Monday, June 27, 2016

BE PREPARED for Summer Camp

Parents and Scouts:

This Email is regarding Summer Camp – Final Prep for a successful Camp. Please read and be ready!

  1. We will LEAVE the Church parking lot SUNDAY July 3rd at 12:30 PM. [be there by 12:00PM to load] Please be in Class A uniform with swim suit under your uniform. 
  2. We will return on Saturday July 9th around 11:00 AM -12:00 PM
  3. Eat Lunch Before you come on Sunday.  We won’t eat at camp until Dinner around 5:30-6:00PM.
  4. I still need at least one more vehicle to assist in transportation to and from camp.  If you can help please let me know.[Please give the number of seat belts available as well]
  5. All should have a water bottle, towel and Sunscreen in a sling bag or something to use once we first get to camp.  Our gear will not be unloaded right away and if you pack these items you will not have them for our check in process.
  6. Have your Health form in BY THIS TUESDAY Please! 
  7. Have any medications bagged and the medication form filled out. Turn in once you get to the parking lot next Sunday to Mr. Robinett.   Each medication must be in original container. The container must have scouts name, dosage, dispense time, Dr. Name, and Pharmacy info.
  8. Please be prepared to let me know how many of your family will be coming down for Parents Night on Wednesday.  Cost for Dinner [at the Dining Hall] is $6.00 per person.  If you want to bring us something to “Embellish” the meal we would accept!
  9. Above is a list of items to include in your packing.  Please try to pack in a storage bin / footlocker type container.  If you need a small backpack to go on an outing while at camp please bring it separately. NOTE - NO PHONES ARE TO BE BROUGHT BY SCOUTS! If you want to take pictures then bring a camera.
  10. I would also recommend a small day pack or sling bag for daily use in Merit badge classes. 
  11. BRING YOUR SCOUT BOOK! [All Scouts!]
  12. For first year scouts – This camp ‘s First Year Program is called the “The Foothills Program”.  Recently, I have found out that It will consume most of your day and there will not be merit badge time as we had thought.  I am going to still try to have each of you enrolled into the First Aid Merit Badge.  It will require a prerequisite of MAKING A Family First Aid Kit.  I have included a PDF of the First Aid Merit Badge Pamphlet for you to review.  Requirement 2D [detailed on Page 22] is where you want to go for help.  NO STORE BOUGHT KITS are allowed.  If you just show examples of the different items; no real need to have the total quantity of each of the items on the list [but you can].
If you have any questions please let me know.


Kirk Bohanan

Scoutmaster Troop 136 

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Help for the Ohio Flags of Honor

Parents and Scouts:

Still looking for help on this event. 

I have a good number to attend on Friday night, but more can participate – just let me know for food planning purposes.  This will be the only part of the weekend that is a Class A Uniform Event.  The rest of the weekend will be Class B Only.  Here is what will happen:

Friday Night – we will be meeting AT the Current Grove City Library [on the East side] between 5:30 and 6:00 PM.  The city will have a program starting at 7 PM and go through 9 PM.  If you can stay overnight let me know.  We will have tents there for you to use.  Plan your gear for the overnight camping accordingly.

Saturday – all day – we will be there to keep vigil over the flags and accept flags that need to be retired [we will retire at later date].  If you can attend on this day PLEASE LET KNOW!  [No sign up yet…] 

Sunday: - until 3 PM we will be there to keep vigil over the flags and accept flags that need to be retired.  We will also assist in taking down the display at 3 – so if you can assist at this time – we can use your help  [No sign up yet…] 

We will have Pizza Friday night and if I know how many are coming I will arrange food for the rest of the weekend as well – no charge to you!

Check your schedules and let make this a good event for the city as we have always done!


Kirk Bohanan

Scoutmaster Troop 136 

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Court of Honor tonight, tents, and summer camp

Parents and Scouts:

Just a reminder that tomorrow we will hold our Court of Honor. All rank advancement and other awards will be recognized at this event.  It is a class A uniform meeting.  Other items of note:
  1. Health forms are due.  Last chance to get them turned in on time is 6/28.  Please make this date – we do not want to have to be collecting them on the day we leave!
  2. Any Adults still wanting to go to summer camp should get with me.  You will need to get your health form AND have current Youth Protection Training completed.  See me if you have questions on this.
  3. Merit badge selections are also to be done by now.  If you have any questions please get with me.  I want to get these selections so the Blue cards can be printed.
  4. We are looking for tents and tarps that are still out.  If you have one please get it back.  Our Quartermaster will be going through his records to confirm where these are.
  5. I have included the information from last week’s meeting about summer camp.  Please review.

 See you tomorrow night.

Kirk Bohanan

Scoutmaster Troop 136 

Monday, June 6, 2016

June Newsletter

Our Theme this Month is: Athletic / Sports
Please note the following upcoming events.  Refer to the 2015-2016 Program Plan for the complete year planning events.  Note that the plan is subject to minor changes.
1. PLC: [Patrol Leader’s Council]
June 5th - from 5:00-6:00 at the Church.
Senior Patrol Leader, Asst. Sr. Patrol Leader,
All Patrol Leader’s. & Asst. Patrol Leader’s and other members of the PLC including Scribe, Historian, Quartermaster are also encouraged to attend.
2. Troop Committee / Parent Meeting:
June 5th from 6:00-8:00 PM at the Church.
All parents are invited to attend this meeting and learn what is up coming in the Troop activities.
3.  Camp-Out This Month:
Date:  June 11-12, 2016
Location: WPAFB Dayton, Ohio & USAF Museum visit
        Cost - $21.00 [plus sack lunch or $]
        Leave Saturday   @ 7:30 AM
        Return Sunday    @ 12:00PM

Permission Slip
      Must be filled out and returned by: 6/7/2016

4. Monthly Dues:

 “A Scout is Thrifty…”

Please keep up to date on your monthly dues.  We collect $10.00 each month for troop operation.  This can be paid or taken from your son’s Scout Account.  Scout Accounts are funded by participation in fundraising activities, and also by Kroger Plus purchases. Use Kroger Plus Card for your family food purchases. A percent of your spending at Kroger on the Kroger Plus card will go into the boy’s scout account.  The Scout account can be used to pay for Summer Camp fees, Monthly camp-out fees, Troop Dues, Uniform expenses, and Troop related expenses that are approved by the Scoutmaster. Please check with Jim Baughman on status of your son's Scout Account.

5.  Kroger Plus Card.

The Next quarter's payment from Kroger has been received and you will need to print off your portion of this contribution and submit to the Troop [Jim Baughman].  This needs to be completed by the end of the month of June or your funds will be placed into the general fund account.

6. Scout Uniforms for the Summer.
Starting on Memorial Day until Labor Day, the Class B uniforms are acceptable uniforms for our meetings. The Class B Uniform includes a Scouting T-shirt and BSA pants or shorts.  However, special events such as a Scoutmaster Conference, Board of Review, Court of Honor will require the Class A Uniform.  Summer camp will require both.  Class B Red Troop 136 T-shirts are available for purchase at the meetings – Cost is $6.00.

7. Summer Camp!
Summer camp planning is almost complete.  Camp is July 3-9 at Camp Chief Logan in Jackson, Ohio.  At this time the cost is $300. Scouts should be looking at the merit badges you are going to take and completing any pre-requisites prior to camp.  Those perquisites are on the web site for your reference.  We like to have 8 adults in camp all week; Parents and Leaders wishing to help during summer camp please let me know.  We will have a meeting for camp information on June 7th during our regular scout meeting.  Please plan to be there for additional information.

8. Health Forms for Summer Camp
HEALTH FORMS ARE NOW BEING COLLECTED.  ALL SCOUTS AND ADULTS MUST HAVE A COMPLETE PHYSICAL FOR SUMMER CAMP.  THEY MUST BE TURNED IN BY JUNE 28th. See the web site for link to the BSA form on line.  Must complete Parts A-B-C for summer camp are needed. PLEASE MAKE A COPY FOR YOUR OWN RECORDS, OR IF WE HAPPEN TO MISPLACE OUR COPY. We do our best to keep our records straight, but things happen and records sometimes get misplaced.  Turn your forms into Kirk Bohanan

9. Mayors Breakfast – Need your help – June 16th
We have been asked to participate in the Grove City Mayors Breakfast for Friends of Scouting.  They will need scouts to serve as a color guard.  Plan to be there at 6:45 am at the Eagle Pavilion at Fryers Park.  If you wish to help please let me know.   This is a class A uniform event.

10. Court of Honor – June 14th
We will have our Troop Court of Honor on June 14th at the First Presbyterian Church, starting at 7:00 pm.   All Advancement for this COH will need to be turned in by June 7th. Please plan to have your parents come and be apart of this event.  

11. Honor Flags Of Ohio - June 17-19th
The City of Grove City has asked our troop to once again be a part of the Honor Flags of Ohio.  This will be a weekend event held in downtown Grove City area.  We will have a small contingent stay the nights and help with activities needed by the city, including set-up, and tear-down.  If you are interested let me know.

12. Program Plan for 2016-2017
We will be starting to build our next year’s program and event plan in July.  Please start thinking of activities you would like to have included in the Troop Plan this next year.  The PLC will meet July 16th - so get your patrol’s ideas compiled for consideration.

13. Tag Sale Planning - 9/17/16
We are starting to plan for the upcoming Tag Sale which will be this fall; during the Arts-in the alley Festival.  See the attached flyer about how this will work.  If you have items that you want to get rid of, then start to make a pile and price them to move at the sale!  Kathy Bohanan will be heading up this event if you have questions or wish to help see Kathy.
July’s Theme is Biking