Thursday, June 25, 2020

Summer camp info

Hi Troop 136!

There are some important updates that you need to know about regarding camp.  There is also a lot of information in this email, so it might take some time to read and process.  If you have questions, please let me know.

Arrive at the church at 12:15.  We will leave at 1:00 for a 2:30 arrival just before our window to arrive at camp. Be sure to wear your uniforms Class shirt, neckerchief, slide, green shorts and wear your swimming trunks under your shorts.  This will save time when you arrive and set up camp to go swimming.  You will also need to be sure that you have a towel and ear plugs or goggles with you as well.  They will break you into two groups, swimmers and beginners.  You will swim the length of the pool four times.  Three need to be a forward style of swimming (freestyle, sidestroke or breaststroke) and the final return leg will be on your back followed by a short tread in place and no tread in place while breathing.

We will go back to camp again once this is done if we have time to finish setting up our campsite and getting ready for the evening meal.

I do recommend that if you have not read the leader's book about camp, you might want to do so:

Here is the information they sent to us earlier this month, but wanted to share it with you again:

Medical Forms:
Don't forget to bring them.  We have the Form C for those that went last year.  If you have any questions, please send me an email.  I sent two Scouts home last year because they did not have their medical forms completed.  I do not want to do this again this year.  Please be sure it is done.  You can complete Part A and Part B1 and B2.

If you want to send mail to camp, you may do so.  I would start sending mail this week and not send it after Wednesday next week.  The address is in the email I sent.

Here are the updates for the merit badges they can choose and the draft program area from last week::
Draft Program Area Schedule
Use this form in the email I sent to sign up for the merit badges (if you are a new Scout, you will be going to the Netami program as they focus on the requirements for rank advancement most of the time with one time period of two hours for you to work on a merit badge):

Please also be sure to complete the first three columns as well as enter your temperature in the GoogleDoc which you can find in the email I sent you 

Here are some additional links that was shared with me last night from MVSR that I want to pass along to you:
Ok... Here it is... All the information you have been patiently awaiting:
First of all please take a moment to read this open letter from the Council VP of Program, VP of Administration and Camping Committee Chairman:
Here are the Cohort (Patrol) assignments:
Here are the scheduled arrival times:
Here are the campsite assignments:
Here is the precamp temperature tracking log and the participant statement (required, and we are doing this daily and we will have this form for you to sign when you arrive on Sunday):
Here is the screening checklist:
Also, please remember if any of your campers have special dietary needs, camp will do it's best to address them, please submit the dietary needs form at least one week prior to camp:
Here is the cool T-Shirt design.  Pre-orders are closed, but we will have some in the Trading post.
Camp is really shaping up and we are planning on providing a LEGENDARY experience for your Scouts

Phillip Freeman
Scoutmaster, Troop 136 in Grove City, OH 

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Meeting on 6/23, Summer camp info and forms

Hi Troop 136!

Happy Father's Day to all of you in our troop!

1.  Meeting on 6/23:
On Tuesday, June 23, we will have an in person meeting only for the following people.
Adults:  Mr. Wright, Mrs. Ewing, Mr. Guay and Mr. Caldwell
Scouts: Shane, Zach, Elias, David, Kohta
New Scouts: Any Scout that just joined the troop or a Scout that is working on their Scout rank only.

They will be working with the new Scouts to earn the Scout rank.  The new Scouts will be able to be able to work on advancement that is spaced out during the meeting.  They will have the ability to sign up for a slot at 6:30, 7:00 and 7:30.  

2.  Scouts going to summer camp:
If you must take your temperature and record it starting today:   (See email for the link)
If you do not record the temperature during the day, I will be calling at about 8:30 at night to get your temperatures.  This is something that we have to do in order for them to be able to go to camp next week.

3.  Summer camp packing list is very different for some Scouts, but here is a good list to view:
You can also use your Scout Handbook for a list as well.  

Here is a video that Mr. Guay and I created as well for you to watch.  It is about a half hour, but a great resource for our newer Scouts to watch and check their gear before they go:

4.  Summer camp medical forms:
In case you do not have the links yet for the forms that you need to fill out:

5.  In case you need a medical diet that is different than normal, here is a form:
MVSR Dietary/Special Needs Form (Submit with health form for Dietary Restrictions or Health Restrictions). For Boy Scouts, and Cub Scouts, Attending a Resident Camp.  

6.  Medical form for Scouts attending camp to pack with the medication in the original box or packaging in a clear plastic one gallon bag with their name on it:

7.  Please complete the medical form that Mr. Guay will keep and track with the Scout to be sure that medications are given at the appropriate time:

8. Sign up for the merit badge will be sent later tonight.  I will only send this to the Scouts going to camp.

9.  Tent options for camp.  I will also send a sign up for tent options for camp.  You have three options for tenting.  You can bring your own tent, you can use a troop tent, or you can use a camp tent and cot.  If you decide to use a troop tent, we will try to get you a cot to sleep on during the week, but you might also invest in an air mattress that you can use with an electric blow up battery operation fan.  Please send me an email if you have questions, but this will be sent later tonight.

9.  I am sure that I forgot something with the lengthy email about camp.  Please send me questions and I will do my best to get back to you with answers.

Phillip Freeman
Scoutmaster, Troop 136 in Grove City, OH 

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Meeting guest, Summer camp, and Change in date of the Court of Honor

At the meeting tonight, we will have a guest.  Our guest will be Ted Berry.  He will speak and allow the Scouts to ask questions.  Login in around 6:50 pm and be ready for the pledge and Scout Law at 7 pm.  Ted will be talking about what he does at the City Councilman with Grove City Ward #1.

A couple of items for summer camp:
(See the email for the form and the current list of orders)

We will follow up with just red t-shirt options for the new Scouts or any other Scouts and scouter along and hoodies for the troop in August.

Summer Camp Travel guidelines from the Troop Committee:
The committee has decided on the guidelines for traveling to summer camp this year.
Scouts may ride with other families to camp as long as both the scout, their family and the driver are comfortable. If a family is uncomfortable with their scout riding with another family, then the scout’s family may drive their own scout to camp. 

Change of Date for the Court of Honor:
Since we will be allowed to meet in groups of more than 10 people starting July 1, we will be moving our Court of Honor to July 14th.  This will be an outside event with masks and social distancing, but it will still be something that we can make feel like a normal Court of Honor.  Instead of the June 23rd Court of Honor, since we are only allowed to meet in small groups, we would like to dedicate this night to helping our new Scouts earn their Scout rank. Only the PLC members and the new Scouts along with some key adults will need to be there this night to help the new Scouts with their rank advancement. Our new Scouts will be able to come to the church anytime between 6:30 and 8:00 pm.   They will be asked to demonstrate some skills for their Scout Rank.  They will need to have two items done before they come to the meeting on June 23rd.  They would need to complete requirement #6 before the meeting.  

#6 - With your parent or guardian, complete the exercises in the pamphlet How to Protect Your Children From Child Abuse: AParent’s Guide and earn the Cyber Chip Award for your grade.
Here is the link for the Scouts to complete their Cyber Chip:
The Scout could bring this printed document or their answers on a separate sheet of paper to get signed off for complete.  Using the link, they only need to complete page 1 and 2.  Do not complete the requirements on pages 3-5.  Those are for older Scouts.
The Scout would need to talk with their parent about the How to Protect Your Children From Child Abuse: AParent’s Guide.  There is not signature needed, just an acknowledgement that the family had a discussion with the Scout. 

Any Scout who earned a rank advancement will be delivered their rank so that if they wanted to sew it on before summer camp, they may do so.  We will get those ranks by the weekend and have them delivered over the weekend.  The Scout will still be recognized like normal at the Court of Honor, but we did not want to wait any longer in getting their ranks to them.


Phillip Freeman
Scoutmaster, Troop 136 in Grove City, OH 

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Fundraiser for Simon Kenton Council boosted by Columbus Foundation

In case you are not aware, there is a fundraiser for Simon Kenton Council that will be boosted by the Columbus Foundation any donations that you make today until 6 pm.

Here is a letter from the council regarding the activity.  I donated this morning and wanted to send this to you in case you wanted to donate as well.

"I hope this letter finds you and your family healthy and well. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, Cub Scout packs and Scouts BSA troops have not had a meeting in the last two and a half months. Because of this, Simon Kenton Council’s fundraising activities have not taken place. The need has never been greater. Your donation through the Friends of Scouting campaign supports local Scouting in the greater Columbus area to help maintain camps, service centers, training opportunities, and much more. As we build up our nation’s future leaders, your donation will contribute to Scout’s successes in life. Now is the time to provide critical financial support during an unprecedented time of uncertainty and change. Every few years, The Columbus Foundation offers a program called The BIG Give to help non- profit organizations such as the Simon Kenton Council. It is easy to participate! You may donate until 6 pm on June 11th, by visiting to make a gift to Simon Kenton Council. If you choose to donate, The Columbus Foundation will match a percentage of your gift.

Thank you in advance for your consideration and support. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.


Rich Braessler
District Director
Simon Kenton Council
Boy Scouts of America

Phillip Freeman
Scoutmaster, Troop 136 in Grove City, OH 

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

New Scouts, Court of Honor, and Summer Camp

Hi Troop 136!

New Scouts:
I will be sending you a separate email to discuss advancement for you this month.  I would like to spend time with each of you so that you can earn your first rank advancement before we go to summer camp.  Some of you might not be able to earn it before that time, but we will try to make sure that you have a couple of opportunities to earn the Scout rank this month before summer camp.  We discussed some ideas at the Committee Meeting last week to help you with your rank advancement and also with preparing you for summer camp.  Please see the email that I am preparing to send out this morning to all of the new Scouts and parents with more details. We also want to get you some of the items that we provide to the new Scouts.  We provide a neckerchief, Scout book, epaulets and 136 numbers, but most of you already have those.  This will help you as you prepare to get your uniform ready for summer camp.

Court of Honor on June 23:
We will need to know by next Tuesday, June 16, what type of awards ceremony we will have on June 23rd.  We discussed several ideas.  We want for everyone to be recognized on June 23 at the Court of Honor.  Not sure what it will be yet, a modified in person church parking lot meeting with less than 10 people at a time or another virtual session.  We will do our best to make it a special event for the Scouts to receive their individual recognition.  More information will be shared at some point during this week as we plan for the Court of Honor.  Our Emcee for the event will be Elias Ewing.  He will be working with Jason Wright and myself to plan the Court of Honor.  This is for his Communication Merit Badge.

Summer Camp:
A few items that you need to know for summer camp will also follow in a separate email.  I contacted the MVSR Camp Director yesterday and he said he has a meeting with the Health Department on Wednesday.  Information will be shared with the Scouts and adults later this week.  Medical forms for summer camp will need to be collected by June 23.  This is a hard date and cannot be moved back.  I want to avoid sending anyone home because they do not have their medical forms completed before camp.  Please make sure they are correct for Part A and B and C.  If you went to summer camp last year and your physical is dated after February 1, you will be able to attend using the same medical form, but part A and B will need to be updated.  


Phillip Freeman
Scoutmaster, Troop 136 in Grove City, OH