Tuesday, August 27, 2024


 Every scout deserves a trained leader.  Green Bar has 38 participants in six patrols who are taking the opportunity to learn scout skills to bring back to their units.  30 scouters and 15 youth staff have joined together to help guide the participants through the course.  The 1st weekend was a great success, now, in 3 weeks, back to work for the 2nd weekend.

Recruiting night:  This Thursday, 8/29 is recruiting night at the church from 6:30 to 7:30 pm.  The Pack will be talking to parents and potential scouts about how much fun scouting is.  If you are a Den Chief, please consider coming and helping out.  If you're not a Den Chief and are interested in becoming one, please let me know.  We will have a climbing wall and other games at this event.

Put in Bay Campout:  Wow on the number of scouts planning to attend.  We currently have 13 scouts planning to attend.  This is going to be a fun trip.  We'll be camping at East Harbor State Park, taking a ferry to South Bass Island and roaming around South Bass Island using golf cats.  We will be visiting Perry's Victory and International Peace Memorial, which stands 352 feet tall.  We plan to visit Perry's Cave, which is a rare underground fresh water lake.   Attached is the permission slip.  You need to have updated medical forms parts A and B on hand to participate.

David Sweet Eagle Court of Honor:  David Sweet has scheduled his Eagle COH for Sunday, 9/8/2024 at 2:30 pm at the First Presbyterian Church.  He's looking for some scouts to help with the Court of Honor as the color guard and to light candles.  Below is a sign up genius for any scouts who are interested in helping.  Let's all come out and celebrate this honor with David and his family.  Sign up genius is below:

Arts in the Alley Parade:  Saturday, 9/21/24, is the 2024 Arts in the Alley Parade.  Troops 136 and 7136 will be joined by Troop 392 to carry the American Flag and lead the parade.  We'll meet at the CVS at the corner of Broadway and Southwest BLVD in Grove City at 9:00 am. The parade starts at 9:30 am so let's make sure to be on time.  Below is a sign up genius.  We have several scouts and adults who will not be able to attend this year as they will be at the September OA Ordeal so we need everyone to come out.

Three Eagle Shootout:   The Three Eagle Shootout is an annual event that is sponsored by local scouters who volunteer their time to teach scouts how to shoot .22 rifles, 12 gauge shotguns and compound bows.  These volunteers are NRA trained instructors who want scouts to learn how to safely handle guns and bows.  The event is held at the Pickaway County Sportsmen Club located at 8100 US-22 in Circleville, Oh. 43113, and the date has been changed to Saturday, 10/5/2024.  If you're interested in going, sign up below:  I will be out of town for this event so we will need at least 2 registered scouters to attend this event.

Henry Ciocca Eagle Court of Honor:  Henry Ciocca's Eagle Court of Honor is set for Sunday, 10/13/2024.  Please keep this day open to celebrate this accomplishment with Henry and his family.  

University of Scouting:  The annual University of Scouting is scheduled for Saturday, 11/9/2024.  This event is a great opportunity for adult leaders to learn from other leaders.  There will be classes to register for on the Simon Kenton Council calendar.  Location has not been determined and the registration has not opened yet.
Upcoming Events:

8/29:                   Pack 136 recruiting night 6:30 to 7:30
8/30 - 9/1:          Put in Bay Campout
9/1:                      PLC Meeting
9/8:                      David Sweet Eagle Court Of Honor
9/13 - 9/15:        Green Bar Adult Leader Training Weekend #2 at Camp Falling Rock
9/20 - 9/22:        OA Ordeal at Camp Falling Rock
9/21:                    Arts in the Alley Parade
9/24:                    Fall COH
10/6:                    PLC Meeting
10/5:                    Three Eagle Shootout
10/13:                  Henry Ciocca Eagle Court of Honor
11/9:                    University of Scouting
11/15 - 11/17:   Backpacking Trip
12/6 - 12/8:        Camp in and trip to Columbus Museum of Art

Thursday, August 22, 2024


 It's back to school time and a very busy upcoming couple of months for our units.  It's a great time to recruit your friends to Scouting.  If you know anyone who has expressed interest in some of the fun activities that you do, please invite them to a meeting and we can get them more information.

Alex Royce Eagle Project: At last night's meeting, Alex expressed his gratitude to everyone who has helped on his project so far.  He has one more work day scheduled for this Saturday 8/24 starting at 9am.  There are only a few things to finish up and Alex would appreciate anyone's help who is able to come support him.  If you can give a little time to support one of the biggest projects that one of our scouts has taken on, he would be very grateful.

Recruiting night:  Thursday, 8/28 is recruiting night at the church from 6:30 to 7:30 pm.  The Pack will be talking to parents and potential scouts about how much fun scouting is.  If you are a Den Chief, please consider coming and helping out.  If you're not a Den Chief and are interested in becoming one, please let me know.  We will have a climbing wall and other games at this event.

Put in Bay Campout:  Wow on the number of scouts planning to attend.  We currently have 13 scouts planning to attend.  This is going to be a fun trip.  We'll be camping at East Harbor State Park, taking a ferry to South Bass Island and roaming around the island checking out various different sites.  Attached is the permission slip.  You need to have updated medical forms parts A and B on hand to participate.

David Sweet Eagle Court of Honor:  David Sweet has scheduled his Eagle COH for Sunday, 9/8/2024 at 2:30 pm at the First Presbyterian Church.  He's looking for some scouts to help with the Court of Honor as the color guard and to light candles.  Below is a sign up genius for any scouts who are interested in helping.  Let's all come out and celebrate this honor with David and his family.  Sign up genius is below:

Arts in the Alley Parade:  Saturday, 9/21/24, is the 2024 Arts in the Alley Parade.  Troops 136 and 7136 will be joined by Troop 392 to carry the American Flag and lead the parade.  We'll meet at the CVS at the corner of Broadway and Southwest BLVD in Grove City at 9:00 am. The parade starts at 9:30 am so let's make sure to be on time.  Below is a sign up genius.  We have several scouts and adults who will not be able to attend this year as they will be at the September OA Ordeal so we need everyone to come out.

Three Eagle Shootout:   The Three Eagle Shootout is an annual event that is sponsored by local scouters who volunteer their time to teach scouts how to shoot .22 rifles, 12 gauge shotguns and compound bows.  These volunteers are NRA trained instructors who want scouts to learn how to safely handle guns and bows.  The event is held at the Pickaway County Sportsmen Club located at 8100 US-22 in Circleville, Oh. 43113, and the date has been changed to Saturday, 10/5/2024.  If you're interested in going, sign up below:

Henry Ciocca Eagle Court of Honor:  Henry Ciocca's Eagle Court of Honor is set for Sunday, 10/13/2024.  Please keep this day open to celebrate this accomplishment with Henry and his family.  

University of Scouting:  The annual University of Scouting is scheduled for Saturday, 11/9/2024.  This event is a great opportunity for adult leaders to learn from other leaders.  There will be classes to register for on the Simon Kenton Council calendar.  Location has not been determined and the registration has not opened yet.
Upcoming Events:

8/23 - 8/25:        Green Bar Adult Leader Training Weekend #1 at Camp Falling Rock
8/28:                   Pack 136 recruiting night 6:30 to 7:30
8/30 - 9/1:          Put in Bay Campout
9/1:                      PLC Meeting
9/8:                      David Sweet Eagle Court Of Honor
9/13 - 9/15:        Green Bar Adult Leader Training Weekend #2 at Camp Falling Rock
9/20 - 9/22:        OA Ordeal at Camp Falling Rock
9/21:                    Arts in the Alley Parade
9/24:                    Fall COH
10/6:                    PLC Meeting
10/5:                    Three Eagle Shootout
10/13:                  Henry Ciocca Eagle Court of Honor
11/9:                    University of Scouting
11/15 - 11/17:   Backpacking Trip
12/6 - 12/8:        Camp in and trip to Columbus Museum of Art

Thursday, August 8, 2024


 Yearly Plan:  The PLC met on Sunday, 8/4 for an extended meeting in order to plan the next 18 months events.  The PLC decided that due to the time conflict between the Arts in the Alley Parade and the campout at Flight 93, that they would postpone the trip to Flight 93.   The Troop plans to march in the Arts in the Alley Parade on 9/21.  I am including a link to the next 18 months events so that you can put these dates on your calendars.   Troop 136 - Yearly Plan 2023-2024-2025 - Google Sheets  Everyone who has the link should have viewing access.  Please let me know if you don't have access.

Citizenship Workshop:  Mr. Savage is holding the final workshop for the Citizenship Merit Badges Sunday, 8/11/24 from 3pm to 6pm..  If you have not sent your message or email to your congressman, please make sure you do so and bring the response to Mr. Savage this Sunday.

Put in Bay Campout:  The Put in Bay campout is right around the corner.  This trip is planned for August 30 - September 1.  Reservations have been made at the group camping at East Harbor State Park at Lakeside Marblehead, OH.  Below is the link for the sign up and I have attached the permission slip as well.  Cost for this event will be approximately $100 depending on the number of participants.  If the troop does not have current medical forms on hand, you will not be able to attend.

OA Ordeals:  There are two OA Ordeals in the upcoming weeks.  Below are the dates and the link to each weekend:

Arts in the Alley Parade:  The Grove City Arts in the Alley Parade will be held on Saturday, 9/21.  I will be reaching out to other troops in Grove City to join with Troops 136 and 7136 in carrying the American Flag in the Parade.  I will have a Signup Genius in a future email.

Alex Royce Eagle Project:  Due to an error from the manufacturer, the hardware for the last table was left out of the box.  Alex will post when the hardware has arrived and schedule a work day to finish up his project.  Great progress has been made to this point and members of the church that I have spoken to are very pleased with the progress.  

David Sweet Eagle COH:  David Sweet has scheduled his Eagle Court of Honor for Sunday, 9/8 at 2:30 pm.  More to come regarding this COH.

Henry Ciocca Eagle COH:  Henry Ciocca has scheduled his Eagle COH for Sunday, 10/13.  More to come on this COH.

Fall Court of Honor:  The Troops will be holding their Fall Court of Honor on Tuesday, 9/24.  Please plan to attend this meeting and support the scouts for all of their hard work over the Summer.  

Den Chiefs:  Pack 136 is interested in scouts who are looking for a leadership role in the Pack as Den Chiefs.  For the past 3 years, every den in the Pack has had a den chief.  The duties of den chiefs are to promote scouting in the den, set a good example, help the den leader when needed in den meetings and help the Pack at Pack meetings.  Den Chiefs serve as a bridge to the Troop and give the cub scouts someone close to their age to look up to and follow.  Please let me know if you are interested in helping out the Pack.

8/11:                    Citizenship in the World Merit Badge 2pm to 5pm
8/16 - 8/18:        OA Ordeal  at Camp OYO
8/23 - 8/25:        Green Bar Adult Leader Training Weekend #1 at Camp Falling Rock
8/30 - 9/1:          Put in Bay Campout
9/1:                      PLC Meeting
9/8:                      David Sweet Eagle Court Of Honor
9/13 - 9/15:        Green Bar Adult Leader Training Weekend #2 at Camp Falling Rock
9/20 - 9/22:        OA Ordeal at Camp Lazarus
9/21:                    Arts in the Alley Parade
9/24:                    Fall COH
10/6:                    PLC Meeting
10/12:                 Three Eagle Shootout
10/13:                  Henry Ciocca Eagle Court of Honor
11/15 - 11/17:   Backpacking Trip
12/6 - 12/8:        Camp in and trip to Columbus Museum of Art

Wednesday, June 19, 2024


 Mayor's Breakfast:  On Wednesday, 6/12 members of four troops as well as local government officials, business members and donors gathered together at the Eagle Pavilion for the 35th annual Mayor's breakfast to raise money for Simon Kenton Council.  Our own David Sweet was one of 4 scouts to speak about what scouting has meant to him.  David spoke about leadership, service, and how he has learned from scouting.  Thank you, David for taking the opportunity to educate the public about the rewards of scouting!

Grove City Council Meeting:  On Monday, 6/17 7 scouts and 5 adults visited the Grove City Council meeting while working on the Citizenship in the Community Merit Badge.  Our SPL Josh Savage got to address the City Council and explained that the scouts were there to work on their Citizenship in the Community Merit Badge and would report on Council meeting when they met again for the merit badge.

Camp Falling Rock Summer Camp 2024:  Can you believe that Summer Camp is now less than 2 weeks away?  Summer Camp this year is from Sunday, June 30th to Saturday July 6th at Camp Falling Rock.  Anyone who is planning to go to Summer Camp will need a current Medical Form A, B1,B2 and C.  Mrs. Clasby has begun collecting these forms and looking them over.  If you have any questions, please reach out to her via the BAND App or let me know and I will get you in touch with her.  I have attached those forms to this email.  The troop has been registered for Summer Camp, however, there is still time to sign up using the link below to sign up.  If you have any questions, please reach out to me.  I have also included a link for a tentative tenting plan for Summer Camp.  Please feel free to edit the plan.  Summer Camp is where it all starts.  There is still time to sign up! 

Green Bar Adult Leadership Training:  Green Bar Adult Leadership Training is coming up in a hurry.  There are two weekends for this training 8/23 - 8-25 and 9/13 - 9/15.  This training is not just for scoutmasters but for all registered adults.  If you're interested please let me know.  There is still plenty of space available.

Put in Bay Campout:  The Put in Bay campout is right around the corner.  I will work on the sign up genius and permission slip for this in the near future

Arts in the Alley Parade:  The Arts in the Alley Parade conflicts with our scheduled trip to Flight 93.  At our next PLC meeting, the scouts will need to decide if they want to change the date of the Flight 93 trip.  

Upcoming Events

6/30 - 7/6:          Summer Camp, Camp Falling Rock, no troop meeting
7/14 - 7/20:        Seabase
8/4:                      PLC Meeting 3Pm to 6Pm
8/4:                      Committee Meeting
8/16 - 8/18:        OA Ordeal  at Camp OYO
8/23 - 8/25:        Green Bar Adult Leader Training Weekend #1 at Camp Falling Rock
8/30 - 9/1:          Put in Bay Campout
9/1:                      PLC Meeting
9/13 - 9/15:        Green Bar Adult Leader Training Weekend #2 at Camp Falling Rock
9/13 - 9/15:        OA Ordeal at Camp Lazarus
9/20 - 9/22:        Flight 93 Memorial Trip
9/21:                    Arts in the Alley Parade
10/6:                    PLC Meeting
10/12:                 Three Eagle Shootout
11/15 - 11/17:   Backpacking Trip
12/6 - 12/8:        Camp in and trip to Columbus Museum of Art

Tuesday, June 11, 2024


 New Scout Campout:  The New Scout Campout was a great success.  There were 17 participants, 12 youth and 5 adults from both Troop 136 and 7136.  The experienced scouts did a great job of leading the new scouts in packing the trailer, unpacking the trailer, setting up a kitchen, cooking meals, cleaning up after meals, tearing down the campsite, loading the trailer, unloading the trailer into the shed.  This weekend was dedicated to getting the scouts together so that they can learn about each other, learn how to function on a campout and to work on their Scout rank.  We have a few more requirements to complete to finish up the Scout rank but the weekend was a great success.

Philmont 2024:   Members of Troop 136 and several other troops took off for a 12 day trek at Philmont Scout Ranch.  Have a great time!

Citizenship in the Community Merit Badge:  Jason Savage has begun the first class of Citizenship in the Community Merit Badge.  Please watch the BAND App for updates regarding this Merit Badge and upcoming Merit Badge Opportunities.

Simon Kenton Council Baseball night:  Friday, 6/14 the Columbus Clippers are hosting their 23rd annual Simon Kenton Council Scout night.  Scouts will get a chance to take part in a parade around the field prior to the game.  The parade starts at 6:20pm.  Cost for tickets for reserved seats are $10 for adults and $8 for youth and for bleacher seats $8 for adults and $6 for youth.  Below is a link for those interested in going to the game, it should be a fun time.  

Camp Falling Rock Summer Camp 2024:  Summer Camp this year is from Sunday, June 30th to Saturday July 6th at Camp Falling Rock.  Anyone who is planning to go to Summer Camp will need a current Medical Form A, B1,B2 and C.  Mrs. Clasby has begun collecting these forms and looking them over.  If you have any questions, please reach out to her via the BAND App or let me know and I will get you in touch with her.  I have attached those forms to this email.  The troop has been registered for Summer Camp, however, there is still time to sign up using the link below to sign up.  If you have any questions, please reach out to me.  For the adults and scouts who have already registered, the troop needs to collect $350 per scout and $200 per adult.  Please bring means to pay for Summer Camp to this week's meeting.  For anyone who has signed up after April 30th, the cost for the scouts is $400 but if there are issues with the cost, please see myself or Committee Chair Jason Savage.  I have also included a link for a tentative tenting plan for Summer Camp.  Please feel free to edit the plan.  There is still time to sign up.  

6/9 - 6/26:           Philmont Scout Ranch
6/14:                    Simon Kenton Council Baseball night at Clipper Stadium
6/30 - 7/6:          Summer Camp, Camp Falling Rock, no troop meeting
7/14 - 7/20:        Seabase
8/4:                      PLC Meeting
8/4:                      Committee Meeting
8/30 - 9/1:          Put in Bay Campout
9/20 - 9/22:        Flight 93 Memorial Trip
10/12:                 Three Eagle Shootout
11/15 - 11/17:   Backpacking Trip
12/6 - 12/8:        Camp in and trip to Columbus Museum of Art

Tuesday, May 28, 2024


 Hello Troops 136 and 7136,

Greenlawn Cemetery Flag Placement:  Great job troops 136 and 7136 placing flags at the headstones of veterans buried at Greenlawn Cemetery.   Thank you to everyone who participated in the flag placement and the ceremony honoring all veterans who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our country!

Henry Ciocca's Eagle Scout Project: Congratulations to Henry Ciocca on a job well done at the Grant Sawyer House.  The Historic Society was very appreciative of all the work done cleaning up the flower bed and replanting period correct plants.  Thank you to everyone who was able to assist Henry in his service project!

New Scout Camp out:  The Troop has scheduled a New Scout Campout for 5/31 through 6/2 at the First Baptist Church located at 3301 Orders Rd in Grove City.  Scouts who attend will have the chance to work on the requirements for the Scout Rank.  There will also be opportunities for scouts to work on other advancement requirements.  Cost for this event will be $20 for food.  I have attached a permission slip for parents to complete or they can be completed at the meeting on Tuesday or at the First Presbyterian Church on Friday, 5/31.  We will meet at the First Presbyterian Church at 6pm to pack the troop trailer and then head over to the First Baptist Church.  Scouts will need to sleep in their own tents or with another scout of the same gender who is within 2 years of their age.  I have also included a packing list for this weekend.  Please remember to bring your books, notebooks and pen or pencil.  If anyone needs any items, please let me know.

Simon Kenton Council Baseball night:  Friday, 6/14 the Columbus Clippers are hosting their 23rd annual Simon Kenton Council Scout night.  Scouts will get a chance to take part in a parade around the field prior to the game.  The parade starts at 6:20pm.  Cost for tickets for reserved seats are $10 for adults and $8 for youth and for bleacher seats $8 for adults and $6 for youth.  

Camp Falling Rock Summer Camp 2024:  Summer Camp this year is from Sunday, June 30th to Saturday July 6th at Camp Falling Rock.  Anyone who is planning to go to Summer Camp will need a current Medical Form A, B1,B2 and C.  I have attached those forms to this email.  The troop has been registered for Summer Camp, however, there is still time to sign up using the link below to sign up.  If you have any questions, please reach out to me.  For the adults and scouts who have already registered, the troop needs to collect $350 per scout and $200 per adult.  Please bring means to pay for Summer Camp to this week's meeting.  For anyone who has signed up after April 30th, the cost for the scouts is $400 but if there are issues with the cost, please see myself or Committee Chair Jason Savage.  We should be able to have the amount that each scout earned for mulch at the meeting.

5/31 – 6/1:          Ordeal / Brotherhood at Camp Falling Rock
5/31 – 6/1:         New Scout Campout to be determined
6/2:                      PLC Meeting
6/2:                      Committee Meeting
6/9 - 6/26:           Philmont Scout Ranch
6/14:                    Simon Kenton Council Baseball night at Clipper Stadium
6/30 - 7/6:          Summer Camp, Camp Falling Rock, no troop meeting
7/14 - 7/20:        Seabase
8/4:                      PLC Meeting
8/4:                      Committee Meeting
8/30 - 9/1:          Put in Bay Campout
9/20 - 9/22:        Flight 93 Memorial Trip
10/12:                 Three Eagle Shootout
11/15 - 11/17:   Backpacking Trip
12/6 - 12/8:        Camp in and trip to Columbus Museum of Art

Monday, May 13, 2024


 Flower Guarding / Aviation Merit Badge:  Great job scouts and scouters.  There were 11 scouts and 5 scouters who came out to help watch the flowers for the Ladies of Gantz.  7 scouts and 3 scouters stayed overnight but some had to leave to get up early and attend the Aviation Merit Badge at the OSU Airport.  9 scouts and 4 scouters attended the Aviation Merit Badge which was a great turn out for this event.  One scout attended the Merit  Badge College to work on merit badges.  

Spring Court of Honor:  The Spring Court of Honor will be held on Tuesday, 5/14.  Scouts and scouters will be presented with awards, rank advancement or merit badges that they have earned.  Our Committee Chair, Jason Savage will also receive his beads for completing his Woodbadge Ticket.  Woodbadge is an adult training course that helps adults learn how to successfully lead their units.  Congratulations, Jason on this accomplishment.  Following the COH and Beading Ceremony, we will have a desert share.  If you would like to bring a dessert to share with the group, please sign up using the link below :  https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050D49ACA62FA1FE3-49548549-desert

Mulch spreading at First Presbyterian Church:  Tuesday, 5/21, we will be spreading mulch  at the First Presbyterian Church.  This church is our Charitable Organization and without it, we would have no place to meet or equipment to use.  The mulch spreading at the First Baptist Church only took about 1 hour so I would anticipate the mulch spreading at the First Presbyterian Church to last a similar amount of time.  

Flag Placement at Greenlawn Cemetary:  Saturday, 5/25, Troops 136 and 7136 will be placing flags at the graves of veterans who have served in the armed forces.  This annual event happens on the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend and allows our scouts to show reverence to service members who have served.  There will be a voluntary memorial service following the flag placement.  Please sign up using the sign up genius below:  https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050D49ACA62FA1FE3-49644145-flag

Henry Ciocca Eagle Scout Project:  Henry Ciocca is asking for help on his Eagle Scout Project on Saturday, 5/25.  Henry's Eagle Scout Project is to re-work a large flower bed at the Grant Sawyer Home on Hahn Rd in Grove City.  The Grand Sawyer Home is believed to have been built in the 1830s and along with the Gantz house is on the National Register of Historic Places.  Henry will also be cleaning up the other flower beds and mulching.  Please put this on your calendar and come support Henry and the Southwest Franklin County Historical Society.  Scouts who would like to participate in both events on 5/25 will have the opportunity to place flags in the morning and participate in Henry's Eagle Scout Project in the afternoon.  Below is the sign-up genius for Henry's Eagle Project.

New Scout Camp out:  The Troop has scheduled a New Scout Campout for 5/30 through 6/2 at the First Baptist Church.  Scouts who attend will have the chance to work on the requirements for the Scout Rank.  There will also be opportunities for scouts to work on other advancement requirements.   

Simon Kenton Council Baseball night:  Friday, 6/14 the Columbus Clippers are hosting their 23rd annual Simon Kenton Council Scout night.  Scouts will get a chance to take part in a parade around the field prior to the game.  The parade starts at 6:20pm.  Cost for tickets for reserved seats are $10 for adults and $8 for youth and for bleacher seats $8 for adults and $6 for youth.  I will get a sign up genius out for this event for the next Scoutmaster email.  

Camp Falling Rock Summer Camp 2024:  Summer Camp this year is from Sunday, June 30th to Saturday July 6th at Camp Falling Rock.  Anyone who is planning to go to Summer Camp will need a current Medical Form A, B1,B2 and C.  I have attached those forms to this email.  The troop has been registered for Summer Camp, however, there is still time to sign up using the link below to sign up.  If you have any questions, please reach out to me.  For the adults and scouts who have already registered, the troop needs to collect $350 per scout and $200 per adult at the Court of Honor on 5/14.  For anyone who has signed up after April 30th, the cost for the scouts is $400 but if there are issues with the cost, please see myself or Committee Chair Jason Savage.  

5/17 – 5/19:       OA Conclave at Camp Manatoc
5/25:                   Memorial Day Flag Placement Greenlawn Cemetery 
5/25:                   Henry Ciocca Eagle Scout Project
5/31 – 6/1:         Ordeal / Brotherhood at Camp Falling Rock
5/31 – 6/1:         New Scout Campout to be determined
6/2:                      PLC Meeting
6/2:                      Committee Meeting
6/9 - 6/26:           Philmont Scout Ranch
6/14:                    Simon Kenton Council Baseball night at Clipper Stadium
6/30 - 7/6:          Summer Camp, Camp Falling Rock, no troop meeting
7/14 - 7/20:        Seabase
8/4:                      PLC Meeting
8/4:                      Committee Meeting
8/30 - 9/1:          Put in Bay Campout
9/20 - 9/22:        Flight 93 Memorial Trip
10/12:                 Three Eagle Shootout
11/15 - 11/17:   Backpacking Trip
12/6 - 12/8:        Camp in and trip to Columbus Museum of Art

Tuesday, May 7, 2024


 Pack 136 Campout:  Pack 136 held their Spring Campout at the lower camp at Falling Rock.  Several scouts from Troop 136 came out to help the Pack with the cooking and with the Crossover Ceremony.  Zack Newcomb spent the day cooking, Josh Savage helped with the Crossover Ceremony.  Derick Jordan came out and camped with the Pack and Liam Blackstone came out to support the Pack. Thank you scouts for supporting the Pack and being a bridge to Scouts BSA. 

Mulch at First Baptist Church:  Tuesday, 5/7, the troops will be meeting at the First Baptist Church on 3301 Orders Rd in Grove City at 7pm to spread mulch for them.  These hours will add to the hours scouts have earned for the mulch fundraiser.  Make sure to wear your old mulch clothes.

Ladies of Gantz Flower Guarding:  Friday, 5/10 volunteers from the Troops will meet at Gantz Park at 2255 Home Rd in Grove City at 6pm.  The scouts will be guarding flowers for the Ladies of Gantz for their flower sale on Saturday.  Scouts who attend  will earn service hours.  The troop will provide pizza and pop for a snack.  Below is the sign-up genius.  Scouts do not need to stay the entire night.

Aviation Merit Badge:  Saturday, 5/11 there is an opportunity for scouts to earn the Aviation Merit Badge.  There are currently 5 scouts from the Troop who have signed up for this opportunity.  If anyone has signed up, please let me know so that I can link the Merit Badge Counselor to your scout in Scoutbook.  Below is the link to sign up if you're interested.

Flag Placement at Green Lawn Cemetery:  On Saturday, 5/25 at 9am, the Troops have been invited to place flags on the grave sites of deceased veterans at Green Lawn Cemetery.  There will be a memorial service following the placing of the flags.  More information on this to come.

Henry Ciocca Eagle Scout Project:  Henry Ciocca is asking for help on his Eagle Scout Project on Saturday, 5/25.  Henry's Eagle Scout Project is to re-work a large flower bed at the Grant Sawyer Home on Hahn Rd in Grove City.  The Grand Sawyer Home is believed to have been built in the 1830s and along with the Gantz house is on the National Register of Historic Places.  Henry will also be cleaning up the other flower beds and mulching.  Please put this on your calendar and come support Henry and the Southwest Franklin County Historical Society.  Scouts who would like to participate in both events on 5/25 will have the opportunity to place flags in the morning and participate in Henry's Eagle Scout Project in the afternoon.  Below is the sign-up genius for Henry's Eagle Project.

Camp Falling Rock Summer Camp 2024:  Summer Camp this year is from Sunday, June 30th to Saturday July 6th at Camp Falling Rock.  Anyone who is planning to go to Summer Camp will need a current Medical Form A, B1,B2 and C.  I have attached those forms to this email.  The troop has been registered for Summer Camp, however, there is still time to sign up using the link below to sign up.  If you have any questions, please reach out to me.  For the adults and scouts who have already registered, the troop needs to collect $350 per scout and $200 per adult at the Court of Honor on 5/14.

Court of Honor:  The Troop will hold their Spring Court of Honor on Tuesday, 5/14 at 7pm.  Our Committee Chair Jason Savage will also be receiving his Woodbadge Beads after successfully completing his Woodbadge Ticket.  Please come out to celebrate with your scouts and with Jason.  The troop would like to invite everyone for a desert share after the Court of Honor.  If you're able to bring a desert to share, please sign up using the sign-up genius below.  If you bring something with nuts, please put a note on the desert as we have a scout with nut allergies.

New Scout Camp out:  The Troop has scheduled a New Scout Campout for 5/30 through 6/2 at the First Baptist Church.  Scouts who attend will have the chance to work on the requirements for the Scout Rank.  There will also be opportunities for scouts to work on other advancement requirements.   

Upcoming Events:

5/10:                    Guarding Flowers at Gantz:  6pm
5/17 – 5/19:       OA Conclave at Camp Manatoc
5/25:                   Memorial Day Flag Placement Greenlawn Cemetery 
5/25:                   Henry Ciocca Eagle Scout Project
5/31 – 6/1:         Ordeal / Brotherhood at Camp Falling Rock
5/31 – 6/1:         New Scout Campout to be determined
6/2:                      PLC Meeting
6/2:                      Committee Meeting
6/9 - 6/26:           Philmont Scout Ranch
6/30 - 7/6:          Summer Camp, Camp Falling Rock, no troop meeting
7/14 - 7/20:        Seabase
8/4:                      PLC Meeting
8/4:                      Committee Meeting
8/30 - 9/1:          Put in Bay Campout
9/20 - 9/22:        Flight 93 Memorial Trip
10/12:                 Three Eagle Shootout
11/15 - 11/17:   Backpacking Trip
12/6 - 12/8:        Camp in and trip to Columbus Museum of Art

Monday, April 22, 2024


 Mulch Sale 2024:  This upcoming weekend Troops 136 and 7136 will hold their biggest fundraiser of the year.  We will meet at the park beside 4927 Snowy Creek Drive in the Creekside development.

on Friday, 4/26/2024 as close to 6pm as possible.  If anyone can get there before that, we can use help.  On Saturday, 4/27/2024, we will begin at 8am by meeting at the same park and move over to the HOA area and spread mulch.  The Troop will provide lunch on Saturday of Subs, chips, cookies, and water.  Here is a link to sign up for the type of sub that you and your scout would like.  Anyone who is working, please sign up for a sub.  Boy Scout Troop 136 and Girl Scout Troop 7136: Mulch 2024 Sub sandwich sign up (signupgenius.com).  If anyone has any questions, please reach out to me, Jason Savage or Jeff Colburn at troop136mulch@gmail.com.  If you have a truck and / or trailer, please respond to my post on the BAND App.  Remember, the mulch will stain clothes and hands so be sure to wear old clothes and gloves, dress for the weather and bring a water bottle.  

Pack 136 Campout:  Pack 136 is having their Spring campout at Camp Falling Rock on May 3-5.  If you're a den chief for the Pack and want to go help out at the Pack Campout, please let me know.

Ladies of Gantz Flower Sale:  Friday, May 10th, at 6pm, the Troop will be guarding the flowers at Gantz Park.  I will be getting a sign-up genius out for this.  This is always a fun event and you earn service hours for this event.  

Flag Placement at Green Lawn Cemetery:  On Saturday, May 25th at 9am, the Troops have been invited to place flags on the grave sites of deceased veterans at Green Lawn Cemetery.  There will be a memorial service following the placing of the flags.  More information on this to come.

Henry Ciocca Eagle Scout Project:  Henry Ciocca is asking for help on his Eagle Scout Project on Saturday, May 25th.  Henry's Eagle Scout Project is to re-work a large flower bed at the Grant Sawyer Home on Hahn Rd in Grove City.  The Grand Sawyer Home is believed to have been built in the 1830s and along with the Gantz house is on the National Register of Historic Places.  Henry will also be cleaning up the other flower beds and mulching.  Please put this on your calendar and come support Henry and the Southwest Franklin County Historical Society.  Time to be determined.

New Scout Camp out:  The troop has tentatively planned a New Scout Campout for the weekend of May 31st to June 2nd. 

Camp Falling Rock Summer Camp 2024:  Summer Camp this year is from Sunday, June 30th to Saturday July 6th at Camp Falling Rock.  Anyone who is planning to go to Summer Camp will need a current Medical Form A, B1,B2 and C.  I have attached those forms to this email.  Below is the link for the sign up:

Upcoming Events:

4/23:                    Troop meeting / Crew meeting
4/26 – 4/28:       Troop 136 Mulch Delivery and Spreading
5/5:                      PLC Meeting
5/5:                      Committee Meeting
5/3 – 5/5:            Pack 136 Spring Campout
5/10:                    Guarding Flowers at Gantz:  6pm
5/17 – 5/19:       OA Conclave at Camp Manatoc
5/25:                   Memorial Day Flag Placement Greenlawn Cemetery 
5/25:                   Henry Ciocca Eagle Scout Project
5/31 – 6/1:         Ordeal / Brotherhood at Camp Falling Rock
5/31 – 6/1:         New Scout Campout to be determined
6/2:                      PLC Meeting
6/2:                      Committee Meeting
6/9 - 6/26:           Philmont Scout Ranch
6/30 - 7/6:          Summer Camp, Camp Falling Rock, no troop meeting
7/14 - 7/20:        Seabase
8/4:                      PLC Meeting
8/4:                      Committee Meeting
8/30 - 9/1:          Put in Bay Campout
9/20 - 9/22:        Flight 93 Memorial Trip
10/12:                 Three Eagle Shootout
11/15 - 11/17:   Backpacking Trip
12/6 - 12/8:        Camp in and trip to Columbus Museum of Art

Thursday, April 11, 2024


 Solar Eclipse 2024:  I hope you all got a chance to enjoy the Solar Eclipse.  Remember, to earn the 2024 Solar Eclipse Patch, you will need to discuss what you saw during the eclipse or what happens during a solar eclipse.  Feel free to chat with any of the adults in the Troop about this and we can make sure that Mr. Baughman has your name down to earn the patch.

Parent's Meeting:  I would like to have a parent's meeting on Tuesday, 4/16/2024 to help answer questions that anyone may have.

April Hocking Hills Campout:    The PLC has been working on a plan to camp in the Hocking Hills over the weekend of April 19-21.  They have several different ideas to nail down as far as the events they want to do.  I will have a permission slip ready for the campout at the next troop meeting.

Mulch update:   Hey scouts and parents.  Mulch is coming up at the end of this month.  We will be delivering Mulch on Friday, April 27th and Saturday, April 28th.  Hopefully we'll get the deliveries and spreading done on these two days.  How do you earn $?  After the mulch is paid for, the total profit is divided by the total number of hours worked to get the hourly rate.  Each scout will be paid the hourly rate times the number of hours the work to get a total earned for the mulch sale.  We will need as much help as possible to make sure we take care of our customer's needs.  We'll be wearing old clothes, shoes and gloves.  Make sure to dress for the weather.  GRRRR!

Pack 136 Campout:  Pack 136 is having their Spring campout at Camp Falling Rock on May 3-5.  If you're a den chief for the Pack and want to go help out at the Pack Campout, please let me know.

Ladies of Gantz Flower Sale:  Friday, May 10th, at 6pm, the Troop will be guarding the flowers at Gantz Park.  I will be getting a sign-up genius out for this.  This is always a fun event and you earn service hours for this event.  

Flag Placement at Green Lawn Cemetery:  On Saturday, May 25th at 9am, the Troops have been invited to place flags on the grave sites of deceased veterans at Green Lawn Cemetery.  There will be a memorial service following the placing of the flags.  More information on this to come.

Henry Ciocca Eagle Scout Project:  Henry Ciocca is asking for help on his Eagle Scout Project on Saturday, May 25th.  Henry's Eagle Scout Project is to re-work a large flower bed at the Grant Sawyer Home on Hahn Rd in Grove City.  The Grand Sawyer Home is believed to have been built in the 1830s and along with the Gantz house is on the National Register of Historic Places.  Henry will also be cleaning up the other flower beds and mulching.  Please put this on your calendar and come support Henry and the Southwest Franklin County Historical Society.  Time to be determined.

New Scout Camp out:  The troop has tentatively planned a New Scout Campout for the weekend of May 31st to June 2nd. 

Camp Falling Rock Summer Camp 2024:  Summer Camp this year is from Sunday, June 30th to Saturday July 6th at Camp Falling Rock. 

Tuesday, April 2, 2024


 I hope everyone enjoyed your Spring Break.  

Gateway District Awards Social:  The Gateway District Awards Social was held on Sunday, 3/24/24 at the Grove City Methodist Church.  Congratulations to all the award winners from the district.  Winners from Troop 136 were: 
  • Carter Freeman received the Carl Cheeseman Eagle Project of the Year Award for his Eagle Scout Project.
  • Jim Baughman received the Pathfinder Award
  • Jason Savage received the Bridge Builder Award
  • Ron Newcomb received the Bridge Builder Award
Honor Flight # 129:  Members of Troop 136 traveled to John Glenn International Airport on Thursday 3/28 to greet 90 veterans from World War II, Korea, Viet Nam, the Cold War and the Gulf War, including Cindy Freeman's father Fred Kaiser. The crowd lined up, clapped, cheered, shook the hands of veterans, welcomed them home and thanked them for their service.  Great job Troop 136!

2024 Solar Eclipse:  For any scouts interested in earning the 2024 Solar Eclipse patch, please follow the steps below:

Earning the 2024 patch is easy and fun. It could make a great activity for a den meeting, pack meeting, Scouts BSA meeting, family outing … and everything in between.

  1. Locate a site suitable for viewing the eclipse. There are lots of good sources out there, but I’m partial to NASA’s official site, which lists all the major cities over which the eclipse will cross, with the exact times that Scouts and families need to be ready.
  2. Describe how to safely view the eclipse. It is not safe to look directly at the sun without specialized eye protection for solar viewing. This includes looking at it through binoculars, a telescope or your phone’s camera. Solar viewing glasses are thousands of times darker than regular sunglasses. Look for solar viewing glasses that comply with the ISO 12312-2 international standard. You can also safely view an eclipse using an indirect viewing method, such as Scout Life’s shoebox viewer.
  3. Discuss with your group what you saw and felt during the eclipse. A total solar eclipse happens when the moon passes between the sun and Earth. Depending on how close you are to the path of totality, you may see the sky darken considerably. Depending on the weather, you could see stars, as if it were nighttime. In some instances, night creatures might even come out.
  4. Do the following:   Scouts BSA members: Draw a diagram of the positions of the moon, Earth and sun to show how the solar eclipse occurs.
April Hocking Hills Campout:    The PLC has been working on a plan to camp in the Hocking Hills over the weekend of April 19-21.  They have several different ideas to nail down as far as the events they want to do.  Below is the sign up genius:  https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050D49ACA62FA1FE3-48855179-troop

Mulch update:   Thank you to the 11 scouts and 10 adults who met at the Creekside and passed out mulch flyers. Please mark your calendars for Saturday, April 27th.  This is a great opportunity to earn money for camps or other scouting costs.  Mulch orders are due by April 1st.  GRRRRR

Gardens at Gantz Flower Guarding:  Friday, May 10th volunteers from Troop 136 will be helping guard the plants at Gantz Farm.  Scouts will be sleeping in the tents with the plants and receive service hours for watching them. 

Flag Placement Green Lawn Cemetery:  Saturday, May 25th Troop 136 has been invited to place flags on the grave sites of veterans at Green Lawn Cemetery.  

Camp Falling Rock Summer Camp 2024:  Summer Camp this year is from Sunday, June 30th to Saturday July 6th at Camp Falling Rock.  Below is the link for the sign up:

Upcoming Events:

4/7:                     Committee Meeting
4/8:                     Eclipse Viewing as families
4/12 – 4/14:       OA Spring Fellowship at Camp Lazarus
4/19 – 4/21:       Troop Campout at Hocking Hills
4/26 – 4/28:       Troop 136 Mulch Delivery and Spreading
5/5:                      PLC Meeting
5/5:                      Committee Meeting
5/3 – 5/5:            Pack 136 Spring Campout
5/10:                    Guarding Flowers at Gantz
5/17 – 5/19:       OA Conclave at Camp Manatoc
5/25:                   Memorial Day Flag Placement Greenlawn Cemetery (TBD)
5/31 – 6/1:         Ordeal / Brotherhood at Camp Falling Rock
5/31 – 6/1:         New Scout Campout
6/2:                      PLC Meeting
6/2:                      Committee Meeting
6/9 - 6/26:           Philmont Scout Ranch
6/30 - 7/6:          Summer Camp, Camp Falling Rock, no troop meeting
7/14 - 7/20:        Seabase
8/4:                      PLC Meeting
8/4:                      Committee Meeting