Sunday, June 28, 2015

No meeting this week

Parents and Scouts:

Just a reminder that for those NOT going to camp we will NOT have our meeting on Tuesday night at the church. 

We will have a PLC meeting at 5 pm on July 5th and Troop Committee Meeting at 6 pm. – also July 5th.

Kirk Bohanan
Scoutmaster Troop 136

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Merit Badge info for summer camp

Parents and scouts going to Summer Camp:

Here is the Merit badge selections for summer camp and the schedules that I have made from your input.  These can be changed if needed; but it’s a starting point.  Look your selections over and let me know if you have any thing you wish to add/delete/change Also look for those items needing additional fees.  This must be either paid for at the scout store by you or if you have funds in your scout account you may use those.  LET ME know how you wish do that.

[Chase Liggett – I still need your mb info]

I have a copy to the schedule of all mbs also attached.

I will be printing blue card tomorrow so – let me know soon!.


Kirk Bohanan
Scoutmaster Troop 136

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

merit badge counselors

Look under the "Scout Links" drop down for a list of merit badge counselors

Monday, June 22, 2015

Court of Honor tomorrow night

Parents and Scouts:

Don’t forget that tomorrow night is our Court of Honor for this past Spring.  Plan to wear your full class A uniform [no gym shorts!].  OA gear is good as well. 

I will also have discussion about last minute summer camp info.  One item to be thinking about for those going to summer camp;  See the notice below about SCUBA at Summer camp on Thursday.  Cost is $25.00 and you have to register on line – on your own if you are interested.

Kirk Bohanan
Scoutmaster Troop 136

Missing information needed for summer camp

Parents of those going to summer camp.

Mr. Robinett has reviewed the current health forms that have been turned in and we have some work to do before we leave to camp.

Look to see if your son’s [or yours] name is on either of the list’s below.  If so, then you need to get this detail cleared up with Mr. Robinett.  Please have plans to make this happen on Tuesday night.  If you can’t get it by then please let me know.



Here is what we have missing at this time:

No current medical forms

Scouts with missing items on medical forms:

Missing copy of insurance card, missing participant restrections check - NEEDS TO CARY EPIPIN AND BENADRYL
Missing date on part C - Dr did not note the date of the exam.
Missing participant restrections check, 
Missing check mark on part B
Missing part C and a copy of insurance card
Missing Part A
Need corrected date on Part A
Part A participiant restrictions check missing
Missing participant restrictions check and signature on part B


Saturday, June 20, 2015

Ohio Flags of Honor move to earlier time on Sunday - Help needed!

I have heard for the city and due to weather they have moved up the teardown on the Ohio Flags of Honor tomorrow from 3 PM to 11:00 am on Sunday  If you can come and help they can use you.  Please look at your schedules and assist if you can.  I know it is Father’s Day and some of you my still be in church.  I understand.


Kirk Bohanan
Scoutmaster Troop 136

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Upcoming Activities

Parents and Scouts:

Just to update you on the upcoming activities see the notes below:

1. We still are looking for assistance on the Mayor’s Breakfast as the color guard – June 18th at 6:45 am.  Should be done by 9:00 am.  This is a class A uniform event.  It will be held at the Eagle Pavilion at Fryer Park.
2. Ohio Flags of Honor – June 19-21.  This is a service hours [and some fund raising] activity.  It is going on at Henceroth Park [behind Jackson Middle School] Michelle and Darren Porter are taking the lead on this event. On Saturday Morning there will be a opportunity for fundraising.  The Grove City Wine Tasting Event is needing help with vendors setting up their booths.  That will be from 7 am – about 10 :30 am.  Those on the camp at Henceroth will participate for this activity.
3. All advancement should be turned in next week for the upcoming Court of Honor on June 23.  Please give all advancement to Mr. Colborn on Tuesday night at the meeting. [ I will get it from him]
4.  Summer camp plans are well on the way.  Please let me know your selections for merit badges so we can get your blue card printed prior to camp.  Work on your pre-reqs as needed.

Some of us will be gone from this Friday thru next Friday to Sea Base.  I’ll see you when we get back.


Kirk Bohanan

Friday, June 5, 2015

Service hours this weekend - help needed

Parents and Scouts:

I had a call today from the Heritage Celebration going on this weekend at Fryer Park.  They are needing helpers to assist in parking cars and other jobs.  The time for helpers is from 10 am until 7:30 pm [what ever you wish to work]  THEY NEED HELP.  Some of us are camping, but the others may want to assist.  Your contact at this event is Bella Johnson [cell phone 614-519-6447]  contact her upon arrival and she will get you into a spot.  Sunday is also available. 

This will count as community service hours for those that need it for advancement or school.


Kirk Bohanan
Scoutmaster Troop 136

Thursday, June 4, 2015

SeaBase spot available!!!!


We have a late change to our roster for going to Seabase,.  If your son has interest in going and he can meet the requirements below we can discuss how to make this happen.  We leave June 12 and return June 19th.  Cost is approximately $1300.00 total. I need to know by Sunday.

a.       Must be at least 13 and finished with 8th grade.
b.      Must be able to pass swim test which is tomorrow!
c.       Must have full physical
d.      I need to know this week!
e.       Active/registered scout of any Troop

Kirk Bohanan
Scoutmaster Troop 136