Thursday, February 13, 2020

Summer Camp info

Hi again!

Are you craving warmer weather and are thinking about summer and no school?  Maybe you are thinking about summer camp already?  If so, you are in luck!  I have information about summer camps!

I know it is early, but I'd rather let you know about some due dates now so that you can plan accordingly.  I am excited for our summer camp adventures.  I am also excited about two summer camp options this summer!  There are two options for your Scout this summer:

Option #1 - Muskingum Valley Scout Reservation June 28 - July 4th!
This is our annual week of camp and is the focus of Troop summer camp program. Their theme this summer: Myths and Legends

Here is the summer camp logo for MVSR:

We have the same campsite as last year - Zane.  It is a very nicely shaded campsite.  This is our third year at MVSR.  Historically we have been to a summer camp for two years and then we go to another camp for two years to have different experiences at another summer camp.  Be thinking about what you would like to do for 2021!  Do you want to continue going to MVSR or do you want to go to anther camp?  I will ask at our next few troop meetings and be getting feedback from you.  This will also be discussed at the next PLC Meeting.

What you need to do if you want to go to the MVSR summer camp:
1.  Make a $25, non-refundable deposit by March 3rd, 2020 and your Scout will receive the early bird incentive item.
2.  Pay the rest of the amount needed for the $270 by May 5th.  After this date, the price goes to $285.
These dates give us time to go to the council office and make a payment for the camp.  

Option #2 - Chief Logan Reservation July 5 - July 11th  
In case you cannot make it for the MVSR Summer Camp June 28- July 4, I have decided to go to Chief Logan and spend a week at this camp since this might be the last year for Scouts to go to summer camp at Chief Logan.  The decision to close the camp will be made in May by our council.  If you want to experience Chief Logan, you are invited to go with me July 5th - July 11th.  It is not required and is definitely not something you have to do.  I wanted to experience Chief Logan myself.  They have a great Frontiersman program and I am hoping to be able to complete the first year program while at camp.

What you need to do if you want to go to Chief Logan summer camp:  
1.  Make a deposit of $280 by April 7th.
2.  Or make a deposit after April 7th until May 12th for $300
3.  Or after April 12th, it is $320.
These dates give us time to go to the council office and make a payment for the camp.

What you need to do if you want to go to one of the summer camps:
1.  Deposit for Summer Camp #1 - Muskingum Valley Scout Reservation is due March 3rd for the amount $25 for the early bird price.
2.  Payment for Summer Camp #2 - Chief Logan is due April 7th for the $280 price.
These dates give us time to go to the council office and make a payment for the camp. 

The permission slips for these campouts will be given out at the meeting on Tuesday night and shared in the next email to parents.  Let me know if you have any questions.

Phillip Freeman
Scoutmaster, Troop 136 in Grove City, OH 

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