Thursday, August 8, 2024


 Yearly Plan:  The PLC met on Sunday, 8/4 for an extended meeting in order to plan the next 18 months events.  The PLC decided that due to the time conflict between the Arts in the Alley Parade and the campout at Flight 93, that they would postpone the trip to Flight 93.   The Troop plans to march in the Arts in the Alley Parade on 9/21.  I am including a link to the next 18 months events so that you can put these dates on your calendars.   Troop 136 - Yearly Plan 2023-2024-2025 - Google Sheets  Everyone who has the link should have viewing access.  Please let me know if you don't have access.

Citizenship Workshop:  Mr. Savage is holding the final workshop for the Citizenship Merit Badges Sunday, 8/11/24 from 3pm to 6pm..  If you have not sent your message or email to your congressman, please make sure you do so and bring the response to Mr. Savage this Sunday.

Put in Bay Campout:  The Put in Bay campout is right around the corner.  This trip is planned for August 30 - September 1.  Reservations have been made at the group camping at East Harbor State Park at Lakeside Marblehead, OH.  Below is the link for the sign up and I have attached the permission slip as well.  Cost for this event will be approximately $100 depending on the number of participants.  If the troop does not have current medical forms on hand, you will not be able to attend.

OA Ordeals:  There are two OA Ordeals in the upcoming weeks.  Below are the dates and the link to each weekend:

Arts in the Alley Parade:  The Grove City Arts in the Alley Parade will be held on Saturday, 9/21.  I will be reaching out to other troops in Grove City to join with Troops 136 and 7136 in carrying the American Flag in the Parade.  I will have a Signup Genius in a future email.

Alex Royce Eagle Project:  Due to an error from the manufacturer, the hardware for the last table was left out of the box.  Alex will post when the hardware has arrived and schedule a work day to finish up his project.  Great progress has been made to this point and members of the church that I have spoken to are very pleased with the progress.  

David Sweet Eagle COH:  David Sweet has scheduled his Eagle Court of Honor for Sunday, 9/8 at 2:30 pm.  More to come regarding this COH.

Henry Ciocca Eagle COH:  Henry Ciocca has scheduled his Eagle COH for Sunday, 10/13.  More to come on this COH.

Fall Court of Honor:  The Troops will be holding their Fall Court of Honor on Tuesday, 9/24.  Please plan to attend this meeting and support the scouts for all of their hard work over the Summer.  

Den Chiefs:  Pack 136 is interested in scouts who are looking for a leadership role in the Pack as Den Chiefs.  For the past 3 years, every den in the Pack has had a den chief.  The duties of den chiefs are to promote scouting in the den, set a good example, help the den leader when needed in den meetings and help the Pack at Pack meetings.  Den Chiefs serve as a bridge to the Troop and give the cub scouts someone close to their age to look up to and follow.  Please let me know if you are interested in helping out the Pack.

8/11:                    Citizenship in the World Merit Badge 2pm to 5pm
8/16 - 8/18:        OA Ordeal  at Camp OYO
8/23 - 8/25:        Green Bar Adult Leader Training Weekend #1 at Camp Falling Rock
8/30 - 9/1:          Put in Bay Campout
9/1:                      PLC Meeting
9/8:                      David Sweet Eagle Court Of Honor
9/13 - 9/15:        Green Bar Adult Leader Training Weekend #2 at Camp Falling Rock
9/20 - 9/22:        OA Ordeal at Camp Lazarus
9/21:                    Arts in the Alley Parade
9/24:                    Fall COH
10/6:                    PLC Meeting
10/12:                 Three Eagle Shootout
10/13:                  Henry Ciocca Eagle Court of Honor
11/15 - 11/17:   Backpacking Trip
12/6 - 12/8:        Camp in and trip to Columbus Museum of Art

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