Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Tonight's meeting, backpacking in Nov, and more

 Hi Troop 136!

Tuesday 11/10 - Alpha Dogs Patrol Meeting at the firepit

Bure to join before 7 pm to avoid waiting for us to finish the flag ceremony to allow you to join the group. I will open the Google Meet at about 6:50.  Be sure to join the meeting wearing a Class A uniform. After we complete the skills instruction, we will have nominations for SPL.  Patrol Leader elections tonight. 

Backpacking trip in November:
Only two more weeks to get help in preparing for the backpacking trip in November.  Roland Guay will be at the church each Tuesday night at 6:30 to check your gear and to give feedback to you about what you should or should not have for the trip.  We have had great attendance at the event.  Lots of good information shared and great questions!
We will meet at the church on November 20th at 5:30 and leave at 6:00 PM.  We will travel to the campground and families can drop off their Scouts.  I have included a link for both the approximate drop off location and pickup location on Sunday at about 11:00 AM.

Meeting location during the winter months:
No news yet.  I will hopefully be able to share news regarding a location for us to meet this month.  Some things to think about is the number of people that we might bring together for the meeting.  We might still need to meet virtually as a Troop and have patrol meetings similar to what we are doing right now once a week.

Cub Scout Pack 136:
Cub Scout Pack 136 has reached out to us for help.  They need a Wolf Den Leader.  If you are looking for something to do and want to help these Scouts be successful, please let me know and I will let the Cubmaster and a den leader in the Pack know you are interested in helping.   

Sunday 11/10 Advancement Blitz:
It was a great day to get some advancement completed.  However, we did have some Scouts show up without their Scout Books and were not ready to begin advancement.  Scouts, please be prepared and ready to demonstrate your advancement.  We will schedule another one soon, but be prepared when you come and read your book ahead of time.  The 30 minutes of time does not give you a lot of time, so be prepared instead of spending the time reading and trying to learn new material.  Thanks to those Scouts who came prepared!

Future Events:
11/10  Virtual Troop Meeting at 7 PM and Dragons Patrol Meeting Patrol Meeting at 7:30 PM (Patrol Leader Elections)
11/17  Virtual Troop Meeting at 7 PM and Knights of Mandalore Patrol Meeting at 7:30 PM
11/20-11/22 Hiking campout Location to be determined by PLC on 10/6 The PLC has chosen to go back to Zaleski
11/24 No Meeting
12/1 Virtual Troop Meeting at 7 PM and Alpha Dogs Patrol Meeting at 7:30 PM
12/8 Virtual Troop Meeting at 7 PM and Dragons Patrol Meeting at 7:30 PM
12/10-12/13 No Campout at Christmas in the Cave Campout (Need to determine another activity since Covid-19 does not allow us to sleep in the cabin)
12/15 Meeting - PIE in the Face to Mr. Freeman for Scout Advancement and Popcorn Sales! Location TBD (Every Scout that had a rank advancement in 2020 and/or those Scouts who sold at least $300 in popcorn sales or increments of $300 will get one pie to throw for each achievement in rank or for each increment in $300 in pie sales!)
12/22 No Meeting
12/29 No Meeting

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