The meeting tonight will begin at 7 pm tonight in Class A
Uniform. Here is the meeting plan:
Kroger Rewards
We have received our quarterly statement from the Kroger
Community Rewards Program. Please go on-line and retrieve your statement, then
turn this into Mr. Fuller to get the money transferred to your Scout account.
If you are not currently participating in this program and would like get
started please let ask for details. Mr. Fuller would like for you give
him the account statement by June 23rd or by the Court of Honor in June.
Summer Camp
We paid our summer camp registrations last week, but they
will be making a decision about summer camp for Chief Logan by the end of
this week. I am not for sure when MVSR will be making their decision for
sure. Most of this will be the result of what the governor has in
mind. There is a strong indication that he will give some
recommendations regarding summer camp this week. As soon as I know
that the camp plans have changed, I will let you know. Summer camp may
not look or feel the same as in previous years, but if at all possible, I
would like to have your Scout experience a fun week of camping this
summer. I will do everything in my power to make sure it is an experience
they will remember for many years to come.
Virtual Merit Badges
On Wednesday, there will be another opportunity to register
for merit badges. I would ask that you send me an email and copy your
parents asking if you can take the merit badge. "Mr. Freeman, may I
take the _______________ merit badge offered with the online virtual merit badge
college?" I will respond stating that you can take the merit badge
and copy Mr. Wright in my response, using his new email.
Please do not wait to do this until after you have signed up. You can
also ask for several merit badges and then let us know which one you are taking
or were able to register for after you sign up.
Here are the merit badges they are offering next week:
Chess, Citizenship in the Nation
(Eagle), Fingerprinting, Personal Fitness(Eagle),
Reading, Scouting Heritage, Stamp Collecting, Sustainability
(Eagle), Theater, and Weather.
Here is the link to the registration:
Upcoming Dates:
5/31 - PLC Meeting at 3 pm to 5:30 pm
5/31 - Committee Meeting @ 6 pm
6/23 - Court of Honor @ 7 pm
6/28-7/4 - Summer Camp Muskingum Valley Scout Reservation
7/5-7/12 - Summer Camp Chief Logan Reservation
7/18 - Annual Planning Meeting for PLC Members
*Not sure when we will be able to have normal meetings, but
hopefully at some points this summer we can resume normal troop meetings.
**If we are able to resume normal troop meetings by August,
we might be able to have our outing with bicycling, paddle sports and
fishing weekend.
Phillip Freeman
Scoutmaster, Troop 136 in Grove City, OH
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