Friday, January 31, 2020

Campouts, SCUBA, Religious Sunday, and PLC meetings

Hi Troop 136!

There are two forms that are time sensitive and are due at the next troop meeting on February 4th.  These are the Chief Logan Klondike Permission Form and the SCUBA Diving Permission Form.  I need to register our Scouts and Adults by February 7th for the Chief Logan Campout.  I also need to make the down payment for Rick's SCUBA by February 7th to reserve our spot for those interested in the one hour introduction course.  The third item is due on February 11th for the Maple Fest in March.  

Campout - February 14-16  Permission Form is due February 4th
The PLC voted on January 22nd to attend the Chief Logan Klondike.  We will meet at the church at 6 pm and leave at 6:30 on February 14th.  Plan for cold weather camping that weekend.  We will be sleeping in tents. We will have lunch and dinner provided at the Dining Hall by the staff.  This means that we will only provide a cracker barrel and breakfast on Saturday and Sunday.  The cost is $25 Scouts, $20 for adults. There are several Scouts who need to earn the Cooking Merit Badge.  This is the time to work on those requirements.  You will work with the counselor to complete requirement #5.   

SCUBA Diving - February 29th Permission Form is due February 4th
The PLC wanted to go SCUBA Diving this year.  This is an event we will have on Saturday, February 29th.  It is open to youth and adults.  You will need to be a swimmer for this event.  If you passed the test last summer, you will not need to retest.  If you did not pass and want to take the test if you did not pass the test, you can schedule with the Scoutmaster to take the test or you can show up and they will administer the test at the pool before we begin the one hour introduction to SCUBA Diving.

Campout Maple Fest - March 6-8, 2020 Permission Form is due February 11th
We are helping with the Maple Fest at this campout.  Our station will be the rope station.  The Scouts will be able to work in teams on this event.  Only one team will have to be at the rope station during the day.  This will allow the other team (s) to go and explore the Maple Fest.  The teams will take turns showing Cub Scouts the rope station. 

Religious - Scout Sunday, Duty to God on February 9th
Here is the signup for the event.  We need more Scouts to participate.  Right now, there are only two that have signed up!  Be at the church at 8:30.  We will begin handing out the programs.  If you want to help pass out the collection plates and even read some scripture to the church, please let me know.
Here is the signup for Scout Sunday:
Jim Rose is also working on a plan for our troop to offer to our Scouts the Duty to God presentation to the Scouts.  The Duty to God will be done over three months and will be a great opportunity for our Scouts to learn more about the program what they can do to honor him while in Scouting.  Here is the website for more information:    and

PLC Meeting (Patrol Leader's Council Meeting) Goals:
When we finished the training of our PLC this month on January 26th, I challenged each Scout to set goal(s) they want to accomplish while they are in leadership positions.  Below are the goal(s) they have set for the next three months.  Our next troop elections will be held on May 5th.  At that time, I will ask each Scout who have served in their positions what they were able to accomplish during these three months.  If they want to be reelected or want to run for office, they need to focus on these goals and the accomplishment of these goals.  I am very excited about our PLC and the progress they have made so far.  Here are the goals and my goals as well:
Shane (SPL):
     1. When sign is up everybody gets quiet within 10 seconds
     2. Communicate with scoutmaster more
     3. Have a copy for camp out schedule on hand during campouts
Zack (ASPL):
     1.Help SPL
     2.Get to know the whole troop better
Noah (Historian/Patrol Leader):
     1.Get to know patrol
     2.Learn what to do as Historian
Calvin (Patrol Leader):
     1. Keep patrol on task
     2. Lead patrol effectively
     3. Make sure patrol accomplishes something
Alex (Librarian):
     1. Update library
Elias (Scribe):
     1. Take notes efficiently and document them
Carter (Troop Webmaster):
     1. Revamp the website  
Phil (Scoutmaster)
     1.  Help every Scout will earn at least one rank during 2020
     2.  Have weekly meetings with the SPL discuss upcoming items
     3.  Help the SPL follow up with Scouts who did not attend a meeting/event during the month
     4.  Communicate with the Troop using Band App, email and website at least once per week
     5.  Setup a GoogleDoc to track all of our troop procedures to help the new Scouts and parents coming to our troop know what we do in our troop

Band app:
In case you have not downloaded the Band app yet, you are missing out!  You can see updates, pictures and other items that help with basic communication within the troop.  When you download the app, there is an access code that you will need. Please see me so that I can give you the access code.   We are limiting who has access to this for a variety of reasons.

Phillip Freeman

Scoutmaster, Troop 136 in Grove City, OH 

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