Dear Parents and Scouts:
Just a reminder that we will be
having our Court of Honor on this coming Tuesday – starting at 6:30 PM. We will be a
little challenged because the Winter Guard will just be finishing up before we
start our dinner. If I can get some help early [say about 6 pm-ish] to be
there to assist in set up that would be great. Remember to bring the
Pot-luck items that your patrol was assigned. The troop will furnish
table setting and drinks. We will have our dinner first followed by a couple of
presentation and then our Court of Honor.
We will also be having a
presentation from Venture Crew 136 on the possibility of older boys joining
their group as well. Mr. Peters will have information on this group at
our Court of Honor.
We will have our annual Friends of
Scouting presentation given by representatives from our council This is a
way that you can give back to scouting in a monetary gift. Please see the
information below from our Scouting Executive, Megan Valone.
Kirk Bohanan
Scoutmaster Troop 136
Grove City, Ohio
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