uniforms for our meetings. The Class B Uniform includes a Scouting T-shirt and BSA pants or shorts. However, special events such as a Scoutmaster Conference, Board of Review, Court of Honor will require the Class A Uniform. Summer camp will require both. Class B Red Troop 136 T-shirts are available for purchase at the meetings – Cost is $7.00.

7. Summer Camp!
Summer camp planning is almost complete. Camp is June 29-July-5th at Camp Falling Rock in Newark, Ohio. Cost is $270.You should be signed up by now if you are planning to go. All payments must be in by the 17th of June. Scouts should be looking at the merit badges you are going to take and completing any pre-requisites prior to camp. Those perquisites are on the web site for your reference.

8. Health Forms for Summer Camp
HEALTH FORMS WILL START TO BE COLLECTED. ALL SCOUTS MUST HAVE A COMPLETE PHYSICAL FOR SUMMER CAMP. THEY MUST BE TURNED IN BY JUNE 24TH. See the web site for link to the BSA form on line. Must complete Parts A-B-C for summer camp are needed.

9. Service Project clean-up – June 14th
We have the opportunity gain service hours for the clean-up and tear down of an event in Grove City. This event is the Grove City Town Center Wine and Arts Festival. If you are needing or interested in assisting in this event please let me know.

10. Court of Honor – June 17th
We will have our Troop Court of Honor on June 17th at the First Presbyterian Church, starting at 7:00. All
Advancement for this COH will need to be turned in by June 10th. Please plan to have your parents come and be apart of this event.

11. Honor Flags Of Ohio - June 20-22th
The City of Grove City has asked our troop to once again be a part of the Honor Flags of Ohio. This will be a weekend event held at Hencenroth Park [by Jackson Middle School]. We will have a small contingent stay the nights and help with activities needed by the city, including set-up, and tear-down. If you are interested let me know.

12. Program Plan for 2014-2015
We will be starting to build our next year’s program and event plan in July. Please start thinking of activities you would like to have included in the Troop Plan this next year. The PLC will meet July 12th - so get your patrol’s ideas compiled for consideration.

13. Tag Sale Planning - 9/20/14

We are starting to plan for the upcoming Tag Sale which will be this fall; during the Arts-in the alley Festival. See the attached flyer about how this will work. If you have items that you want to get rid of, then start to make a pile and price them to move at the sale! Kathy Bohanan will be heading up this event if you have questions or wish to help see Kathy.