Parents and Scouts:
This Email is regarding Summer Camp – Final Prep for a
successful Camp. Please read and be ready!
- We will LEAVE the Church parking lot SUNDAY July 3rd at 12:30 PM. [be there by 12:00PM to load] Please be in Class A uniform with swim suit under your uniform.
- We will return on Saturday July 9th around 11:00 AM -12:00 PM
- Eat Lunch Before you come on Sunday. We won’t eat at camp until Dinner around 5:30-6:00PM.
- I still need at least one more vehicle to assist in transportation to and from camp. If you can help please let me know.[Please give the number of seat belts available as well]
- All should have a water bottle, towel and Sunscreen in a sling bag or something to use once we first get to camp. Our gear will not be unloaded right away and if you pack these items you will not have them for our check in process.
- Have your Health form in BY THIS TUESDAY Please!
- Have any medications bagged and the medication form filled out. Turn in once you get to the parking lot next Sunday to Mr. Robinett. Each medication must be in original container. The container must have scouts name, dosage, dispense time, Dr. Name, and Pharmacy info.
- Please be prepared to let me know how many of your family will be coming down for Parents Night on Wednesday. Cost for Dinner [at the Dining Hall] is $6.00 per person. If you want to bring us something to “Embellish” the meal we would accept!
- Above is a list of items to include in your packing. Please try to pack in a storage bin / footlocker type container. If you need a small backpack to go on an outing while at camp please bring it separately. NOTE - NO PHONES ARE TO BE BROUGHT BY SCOUTS! If you want to take pictures then bring a camera.
- I would also recommend a small day pack or sling bag for daily use in Merit badge classes.
- For first year scouts – This camp ‘s First Year Program is called the “The Foothills Program”. Recently, I have found out that It will consume most of your day and there will not be merit badge time as we had thought. I am going to still try to have each of you enrolled into the First Aid Merit Badge. It will require a prerequisite of MAKING A Family First Aid Kit. I have included a PDF of the First Aid Merit Badge Pamphlet for you to review. Requirement 2D [detailed on Page 22] is where you want to go for help. NO STORE BOUGHT KITS are allowed. If you just show examples of the different items; no real need to have the total quantity of each of the items on the list [but you can].

If you have any questions please let me know.
Troop 136
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