Hi Troop 136!
Here is the meeting plan for this week:
March Campout forms due tonight:
Here is the campout form for February. The signup for this campout is due 222/22 or next week. We will be camping in the cabins at Camp Lazarus:
Camp Ransburg:
If you still want to go, it is not too late to join us. Let me know as soon as you can so that I can register you. You will have access to the link to register for your summer merit badges. We currently have 14 Scouts and several adults. I will need to know about mid-March the number of adults that want to attend summer camp. Your registration will be paid for by the Troop. We appreciate you taking the time to be with us and help us with some coverage during the week of summer camp.
Camp Falling Rock Week #4 July 10-16:
We need last week to reserve Maple Grove A. o decide where we will be camping this summer. Here are the available campsites:
Here is the signup genius for Camp Falling Rock. I am not sure on the details yet, but it looks like the cost of the camp will be $300 and due by March 22nd.
Washington DC Big Trip in 2022:
$50 Deposit on March 1st.
I have been asked if we could move it back one weekend. We can discuss it tonight at the meeting. I know one family already made plans to change something they had planned on June 11th to join us. Is there anyone that was planning to go on the Washington DC trip that would not be able to attend the following weekend, June 16-19? It would be Father's Day on that Sunday. We would probably visit Arlington on Father's Day and travel home on our own. Let me know your thoughts at the meeting to move it back to the next weekend.
Are you a First Class Scout who is interested in taking a leadership course to improve your ability to lead others?
Here is the website to learn more information: NYLT Courses
Please let me know if you are interested in attending the NYLT courses. We ask for the Scout to pay a $100 deposit up front. Once the Scout completes the course and required work to receive their Bolo, they will be able to receive the $100 deposit back. The course costs $200 to attend. The Troop will take care of the registration once you let us know that you are interested. Do not make the reservation for yourself. If you do so, you will not be eligible for the Troop to give you back your $100 deposit. The Troop will pay for the training course, but we want to be sure the Scout is committed and follows through on their commitment.
Summer Camp 2023:
I know it seems like a long way off, but we decided as a Troop Committee to visit camps as a two year rotation. We decided to visit one outside camp and one camp within Simon Kenton Council. What camps would you want to visit next year? What camps do you think you might want to visit this summer to see programs that you might want to go to next year during summer camp?
Use this link to give suggestions for us to research for our March and April PLC Meetings. We will make plans to visit a couple of camps this summer to see if this might be something that we want to do next summer.
Yearly Calendar:
Future Activities for the Troop:
2/22 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class A)
2/22 MapleFest Permission forms due!
3/1 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class A)
3/1 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class A)
3/6 PLC Meeting @ 3 pm
3/8 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class A)
3/15 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class A)
3/22 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class A)
3/29 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class A)
3/8 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class A)
3/15 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class A)
3/22 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class A)
3/29 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class A)
4/3 PLC Meeting @ 3 pm
4/5 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class A)
4/8-9 Mulch Sale
4/5 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class A)
4/8-9 Mulch Sale
4/10 Shane Fuller's Eagle Scout Court of Honor 6:30 PM
4/12 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class A)
4/19 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class A)
4/26 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class A)
4/29-5/1 Thunderbase - Field Uniform/Activity Uniform
4/12 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class A)
4/19 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class A)
4/26 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class A)
4/29-5/1 Thunderbase - Field Uniform/Activity Uniform
5/1 PLC Meeting @ 4:30 pm
5/3 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class A)
5/10 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class A)
5/17 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class A)
5/24 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class A)
5/31 Troop Meeting - Activity Uniform (Class B)
5/3 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class A)
5/10 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class A)
5/17 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class A)
5/24 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class A)
5/31 Troop Meeting - Activity Uniform (Class B)
6/5 PLC Meeting @ 3:00 pm
6/7 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class B)
6/7 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class B)
6/11-14 Big Trip to Washington DC (More details to come)
6/14 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class B)
6/21 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class B)
6/26-7/2 Summer Camp - Camp Ransburg
6/14 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class B)
6/21 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class B)
6/26-7/2 Summer Camp - Camp Ransburg
7/3 PLC Meeting @ 3:00 pm ??
7/5 No Troop Meeting
7/10-7/16 Summer Camp - Camp Falling Rock
7/12 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class B)
7/19 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class B)
7/26 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class B)
7/5 No Troop Meeting
7/10-7/16 Summer Camp - Camp Falling Rock
7/12 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class B)
7/19 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class B)
7/26 Troop Meeting - Field Uniform (Class B)
8/7 PLC Meeting @ 3:00 pm