Parents and Scouts:
Just a reminder about
some upcoming activities:
1. Tuesday will be our
Court of Honor – [Class A uniforms for this meeting] Plan to come and see the
scouts receive advancement that they have earned over the past 4 months.
2. Summer camp signup is
due on June 17th. [this week]. If you have not signed up and still want
to go – I need your $270.00 camp fee on the 17th. Please see the attached schedule and work out your merit badge plan accordingly. Don’t forget the
pre-requisites. I have attached them as well. If I get a list of
your Merit badges you plan to take then I can print the needed blue cards. If
you have any special diet needs for summer camp please see the attached form to
be filled out and given to me – I will turn in for you.
4. Medical form [A-B-C]
is due NOW! Pease
have it in by the 24th AT THE LATEST. Turn in to
either Rob Robinett or Mike Brode.
5. I am looking for
Scouts to assist in the Ohio Flags of Honor which will be June 20-22 at
Henceroth Park in GC. As in the past, we will be keeping a vigil on the
flags over the weekend – camping at the park as well. We will meet at
7:00 pm on Friday at the park and end about 4:00 pm on Sunday. Class A
and B are required on this outing. If any scouts wish to work on Cooking Merit
badge requirements - Please let me know in advance so we can plan
accordingly. Please turn in the attached permission slip on Tuesday the 17th at
the meeting if you wish to attend..
If you have any
questions please let me know.
Kirk Bohanan
Scoutmaster Troop 136
Scoutmaster Troop 136
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